Where at? Russian traders?You can get both for under 10$.
Where at? Russian traders?You can get both for under 10$.
modbot pls respondDucktales Remastered - https://store.steampowered.com/account/ackgift/97E81AF462D48A20
FUCK, well take it
No you can't, I meant that you can add the HD pack because that's free but still not available in Germany. If you want the uncut Dogs you have to use a trader or ask someone to gift it to you or buy a key elsewhere.
Ducktales Remastered - https://store.steampowered.com/account/ackgift/97E81AF462D48A20
FUCK, well take it
Will be there. But only %50 as the highest discount.likelihood of a cod sale?
Jesus, this thread is moving fast...
Is there any Tomb Raider DLC that I should grab? I got the game (and yet to play it) already.
Ah, cheer up. Hopefully at least a Gaffer took it.Ducktales Remastered - https://store.steampowered.com/account/ackgift/97E81AF462D48A20
FUCK, well take it
Heh. Who took it?
Guys, should I get Tomb Raider for PC, or is the definitive remaster on PS4 better looking?
Ducktales Remastered - https://store.steampowered.com/account/ackgift/97E81AF462D48A20
FUCK, well take it
Great deals all around on front page today.
Gaf sell me on betrayer
FYI: RAFFLE15 doesn't exist. You want SHORTRAFFLE.
Guys, should I get Tomb Raider for PC, or is the definitive remaster on PS4 better looking?
Here's the Giant Bomb QL of Betrayer
looks pretty interesting.
What did Blue ever do to anyone?
I don't mean to cast aspersions, but anyone who doesn't vote for Broforce is also a hater of truth, justice, and ice cream.
Ducktales Remastered - https://store.steampowered.com/account/ackgift/97E81AF462D48A20
FUCK, well take it
FYI: RAFFLE15 doesn't exist. You want SHORTRAFFLE.
Damn Metal Gear Rising is a 23.7GB download...Not going to be able to play it for a while.
Do you want to play the totally dead multiplayer? If so, get the GOTY edition. If not, there's a few new outfits for Lara which look decent but are just cosmetic, and one tomb that you can finish in two minutes blindfolded.
Guys Outlast + DLC yay or nay?
1) Borderlands 2 GOTY does NOT include: The Headhunter Packs (5 of them ATM) AND The Ultimate Vault Hunters Upgrade Pack 2
2) Sleeping Dogs Story DLC = Year of the Snake, Nightmare in North Point, Zodiac Tournament
Heh. Who took it?
I get stingier and stingier the more Steam sales I see. You guys are saying buy MGSR, but I look at the price and think, no way in hell. Maybe two or three years ago I'd bite at a $15 game. Now my maximum is $3, my comfortable purchases more around $2.
I am okay with super low prices as impulse buys, because once you start going that low it doesn't feel so bad having them sit in your library unplayed. If you get Revengence now, and don't play it until after Christmas, you might have blown the opportunity to get it for $10, maybe even $5.
also im surprised nobody is freaking out over Reckoning 75% off, that thing is never on sale (on steam)[/SPOILER]