Assassins Creed 2 and Brotherhood are great games that I can recommend without disclaimers. AC1 is also amazing for the actual assassination missions, but its definitely repetitive and not for everybody.Whats the verdict on Ass Creed? I played one it was terrible but the word is the franchise turned around in the last few years, that being the case whats the best one to get into again?
I bought Revelations for that $13.59 price. I went "D'oh!" because I'm probably not going to touch it for a while. It was just there so... yeah, it happened.
I will add everyone once this all gets resolved!
I am hoping Arma2 goes on for more then 20% I want it to hit 50% so I can get it cheap then grab end of dayz but I can't justify $20+ for a game I only want to run a mod on
... Didn't we have a 'recommendations for under $10/$5' listing for last year's sale? Where is this year's 'best of the cheap' list?
Decided to wait on Rage and Age of Empires... two games I'd be willing to budge on if they were 4.99. Thought they were mad for selling AoE for so much but after looking at the top sellers list they sure know what they're doing. For those who haven't seen it it's actually number ONE right now. Damn son.
AOE III is a good one, you missed CIV V but it may come back later on.Anyone have any recommendations for someone whose interested in trying to get into RTS games? Anything I should be looking for during the sale?
Anyone have any recommendations for someone whose interested in trying to get into RTS games? Anything I should be looking for during the sale?
Did I miss a flash sale for Fallout 3?
Did I miss a flash sale for Fallout 3?
Did I miss a flash sale for Fallout 3?
Dawn of War 1.Anyone have any recommendations for someone whose interested in trying to get into RTS games? Anything I should be looking for during the sale?
Which games are currently featured in the Flash section. I see FEAR, Cave Story and Shogun. I have one missing due to regional availability and at what price?
Which games are cuarrently featured in the Flash section. I seeFEAR, Cave Story and Shogun. I have one missing due to regional availability and at what price?
Assassins Creed 2 and Brotherhood are great games that I can recommend without disclaimers. AC1 is also amazing for the actual assassination missions, but its definitely repetitive and not for everybody.
Add me Yoshi.
Steam ID: Labombadog
Anyone have any recommendations for someone whose interested in trying to get into RTS games? Anything I should be looking for during the sale?
So I want to organize my Steam games.
Do I have to right click on each one to move it to a new category? Seems slow and tedious. Is there some better way to do this?
And New Vegas
The only simulation/tactical game I play are ROTK series. If I say homuhomu would you forgive me?
Whats the verdict on Ass Creed? I played one it was terrible but the word is the franchise turned around in the last few years, that being the case whats the best one to get into again?
Ok Assassin creed time for people that are asking for opinions:
-Assassins Creed 1 DONT BUY IT, is awful, terrible and repetitive. The story is bad, Altair is mr anticharisma, the fighting is horrible, the cities are the worse in the saga and the objectives and missions are repetition after repetition. The only good thing about it is marvel when you start playing AC2 and see how is such an improvement from this piece of shit. Read the story from a wiki if you are interested.
-Assassins Creed 2 IS FUCKING GREAT, gets all what 1 did wrong and makes it work. You will have a blast going around Italy's most famous towns and cities, with plenty of monuments and history to discover. Ezio is so fun as a character, it shits all over his predecessor and the story is also really entertaining and good. Even the Desmond parts are great with two new characters, Rebecca, the nerd girl, and Shaun, the british guy.
-Assassin Creed Brotherhood my favourite of them all, Rome is the most amazing setting in any AC. The story is really awesome, with great set pieces and characters. Lots of surprises if you are fan of the second game. Ezio even controls better than in 2.
The "dungeons" are also enchanced from AC2. Then you have the brotherhood system that blends with the story and is really fun to use.
However there is a perfect mission thing that can drive nuts to completitionists like me, I did it, but is not pleasent, beat the missions only, if you have a perfect good for you, if not, pass to the next thing.
And of course it has the multi, I only played some hours, but from what I played it was really fun.
-Assassins Creed Revelations is not really that bad, but its not great. Its only good. Constantinople even with some good buildings (Santa Sofia being the best one) feels more like AC1 cities than the marvels of 2 and BH. Then it has and awful defense tower minigame. Desmond parts are horrible.
The main story and villians are not interesting in the slightlest.
BUT it has reedeming factors, the "dungeons" are even better than in Borthehood, the music is one of the best of the series, and even if the main story is not that good, Ezio's own story is awesome with Sofia's parts being the best of the game storywise. And it ends Ezio's story (well you have to watch also an animation you will probably find in youtube), and even makes Altair's character better than in his own game, what is an accomplishment.
-Pass Assassin creed 1
-Buy 2 and Botherhood at any cost
-Wait to the christmas sales to buy Revelations as it will probably will have gone down in price.
I have seen people mentioning that they missed sales because of work etc. I'd like to remind you that you can buy/browse everything with Steam's iOS/Android app.
Already own New Vegas. Hopefully Fallout 3 gets a daily or something.
Also Fallout 3 says not optimized for Windows 7. Does it still run well?
You have to take the time to do it. Once you get the basic categories it will go pretty fast. The hardest part is thinking about how you're going to organize all your games and how many categories you want. Now when I buy games it's easy to organize everything with just a few clicks.
Unplayable in the sense that it constantly freezes meaning I have to restart my pc
I don't get cell phone reception at work![]()
You have to take the time to do it. Once you get the basic categories it will go pretty fast. The hardest part is thinking about how you're going to organize all your games and how many categories you want. Now when I buy games it's easy to organize everything with just a few clicks.
What's so good about Fallout 3/Vegas? Is it like Elder Scrolls with guns?
Opinions and all that, but:What is wrong with Revelations?
You have a web browser at work right? I mean you're typing on the forum. Why can't you participate through your web browser?
Amnesia is a flash deal for $4.99
So I'm thinking of picking up Rage, but the Euro price is kinda ridiculous at 16,99, more than twice as expensive as the US version. Can anyone from US-Gaf help me out here? How does it work if I wanna buy a game from Steam in $ instead of ?
Amnesia is a flash deal for $4.99
Opinions and all that, but:
* Don't like the tower defense game.
* Bombs and bomb-making seem extraneous.
* Addition of invulnerable guard towers w/ riflemen to add difficulty feels cheap.
* No riddles/puzzles/The Truth minigames.
* While I can max out performance for the campaign, the in-animus sequences run like a slideshow on my rig. I guess its two different engines at work. But neither the story or the gameplay grabbed me enough to work out those technical kinks.
To me its the worst AC of the bunch and shows that the milking of the series finally caught up with them.