Is there any way for me to not reset it but have an email sent to me with my password?
this is pink
this is purple
this wont do steam I dont wanna be confused for a bunch of losers
First 3 people to quote this post get the ultimate discount (i.e. free code) on our most recent game on Steam, Penny Arcade's On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 4! Everybody else can make do with the regular 70% off.![]()
you can choose whether to play the original or include the expansion stuff.
First 3 people to quote this post get the ultimate discount (i.e. free code) on our most recent game on Steam, Penny Arcade's On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 4! Everybody else can make do with the regular 70% off.![]()
Thanks to Putin I just bought Dead Rising 3, Planetary Annihilation and Sins of Solar Empire. Rebellion for 26,5.
Right, so now I've gotten what I wanted from the dailies and the flash sales... is there nothing I can miss now until the next flash sale goes up in 7 hours?
First 3 people to quote this post get the ultimate discount (i.e. free code) on our most recent game on Steam, Penny Arcade's On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 4! Everybody else can make do with the regular 70% off.![]()
It's got a 46 Metacritic and 100% negative reviews.
... that being said, I will purchase it if it goes down to $2.50.
#TeamGreen!Half those posts are people talking about what team they're on, or not having any idea what the team thing is about.
Is there any way for me to not reset it but have an email sent to me with my password?
Humble Strategy bundle
TIER 1: 1$
TIER 2: 6$
- Sang Froid
- Stronghold Crusader HD
- Cubetractor
TIER 3: 9$
- Unity of Command
- Eador
- Space Hulk
- Ironclad Tactics
First 3 people to quote this post get the ultimate discount (i.e. free code) on our most recent game on Steam, Penny Arcade's On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 4! Everybody else can make do with the regular 70% off.![]()
I would go with the complete pack. Enemy within does add a lot of content
WTF!?! When did Ghostbusters go back on Steam?
It would be really shitty security if they could simply email your password.
Any website that allows this is not secure, because it means it's possible for them to have access to your raw password, which means that it is possible for a hacker to have access to your raw password. Literally any site that can tell you your password, you shouldn't use.
Picked up Enslaved for 5 EUR, my only purchase so far... been waiting on a good discount for a while, and even if it ends up going a bit lower in the following days, no big deal.
As for the other games on my wishlist, like MGS Rising, Betrayer or Lost Planet 3, I'm waiting for flash / daily / community deal.
Right, so now I've gotten what I wanted from the dailies and the flash sales... is there nothing I can miss now until the next flash sale goes up in 7 hours?
Or is there something else I'm unaware of?
Is The Last Remnant worth $2.50? xD
But this is how most "forgot your PW" links work, don't they? The PW is sent to the email of the account holder.
WTF!?! When did Ghostbusters go back on Steam?
What was the record for last steam sale?More than 1000 posts in under 1 hour, if this keeps up, this thread may get locked by the 2nd day of the Steam sale haha.
Is The Last Remnant worth $2.50? xD
First 3 people to quote this post get the ultimate discount (i.e. free code) on our most recent game on Steam, Penny Arcade's On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 4! Everybody else can make do with the regular 70% off.![]()
But this is how most "forgot your PW" links work, don't they? The PW is sent to the email of the account holder.
Is The Last Remnant worth $2.50? xD
Is The Last Remnant worth $2.50? xD
I don't think we're looking at the same game.