Had a lot of time with XCOM Bureau, and I have to say that if this game is on sell again. I highly recommend it. It's a pretty good game, and it's literally XCOM in a 3rd person shooter. If you go into the game, expecting XCOM Enemy Unknown levels of strategy. Your going to be horribly disappointed. It's not that strategic.
Most commands you'll be giving your soldiers is who to target, where to go, what ability to use, or to revive someone (the usual XCOM commands but in a more active environment). You'll be giving commands a lot, since they happen very fast. If you tell someone to target an enemy. They'll target them, and drop them fast. Making you have to give them another command immediately (or let them do whatever they want). Telling an ally where to go, is essential. If you just run into a battle, your partners will follow you around the battlefield like a bunch of idiots. They'll run right next to you, or run somewhere else not caring about enemies locations. This is also a good time to mention, that your partners are complete idiots. Give them commands, they'll need them. There's also the usual team management, and you can send agents to missions of their own (this happens at the 2hr mark of the game which I thought should have been sooner). The story I don't have much to say. It's set in the 1960's, and aliens are attacking. Usual XCOM story, but in a different time period. Which I actually like. I'm a sucker for the 50/60's time period games.
The enemies are difficult, depending on what gets thrown at you. At first you get a bunch of small fry enemy infantry. Later on you get tanks, brutes, ships, etc. Those will annihlate you in a second, compared to some small soldier. Btw, I'm playing on easy and having a tough time. I wouldn't want to see what it's like on normal or hard.
Overall, buy it. Especially if it's $4 again. I'm enjoying it.