Next Flash deal is Back to the Future 75% off
^^ This. From a quick skim read/advice; seems the Sword of Islam DLC is the only significant one; adds new lands, monarchs etc. NOT included in the package deal.
Buy/play Oath in Felghana first.
I've downloaded about 6 games without a problem so far, but every time I try and install this one I get that error.An error occurred while installing Rayman Origins (Invalid content configuration)
Yes, but I much rather preferred those. I have to work over eight hours a day and some of these sales last only a fraction of that time.
Hrm. Can't remember if Back to the Future was free to PS+ a while back or not.
10 days before BTTF expires? wtf?
new flash deal just killed my theory about them all ending at 10pst...
25 in the steam wallet
okay, I think that'll make it
Well, I'm going to bed I guess. I can't believe I'm doing this but I'll be setting my alarm to go off whenever a new flash deal is scheduled. I just have to call someone to check the deals for me while I'm at work and give them my username/password. Honestly can't believe I'm doing this. I guess I'll also have to give them my e-mail account since they'll be activating it on a new computer.
refresh a couple times, it's not quite working properly
Down to $105 from $150 today lol
...or just use the mobile client.
Still haven't bought anything but will definitely get Trine 2 if it wins.
I voted Trine 2 as well. but I bet magicka wins handily
I said "wow". You won't make it another week before having to pop another $100 in your account. Thankfully I get paid tomorrow.... but I also have several bills due as well.
I... have a flip phone.
You can check it out here. It doesn't particularly change the gameplay so I have no problem recommending it for a first playthrough. It's mostly a bug fixing and graphics update.
It was.
Is Ridge Racer Unbounded any good? Love Need for Speed and Burnout.
So quick 30 min impressions of Ridge Racer.
It's RR in name only. The game is like Split Second and Burnout had a baby. Drift has a dedicated button and is your primary way of building the power meter. Once powered the game will highlight things you can destroy. Activate power, or basically nitro and blow through things for stunt cams and usually a full refill of the power meter. This allows you to chain destroying targets without losing the power meter.
The burnout part? You can ram other cars (life meter is above the cars) for takedown cams and more power. You can also shockwave frag cars by destroying targets right next to them.
Took me 3 tries to get the mechanics down and get 1st place on the first race. There is a level progression system where your score in races is the xp you level with. This unlocks cars, races, and parts for the track editor that I haven't messed with yet.
Will play more in a bit after dinner.
Picked up SR3..I apologize if this has been asked but does a 360 controller work with it?
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic for me today for a total of 9.28.
Dark Messiah is $2.50 people!
Picked up SR3..I apologize if this has been asked but does a 360 controller work with it?
See below.