I finished the game at 10 hours and only 36% completion (surprised at how low this was). I thought the game was awesome in every way and it will end up somewhere very high in my GOTY list (i don't think anything will surpass Snake Pass though).
The only problem i have with games like this, is that while i always intend going back to collect everything, i always end up loosing motivation once the mainline story is finished. Also, at this point i have so many upgrades and health that it lacks any sort of challenge to keep playing. So i will most probably leave it at that.
Anyhow, excellent work from the developers and a great game. Now onto Hob.
Hows this play on the Switch thinking of picking this up rather than playing some of the longer games I've got in my backlog (Mostly RPGs I need to get through).
I don't agree that much about the bosses because the combat mechanics are all very simple. I see why they decided against adding bosses considering there isn't that much you can do with the mostly melee weapons you get.The game could have been more challenging and had more bosses in general.
It plays flawless on the Switch. 1080p/60 in docked, 720p/60 in handheld. HD Rumble support.
As for the challenge, I think I agree. I enabled the double damage and exploding characters mods to make it harder though, and I think the difficulty that way was just right.
The problem with the "difficulty" blueprints is that they are pretty well hidden, so you might need to play the game one time first, to know where they are. Perhaps that's Image & Form's solution to a New Game+ mode?
Exploration is more impeded due to the limited inventory; it fills up so quickly in 2 that you'll have to return to the town well before you reach your next warp point. Even with all the cogs and expansions at your disposal, you'll often find yourself running out of space right up to the ending, usually without a warp point in sight (which is not to say they're sparse, moreso that your inventory fills up very quickly.
This is not correct. If you have played a part of the game, it's no problems to unlock the "Portal of Pardon" ability, which allow you to warp almost anywhere.
EDIT: Also, what's the issue with an inventory bag that fills up? You can continue to dig anyway, since the mining material stays in the mine.
That ability is unlocked far later than it should have been and doesn't mitigate the problem the limited inventory causes in the opening hours. That aside, leaving behind materials only means that returning to where you last left off will see your inventory fill up even more quickly given how abundant materials are in comparison to the first one.
So I am already getting Stardew for Switch so it's a toss between Steamword Dig 2 and Golf Story. Digging or golfing?
That ability is unlocked far later than it should have been and doesn't mitigate the problem the limited inventory causes in the opening hours. That aside, leaving behind materials only means that returning to where you last left off will see your inventory fill up even more quickly given how abundant materials are in comparison to the first one.
Also... I assume everybody is using D-Pad?
Help me GAF, this or Shovel Knight? I only have time for one. I'd like something more similar to Castlevania than Metroid.
Help me GAF, this or Shovel Knight? I only have time for one. I'd like something more similar to Castlevania than Metroid.
Shovel knight is pretty mediocre imo.
I really like Shovel Knight and am pretty surprised at the other responses, but it's more like a platformer (think Megaman 2, with discrete stages and always a boss at the end) than a metroidvania.Help me GAF, this or Shovel Knight? I only have time for one. I'd like something more similar to Castlevania than Metroid.
You're missing stuff thenI have a question, the caves you come across, I am almost certain I am finding all there is to find in them, I have spent ages looking, and I never get a blue tick?
I have a question, the caves you come across, I am almost certain I am finding all there is to find in them, I have spent ages looking, and I never get a blue tick?
SWD2 is a much better game, but its focused more on exploration and puzzle solving, with minimal combat. You might want to get shovel knight instead, but personally I think SK is pretty average.
Shovel knight is pretty mediocre imo. This is pretty good and addictive, although sometimes slow paced, depending on how eager you are to collect everything.
The truth unfortunately. SteamWorld Dig 2 is way, way more fun. I appreciate the effort that obviously went into Shovel Knight of course.
I really like Shovel Knight and am pretty surprised at the other responses, but it's more like a platformer (think Megaman 2, with discrete stages and always a boss at the end) than a metroidvania.
Can't really recommend this if you're looking for something like Castlevania either, since it's more focused on exploration, traversal and environmental puzzle solving than combat, which Castlevania has tons of. It's a great game though!
Maybe Cave Story is more for you? Though that's way more linear than say any post SotN Castlevania.
Thanks guys. I'm surprised at the responses as well, I only ever read about how great Shovel Knight is. It doesn't have to have a lot of combat, it's just that my only other Switch games are Splatoon and Mario Kart so killing things would have been a change of pace lol. Steamworld Dig is a lot prettier, though, and it's cheaper. I also don't like the 8bit soundtrack in Shovel Knight too much. Guess I'll go with Steamworld!
I really hope you enjoy Dig 2, it's a fantastic game. I'm curious though, why did you skip BoTW?
Thanks guys. I'm surprised at the responses as well, I only ever read about how great Shovel Knight is. It doesn't have to have a lot of combat, it's just that my only other Switch games are Splatoon and Mario Kart so killing things would have been a change of pace lol. Steamworld Dig is a lot prettier, though, and it's cheaper. I also don't like the 8bit soundtrack in Shovel Knight too much. Guess I'll go with Steamworld!
Anyone have any advice on best place to farm the blood drops/gems/stones?
Having a hard time in some of the trials and want to go in at my next attempt with that upgrade that lets me trade them for health.
there are two caves next to each other, go into the left one and there is a snail you can quickly farm. make sure you turn the perk that ups the chances for blood drops on.(its one of the ones that make the game harder).
also when you do the trial turn on the revive once upon death perk. you should be good to go then.
I don't think that's necessarily true, it's a meticulously well-crafted game that teaches you how to play in its opening stages really well, and that, alongside the gentle humour, likeable main character and decent soundtrack, encourages people to persevere. All of that is good game design.I really hope you enjoy Dig 2, it's a fantastic game. I'm curious though, why did you skip BoTW?
I think there are lots of factors that attributed into Shovel Knight being as popular as it is, almost none of them has to do with how good the game actually is.
Yes found that already. Still 96%.I did the same. Did you find it? Mine where...AT THE FURTHEST BOTTOM, IN THE SPIKE MAZE IN ONE OF THE CEILINGS, you will find it
If you haven't solved. I has this issue too, you adjust the screen borders from the switch settings itself.Video > Scroll down to Overscan Adjustment?
Quick question feel free to spoler:
I'm where the gate to Rosie is blocked and they say to find pipes in the Jungle forest area. I am trying to go to the right of the jungle forest where it shows the blue X. I am looking around down below the water area above it. I don't see how to get over there.
Find the acid swamp, its to the right from there, easiest way is to jet pack up and right through the breakable blocks. Hug the right hand side of the main shaft and you'll find a way through.