It was such a nice surprise that I still had so much more game to go after thepart.Vectron
Does this mean game does not end with final roll and I can continue my serach for all secrets?
I am 10h in, and afraid to finish it by accident.
My only quibble right now is I wish monsters didn't respawn in areas of the mine I've already cleared. But outside of that, this is polished, fun and charming as hell. I've been humming the town music ever since I turned it off.
You can continue the game after the credits. You need to, if you want to unlock the post-game content.
It's necessary for monsters to respawn, due to how the game is designed (since monsters is a resource).
Yo, why is noone talking about this game as like Game of the Year quality?
Yo, why is noone talking about this game as like Game of the Year quality?
I downloaded Steamworld Dig 2, Golf Story, Thumper and Picross S at the same time. Decided to try each one out for an hour or so before going with one to dive deep in.
I started with Picross. Great game, just something I wanna play when I have "nothing better to do", like when the girl and I are just chilling on the couch, having a beer and chatting, so I quit after the first two worlds.
Started Golf Story, got through the tutorial. Charming as hell, considered this but wanted to try everything I bought first.
Started Steamworld Dig 2. That was five hours ago. Jesus Christ this game makes time fly. It is so addicting. It feels so good to move around, the controls are spot on. The visuals set the tone perfectly. I don't know what to say, the game just flows very well. It's run based, without being a roguelike. You learn "your own" layout and find the fastest and most efficient way to get to where you are going, you keep seeing new things and are bombarded with the "what's over there?"-sensation that certain games just do incredibly well - this is one of them.
I never got to Thumper.
Well, got my(ENDGAME SPOILERS). That was... hard. Guess I should go beat the game nowProof of Completion![]()
I think those trials may be harder than Cave Story's hell, or at least close to it.
Is there anything else in the postgame beyond the? I was able to do them without finishing the game. All that is needed for that is having collected all of the artifacts, I believe.trials
Edit: Sorry for the doublepost.
It went from one of the worst to one of the best. Neiteio rejoice!
Any way to turn off the minimap and/or guiding arrow?
oh man. I nearly came when I saw the icon update. It's so much better now.
Maybe theyll fix it if you make a thread.Enjoying the game, but the Iron Pickaxe Tier 2 upgrade description says "it's" when it should say "its." A minor typo. The writing itself is really good, though.
You can continue the game after the credits. You need to, if you want to unlock the post-game content.
It's necessary for monsters to respawn, due to how the game is designed (since monsters is a resource).
Maybe theyll fix it if you make a thread.
Don't be ridiculous... That wouldn't even fit on the subject line! ;PHe should name it: "SteamWorld Dig 2, and how a minor typo drags down my enjoyment of a game"
Enjoying the game, but the Iron Pickaxe Tier 2 upgrade description says "it's" when it should say "its." A minor typo. The writing itself is really good, though.
Some exploration spoilers after about five hours. I'm level 9, and am working on various shrines.
The game is revealing some serious genius design as I get further in, and that was one of them.In every mining game of this type that I've played, when you reach the bottom, you're near the end of the game. So imagine my surprise when I reached bottom, with the feeling that I've explored the tip of the iceberg.
I love all the little dungeons focused on particular mechanics. They appear not long after the mechanic they introduce and serve as a kind of skill test, in exchange for loot. And they are everywhere.
I have a question about one of the shrines to the far west.Without spoiling the specifics, can anyone tell me if I need a gizmo, or if I'm just not understanding the trick to get in?I opened all the barriers that lead to one big entryway way up above some water, but I can't figure out a way to get in. There's a vertical chute leading up to it, and my grappling hook can't reach the top.
Speaking of being everywhere, this game is so stuffed to the gills with secrets, it's going to take me forever to unpack them. I keep trying to make a mental note of, "oh, that's just out of reach - I should come back when I get a new toy to help me get it". Then I do that 47 more times in the next hour. I've run into three artifacts I can't get right now due to (what I think are) gear restrictions, but I can't get the upgrade I need until level 14. Which is a long ways off....
So, yeah. This is addictive as hell, beautiful and charming. It's everything I wanted and needed right now.
Yo, why is noone talking about this game as like Game of the Year quality?
I downloaded Steamworld Dig 2, Golf Story, Thumper and Picross S at the same time. Decided to try each one out for an hour or so before going with one to dive deep in.
I started with Picross. Great game, just something I wanna play when I have "nothing better to do", like when the girl and I are just chilling on the couch, having a beer and chatting, so I quit after the first two worlds.
Started Golf Story, got through the tutorial. Charming as hell, considered this but wanted to try everything I bought first.
Started Steamworld Dig 2. That was five hours ago. Jesus Christ this game makes time fly. It is so addicting. It feels so good to move around, the controls are spot on. The visuals set the tone perfectly. I don't know what to say, the game just flows very well. It's run based, without being a roguelike. You learn "your own" layout and find the fastest and most efficient way to get to where you are going, you keep seeing new things and are bombarded with the "what's over there?"-sensation that certain games just do incredibly well - this is one of them.
I never got to Thumper.
Just to be sure there is noAnd the only reward for finding everything'good' ending right? Just the one where the planet blows up?If so I probably won't bother with the trial cave?
i finished at 100%, albeit. In my ending,not completing the trial cavethe planet blew up, the robots boarded the rocket.
Just to be sure there is noAnd the only reward for finding everything'good' ending right? Just the one where the planet blows up?If so I probably won't bother with the trial cave?
I think SWD2 will definitely make some top 10 lists and definitely is a challenger for indie GOTY. I want to say some guy at IGN calling this his indie GOTY at the moment. I think either the switchforce or gameexplain guys had SWD2 at #1 and #2 in their top 5 best indies so far
Hollow Knight is on a whole 'nother level than SteamWorld Dig 2, with all due respect. SWD2 is a good metroidvania, HK is arguably the GOAT and I think GAF's gonna have a meltdown once it releases on Switch. I don't think many people realize there's a metroidvania better than SotN and Super Metroid out there for 15 bucks.
They're very different games to where I don't really see the point of pitting them up against each other. Personally I'm not even sure if I'd consider SteamWorld Dig 2 a "Metroidvania", which isn't a bad thing at all.Hollow Knight is on a whole 'nother level than SteamWorld Dig 2, with all due respect. SWD2 is a good Metroidvania, HK is arguably GOAT and I think GAF's gonna have a meltdown once it releases on Switch.
They're very different games to where I don't really see the point of pitting them up against each other. Personally I'm not even sure if I'd consider SteamWorld Dig 2 a "Metroidvania", which isn't a bad thing at all.