Flash 80% off
a friend of mine filled me in...
Nah, this card was from my family, not from Valve.
woot, good to hear I'm not ancient yet!
Oh I see. Its awesome that your family know you're a PC gamer to gift you that
Well the only thing I'd be worry about starting at 40 is yourprostate exams
Sucks. But you gotta do it to stay healthy.hope you have an awesome birthday weekend man. Some amazing steam deals will make it sweeter! Come on Gabe! Let's celebrate his birthday!
All those Female Protagonists community choices and no Remember Me?![]()
All those Female Protagonists community choices and no Remember Me?![]()
Steam roulette, for when you just can't decide what to play
All those Female Protagonists community choices and no Remember Me?![]()
Capcpom doesn't want money.
There's something hilarious aboutbeing in spoiler tags... like you don't want to spoil it for other 40-year-olds.prostate exams
I like the whole voting aspect but I think it would be more fun if steam picked one of the four games from each category to go head to head. Whichever one was bought more at the end of 8 hours would unlock the additional discounts on the other three.
Wow. Ass Creed 4's multiplayer community is DEAD on PC. That's... supremely disappointing since as a casual player I love playing Manhunt/Wolfpack in that mode.![]()
You could say they forgot about it.All those Female Protagonists community choices and no Remember Me?![]()
Child of Light is on my wishlist and it's one of the games I was hoping to pick up this sale. But with only a 25% discount, and Uplay to contend with, I think I'll wait until it's cheaper.
Would have possibly jumped on 33% off, would have definitely jumped on 50% or higher.
I have one game that I have picked out for each category. Though if enough interest is expressed, I wouldn't be oppose to having a 1st and 2nd place in each category where they can choose their games.For the fanfiction, since I would be writing for an audience, I kinda would like to know what game I should write for so knowing what kind of games he plays or what games he has played could be useful. (has he played final fantasy 6?)
Does the winner pick the game they want?
One day I would love to know how these sales work. Are companies really not sending valve instructions to lower these games more, does valve have a limited number of slots and picks and chooses, etc
How does a game like Magrunner, which was free on GOG, has no discount at all during the steam sale?
How does ubisoft give rayman legends 75% but not origins which is older
I stopped after a few days because wow do high level players get to shit on everyone with their unstoppable abilities.
And no one wanted to co-operate in the co-operative ones, imagine that.
I think I'm done with this sale guys. I decided to spend the rest of my sale money on Chrono Trigger for my 3DS (well, it's the DS version, but ya know...I'm going to play it on my 3DS), I'm going out of town twice in July to visit people and go to a bunch of concerts, and yeah, it's probably just best for me to save my money
Lmao, so i knew steam streaming or whatever was a thing, but never bothered to look into it. I have one pc in my bedroom and one in my living room. So i signed into steam in the LR and forgot i was signed in the BR. I thought my steam was glitching cause it said i had all these games installed. I tried one and then i was able to play the game perfectly using my 360 controller. It just blew my mind. Not that i need it, my LR pc is far stronger than my bedroom but damn, that was awesome magics
im sorry, is this the steam sale thread, or the "I have a life" thread. We dont need your kind here sir!
Pretty much what I said. 33% I probably would've bit, a higher discount would have made me bite almost immediately.
....i'll just check my leave then! *waits for original sin to release and chrono trigger to show up tomorrow*
if i do get enough card money though or my last paycheck shows up soon, i'll probably give away a game
One day I would love to know how these sales work.
All those Female Protagonists community choices and no Remember Me?![]()
I have one game that I have picked out for each category. Though if enough interest is expressed, I wouldn't be oppose to having a 1st and 2nd place in each category where they can choose their games.
And if I told you his likes and dislikes and stuff i feel that i wouldn't be impartial anymore. Sorry.
How is Payday 2 nowadays? Last time I played it on PS3. Which was launch week. It was glitchy as heck!
Well, well, well ... look who just got a steam gift certificate for his birfday...
can you guys feel the stereoscopic 3D superiority
You mean the summer sale. And KR0 was a daily right after it ended, as were most of the other 'lost' games, maybe they'll do the same this time.
can you guys feel the stereoscopic 3D superiority
All those Female Protagonists community choices and no Remember Me?![]()
Well, the first level of Shovel Knight was fun.
Very retro, maybe a bit too easy, and the levels are longer than what I was expecting (it took me 10-15 minutes I guess). There seem to be a lot of secrets I missed too.
Can't wait to see more.