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Steam - The Give & Get Sale (Nov 24-29 2010) - Make a Wishlist, might win 5 games!

Oyashiro said:
1) Nope. I'm one of those "poor college students".
2) I don't know anyone on campus with a gaming PC, and the PCs provided by the school are not really good for gaming, I would imagine. I have a 4 year old Mac Book, but it can't really run anything recent.
Well, you won't be playing Crysis . . . but a lot of the Indie, adventure, & puzzle games can be played on slow PCs.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Getting Supreme Commander.

On the edge of getting CoDMW and Kings Bounty. I already have MW and MW2 on PS3... and Kings Bounty looks cool but dont know much about it.

...and maybe Lara Croft if one of my friends get it :lol

Damn you steam!


Can someone gift me Grand Theft Auto - Episodes from Liberty City. (sorry couldn't see an active group buy list).

I'll paypal the money to you. Steam id is goonbridge.

Nice selection of games but my only interest really is LCS for cheap, this means that I bought GTA4 and it's expansions all for £11.80 in total :D

How much is LCS in american dollars?


Stumpokapow said:
Just finished Kane and Lynch 2, Steam reports "3 hours played', I'd guess around 3:15 based on that I finished started the 4th last level at 119 minutes played. The shooting and movement and cover is much better than the first game, but that's it. They totally removed the squad mechanics, the game is nothing but shooting and movement and cover, the plot is threadbare ("spoiler" alert: Kane and Lynch accidentally shoot mob bosses daughter 5 minutes into game, spend rest of game escaping China), and it's very short. Only one level, a helicopter level, mixes anything up. The environments are all very similar and there's nothing like the variety found in the first game.

Didn't bother to play co-op, multiplayer, or arcade mode.

Wasn't bad for $5 (wasn't good either), I have no idea how they tried to sell it for $50/60.

So it really is a 3 to 4 hour game? Damn. :lol Good thing it was 5 bucks!


this indie pack is pretty damn nice. i own three of the music games (audiosurf/ beat hazard/ rhythm zone) and i'm still thinking about picking it up. beat hazard is going to have a sequel / massive dlc in a few months, so this is a great time to pick up the base game. rhythm zone is not on the same level as audiosurf, but it's still pretty cool for the occasional track. i personally play with my arcade stick, and it works well. i don't know how it would feel with a keyboard, and i don't want to find out. definitely worth a few bucks.


Oyashiro said:
1) Nope. I'm one of those "poor college students".
2) I don't know anyone on campus with a gaming PC, and the PCs provided by the school are not really good for gaming, I would imagine. I have a 4 year old Mac Book, but it can't really run anything recent.
You have an intel mac book?

Because about two out of five for the last three indie packs (including todays) are intel mac compatible with pretty low system requirements. Hell, the non-mac compatible ones you could probably even get to run from within a windows emu if you wanted.
dave_d said:
How well does GTA: EFLC run on the PC anyway? Does it have DRM or anything?
edit. Did you even check the game page? Sorry to be rude but it says on the page. Questions like this clutter up threads.
Mrbob said:
So it really is a 3 to 4 hour game? Damn. :lol Good thing it was 5 bucks!
I had an absolute blast with it. Played on hard with my housemate, 3.2 hours according to Steam and I'm on the last mission. Loved the art, sound design, the gunplay wasn't bad and the shooting was competent. Really nice little disposable title, and it seems like the multiplayer will hold up for a little while. Would I pay 25 pounds? Nope, but I wouldn't feel ripped off at 15.
Nabs said:
this indie pack is pretty damn nice. i own three of the music games (audiosurf/ beat hazard/ rhythm zone) and i'm still thinking about picking it up. beat hazard is going to have a sequel / massive dlc in a few months, so this is a great time to pick up the base game. rhythm zone is not on the same level as audiosurf, but it's still pretty cool for the occasional track. i personally play with my arcade stick, and its pretty cool. i don't know how it would feel with a keyboard, and i don't want to find out. definitely worth a few bucks.
I own AudioSurf and Beat Hazard, don't really care about Rhythm Zone. Are Polynomial and Bit.Trip Beat worth it?

Mrbob said:
So it really is a 3 to 4 hour game? Damn. :lol Good thing it was 5 bucks!
Everyone seems obsessed with game length these days... but I doubt you'd want it to go on for longer, the game sounds terrible. :lol
Just picked up King's Bounty and the indie pack. Already owned Galcon (it is made by a friend of mine), or I would have bought that as well


Schmattakopf said:
I own AudioSurf and Beat Hazard, don't really care about Rhythm Zone. Are Polynomial and Bit.Trip Beat worth it?
Bit.Trip alone is worth it. I'm not really sure is going on in Polynomial.


