Batman Origins Season Pass or just Cold Cold Heart?
Season Pass is a better deal, since you get 10 costumes, a whole Challenge Room campaign, AND Cold Cold Heart
Batman Origins Season Pass or just Cold Cold Heart?
Batman Origins Season Pass or just Cold Cold Heart?
The dumbest thing are the four teams behind. How can it be, that they are so close to each other. Even if all lay back, there is no regular output that everyone has.This score is ridiculous.
How have the scores shifted so drastically between teams each day?
This score is ridiculous.
How have the scores shifted so drastically between teams each day?
JaseC is diappoint.
Of course she is. Have you never heard her dulcet tones while she speaks? You ought to check out the Nerdist Podcast where she was a guest.
season pass quickly, before it ends, it has cold heart and the other dlcs, except last three ones.
saw this in the hidden gems thread:
1. NO CARD, IRISH ACTRESS OR GENERAL STEAM TALK - Visit the main Steam summer sale thread for that:
Saoirse is irish?
The Workshop mods are more limited since I don't think the workshop hosts stuff like Skyrim Script Extender or SkyUI, which a lost of the ambitious mods require.
The Skyrim Nexus is the place I go for all my modding needs, and if you use lots and ltos of mods and start crashing, use BOSS and Wyre Bash to order and combine mods to fi your problems.
Isn't the season pass mainly skins? Yeah there's the Cold Heart stuff and the Young Bruce bit but other than that, it's just skins? Right? And there's no other skins in game to unlock? Do they all have to be purchased?
Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if they went ahead and rigged it after the first two days.I've decided it's rigged.
There is like 3 or 4 unlocked in-game. The DLC ones are mostly unique though.
Isn't the season pass mainly skins? Yeah there's the Cold Heart stuff and the Young Bruce bit but other than that, it's just skins? Right? And there's no other skins in game to unlock? Do they all have to be purchased?
I just need a Summer Card 6 and then I can craft my very first badge ever!
Are any of the DLC ones from Dark Knight Returns?
Isn't the season pass mainly skins? Yeah there's the Cold Heart stuff and the Young Bruce bit but other than that, it's just skins? Right? And there's no other skins in game to unlock? Do they all have to be purchased?
That Saoirse expression in your avatar reminds me of this:
the group with final fantay in it won, I am shocked
I am shocked and completely surprised sirs
Isn't the season pass mainly skins? Yeah there's the Cold Heart stuff and the Young Bruce bit but other than that, it's just skins? Right? And there's no other skins in game to unlock? Do they all have to be purchased?
Sniper Elite V2 was free 2 weeks ago? And just like that, my will to buy it evaporates into nothingness. (Especially when it's not at that magical price point of $5 or below.)
EDIT: And now a 2nd disappointing community vote result? Uuuuuuughhh. I won't be spending any money at this rate!
in a positive or negative way?
in a positive or negative way?
I guess mainly in an ironic way.
No Frank Miller Bats, no sale. As long as I can use the Nolan suit though I'll be happy.
I know that, I just expressed excitement being close to my first badge.
Maybe I saved myself some frustration, at least. One needs to count the smaller blessings.Yep. And I was enjpying it until I got stuck at a part where you're suppose to shoot a fuel canister on a tank. Except the tank stopped and I couldn't get a good angle on the cannister.
Err.... No Nolan suit. Everything is based off of comic appearances
Maybe I saved myself some frustration, at least. One needs to count the small blessings.
I was personally looking forward to making testicles rupture explosively. Headshots are cool too, though.I don't know, it might have just been my save that was glitched. I really enjoy all the slow mo headshots. And by headshots i mean neck/shoulder shots.
Unless I have failed miserably as a Batman uber-fan, I think that is a custom PC skin.
EDIT: yep, as JaseC said, as a mod.
Mod confirmedIt is.
Unless I have failed miserably as a Batman uber-fan, I think that is a custom PC skin.
EDIT: yep, as JaseC said, as a mod.
12.) Batman The Dark Knight - Complete the Dark Knight System/Challenges. (SAME AS THE DEFAULT BATSUIT EXCEPT WITH A DARK SHADED TONE ADDED)!
Buy this, the AOE2 DLC:
to activate the full game + the DLC for only $2.50.