The final post-release stretch goals have been revealed!

$750k - New Playable Race: Dwarves: While the Three Kingdoms of humans spread across the world's surface,
the dwarves build their own empire deep in the mountains and bedrock below. This dwarven race will come
complete with new art, entirely new play mechanics more suited to a dwarven disposition, and new classes
and crafting recipes.
"Help! All driven underground by fire and trapped by rocks. The ground shakes; Dwarven drums in the deep.
We cannot get out... they are coming!" --Jiruk Firestarter, Goblin Shaman
$1M - Persistent, Connected World: We'll offer the option to host your game on our own servers (this may require a fee).
All hosted games can choose to participate in entirely new gameplay modes with other hosted cities!
Here are some of the things we're thinking about:
- Your cooperative games will be available all the time, not just when the computer serving the game is on
- Establish alliances and supply-routes between friendly, player controlled cities
- Trade in the global economy that spans all hosted games
- Band several cities together to create your own Empires