Schmattakopf said:
I own AudioSurf and Beat Hazard, don't really care about Rhythm Zone. Are Polynomial and Bit.Trip Beat worth it?

i recommend playing the demo for polynomial. it's really out there.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Korranator said:
How long of a game is Lara Croft?
I played around 10 hours and still hadn't 100%ed it and that stuff is actually a ton of fun. Just played through it in co-op this week with my GF and that added another five hours as puzzles are changed around.


Schmattakopf said:
I own AudioSurf and Beat Hazard, don't really care about Rhythm Zone. Are Polynomial and Bit.Trip Beat worth it?

Beat.Trip. Beat is good, but man that shit is very eye straining.

I only played the demo of Polynomial. It has some crazy visuals, but I can't comment on the overall game.
Do you think it's worth waiting for some kind of Call of Duty 6 pack? I want to close on that Modern Warfare deal, but I just know it'll be 10 bucks tomorrow.
Team Vernia said:
Do you think it's worth waiting for some kind of Call of Duty 6 pack? I want to close on that Modern Warfare deal, but I just know it'll be 10 bucks tomorrow.
To be honest I am suprised activision reduce their steam pc games, shocking in fact.

MarshMellow96 said:
Worth getting COD4?
*edit* fuck I thought about MW2 at first, sorry not played cod4
MarshMellow96 said:
Worth getting COD4?
One of the highest rated games in recent years, a multiplayer that was copied by every fucking shooter in the past few. A campaign that was mentioned in the same sentence as Half Life 2.. seems like a no brainer. Sure there's a respawning issue on a few missions and it's published by Activision. But I don't think it was one of those sales that would leave many people on the fence. It ain't gonna be cheaper until Activision goes bankrupt.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Anyone want to go in on a 10-pack of NyxQuest for $1.50 each? If I get, like, 5 or 6 people interested, I'll pull the plug and buy it.
Visualante said:
One of the highest rated games in recent years, a multiplayer that was copied by every fucking shooter in the past few. A campaign that was mentioned in the same sentence as Half Life 2.. seems like a no brainer. Sure there's a respawning issue on a few missions and it's published by Activision. But I don't think it was one of those sales that would leave many people on the fence. It ain't gonna be cheaper until Activision goes bankrupt.

Oh I know what it is! :lol

I owned it on Xbox, but I've got a mid-range laptop that can run Half-Life 2 a around 60 fps...


Mairu said:
I have no idea what kind of game King's Bounty is. Is the platinum edition worth $9?
It's great strategy game similar to HoMM (well KB was precursor to HoMM). There's demo for original Bounty and Armored Princess AFAIR so there's no reason no to try it.


Dacvak said:
Anyone want to go in on a 10-pack of NyxQuest for $1.50 each? If I get, like, 5 or 6 people interested, I'll pull the plug and buy it.

I'll take one off your hands :D

EDIT: steam id is goonbridge
vocab said:
Beat.Trip. Beat is good, but man that shit is very eye straining.
I only played the demo of Polynomial. It has some crazy visuals, but I can't comment on the overall game.
Nabs said:
i recommend playing the demo for polynomial. it's really out there.
stuminus3 said:
Bit.Trip alone is worth it. I'm not really sure is going on in Polynomial.
Thanks. I'll take a gamble. I've had my eye on it.

Revengeance said:
Just picked up King's Bounty and the indie pack. Already owned Galcon (it is made by a friend of mine), or I would have bought that as well
Tell Mr. Hassey I think his game is great.

Dacvak said:
Anyone want to go in on a 10-pack of NyxQuest for $1.50 each? If I get, like, 5 or 6 people interested, I'll pull the plug and buy it.

Mairu said:
I have no idea what kind of game King's Bounty is. Is the platinum edition worth $9?
It's turn-based, tactical strategy like HoMM. That looks like a good deal to me considering the praise it's gotten.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Picked up King's Bounty Crossworlds ($5) and Indie Pulse Pack ($5). Already own everything else.


DieH@rd said:
Quick question, my friend already owns audiosurf and he wants to buy Indie Pulse Pack that contains another copy of it. Can he gift that another copy to another steam user?

I dont believe so no, at least thats how its worked with the other indi packs. Theres a disclaimer before the final sale that will let you know.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Mairu said:
I have no idea what kind of game King's Bounty is. Is the platinum edition worth $9?
It's a Russian SRPG, it's also totally bonkers. Buy it.

Why are you looking at me like that, seriously it's awesome, buy it already!

EviLore said:
449. All installed on a 2TB dedicated game install drive (600GB free at the moment).
Let it be known for the record that I hate you. Steam reports that I have 223 games.


didnt COD 4 have a problem going online with steam for multiplayer.. I remember having to install a different version of punkbuster or something?


EviLore said:
449. All installed on a 2TB dedicated game install drive (600GB free at the moment).

Figured, Im like a plebian with my 108 games.:lol I badly need a new hdd though, 250gb just doesnt cut it with all these games anymore. Its too bad steam only allows you to install games to one drive.
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