Oh, so it is. The opposite of Valiant Hearts.Click on the page, KOF is 66% off, dudes.
I'm interested in Remember Me but it's not cheap enough, maybe on the Winter seal.
why the heck isnt KOF cheaper
Yeah, at only 33% off. SNK Playmore need to learn how to Steam Sale.
Oh yeah, voted for Ikaruga because shmup love.
Farming cards I bet.Why do you have like 3 accounts?
oh man still no one guessed
none of those flashes are updated, come on guys, we've done this a bunch of times
edit: KOF is 66% when you click it for example
I did as well. Come on 75% discount!Voted for Ikaruga. Let's do this GAF.
I'll laugh if Ikaruga doesn't win. It'll be the second loss I'll be salty on if it doesn't win.
I'll laugh if Ikaruga doesn't win. It'll be the second loss I'll be salty on if it doesn't win.
Haha, Ikaruga finally shows up and it's against Dark Souls.
Valve straight trollin
I'll laugh if Ikaruga doesn't win. It'll be the second loss I'll be salty on if it doesn't win.
That's awesome. No one has ever bought Beat Hazard or Dark Souls for the multiplayer either. Whoever did the categorizing for these votes is kinda completely terrible at it.I find something ironic about this.
Addictive Multiplayer
Same, and i think it's locked in ruski-land.
I did it once, you know I'll do it twice.
also should I write this on reddit too to maximize the possibilities?
Thanks! Now to find someone willing to trade VH for 1 key (everyone seems to be looking for 2, and I'm a cheapskate, especially when I hear that people got it for 1 key couple of minutes agoChange search type to Steam. Type in name and press ENTER for the initial search. Click game name(s) to add to search then press the orange search button.
voted ikaruga
is remember me worth $10?
How is Banner Saga? I enjoy Civ, but haven't really checked this type of game
Remember Me 50% off? No thanks!
Quoting myself like a madman since I dunno how fast this thread will move right now. Join FGC ScrubGAF as well if you're new (or even if you're not.)All you who have or are buying KOF, do us all a favor and add me on Steam. We've gotta level up together.
Won't work unless you are a hot chick, sorry to disappoint you.
Is the GTA IV port good/worth purchasing or no?
That's awesome. No one has ever bought Beat Hazard or Dark Souls for the multiplayer either. Whoever did the categorizing for these votes is kinda completely terrible at it.