Who doesn't own both AC and The Witcher 2 at this point?
Own neither Batman: AC nor the Witcher 2, and have no intention of buying either.
Do own Saints Row 3 though
On 360 :X
Who doesn't own both AC and The Witcher 2 at this point?
You feel the probable daily deal, right?
could still be a daily, happened before.
Oh damn it. I've really no interest in Saints Row. GTA type games don't really appeal to me, let alone one with as much crude absurdity as that one looks to have. I guess I'll just buy Witcher 2 at 40% off. Lord knows I'll get my money's worth out of it anyway.
I'm going to laugh when the chosen game only gets the Community Discount, but the games that lose get a daily deal with a bigger discount than given by the community.
You'll see.. YOU'LL ALL SEE
Same here. Bought it day one even though I knew I wouldn't play it before the summer sale. All to support Falcom and get more publishers to bring japanese games onto Steam.
I'm going to laugh when the chosen game only gets the Community Discount, but the games that lose get a daily deal with a bigger discount than given by the community.
You'll see.. YOU'LL ALL SEE
As somebody who voted for Batman, I'm hyped. Just finished Arkham Asylum, and this was the one thing I was waiting on. Hoping they give the DLC the same discount..
How is Trials 2: Second Edition on PC? I know the XBLA versions are supposed to be godly.
Own neither Batman: AC nor the Witcher 2, and have no intention of buying either.
Do own Saints Row 3 thoughOn 360 :X
Just noticed that Dustforce isn't discounted at all. Still at the full $9.99 price. Only game on my wishlist that's not discounted and has actually been released.
Damn it. That vote is pretty close too. Hopefully the other days have some more great deals.
How is Trials 2: Second Edition on PC? I know the XBLA versions are supposed to be godly.
Was kind of hoping that Rayman would have been around 10ish dollars.
Saints Row won dude
or at this point im thinking maybe its region based? there seems to be many people claiming different stuff
Damn, I was hoping it would be Witcher 2. Totally would have bitten on it if it was.
So what you're saying is your PC isn't good enough.
Bought Half Life 2....got like another 15 bucks. How's Dungeon Defenders? btw, Mac only, so hopefully they add in more in more games that are available for Mac also.
Both of the XBLA versions beat it to a bloody pulp, but if you don't have a 360 it's worth a punt at £1.49, you'll probably get your money's worth out of it.
RE: poll, I voted Batman as that's the only game I didn't already own.
I think depending on what hat, I'd vote for the hat.Imagine Valve asks whether we want Half-Life 3 or a hat for TF2, and the community chooses wrong...
Imagine Valve asks whether we want Half-Life 3 or a hat for TF2, and the community chooses wrong...
Saints Row won dude
or at this point im thinking maybe its region based? there seems to be many people claiming different stuff
I just walked in; can I not vote anymore for today's? Did I miss out on a badge opportunity?
Imagine Valve asks whether we want Half-Life 3 or a hat for TF2, and the community chooses wrong...
Is Grimrock worth $6 to someone relatively inexperienced in the genre of dungeon crawlers? The closest thing I've played to crawlers is Diablo 2 and 3. And Phantasy Star Online/Portable.
I just don't want to buy it and end up hating it.
I just walked in; can I not vote anymore for today's? Did I miss out on a badge opportunity?
Is Grimrock worth $6 to someone relatively inexperienced in the genre of dungeon crawlers? The closest thing I've played to crawlers is Diablo 2 and 3. And Phantasy Star Online/Portable.
I just don't want to buy it and end up hating it.
Anywho, first person to do my avatar as pixel art (read: not stretching it in and out in MS paint :3 ) gets Wizorb.