Ehm, ok.
I never said nostalgia was the only thing it had going for it, so you're barking at the wrong tree.
I'm saying that side of the product (which is undoubtedly there) doesn't add much for me, so everything else is whatever i get out of it.
Agreed, great cast all around, I'm especially fond of Winona Ryder and the sheriff, whose name I don't know but I'be seen him in a ton of stuff![]()
You know, that sums up things pretty nicely.Loved every second of it. Now I'm bored D:
Does anyone know where I could buy the? That would make a fantastic gift for a friend of mine.![]()
You know, that sums up things pretty nicely.
I'd like it without the "All Episodes, July 15th" blurb in the bottom corner.
Haha, yeah, wife and I commented on this yesterday while watching.The most Spielbergian thing about this show are the absentee fathers.
I'd love it without "Netflix" and perhaps have the title at the top/bottom, out of the way.
It's fantastic art.
Oh for sure, that's fair, but it's twice in there ("A Netflix Original Series" and the Netflix logo). I figured they could keep just one/make it smaller so it's a better poster, is all. Then again, I'm really not the type of guy to hang posters. I usually buy them as gifts for friends.I don't mind the Netflix Logo as it is their show. The blurb at the bottom though is useless now that the series is out and just takes up space.
Also what's up with the shows weird aspect ratio?
the best part about the whole thing is the opening credits, because besides that the 80s "feel" isn't all there visually for me. sure, they try to make it seem 80s but you can tell it's not. it's missing something, that special something that only the true 80s films had.
Film (instead of digital) and practical effects is what's missing.
But that probably would not have been feasible with the budget they had.
After two episodes the best thing about this has been the intro animations and the synth-waves...
Neither of suit the style and feel of the series :/
I know some don't care for the monster CGI but I actually didn't mind it and CGI, even good stuff, can really stick out to me. Probably helps a lot of shots involving it are pretty hectic and fast and its often in the dark or just out of sight.
The show was fantastic. The 80s vibe was on point. The kids did a great job. Loved it. One thing..anyone else think the budget seemed goodbad? Like, some of the visuals looked great..then, in the same episode, take a dip? Pulled me out of it a couple of times, but nothing that would ruin the show for me. Definitely in for another season.minus the more talkative bully
They should have co-released an OST. I need this music in my life.
Hang in there. Bojack is coming this Friday.Loved every second of it. Now I'm bored D:
It was a fun show, but I'm not quite as in love with it as most of the internet seems to be. It had a great atmosphere, the music was great (especially the intro, although I do agree with the poster above that it doesn't really fit the tone of the show itself), and some great actors. Especially impressed with the kid actors, which is always hard to get right, but they nailed it here.
But what held it back for me was the plot. I know it was heavily inspired by those scifi/light horror movies of the 80s, but there wasn't a single plot development me and my girlfriend couldn't see coming way in advance. Anything related to either the character development or the plot itself was way too predictable and therefore just a bit too boring for us. It was incredibly easy to see how the entire season would play out way before the halfway point. All the other ingredients where there for us - we loved the characters, the setting, the vibe - we just didn't really care at all about what was happening.
Still, I guess that's just a matter of this show not being made for our specific tastes, which is fine. It's definitely a well-made show, just not for us.
Stephen fucking King praised it.So looks like there is already talk of Netflix renewing for a second season.
Edit: Checking across the internet even the "bad" reviews still seem to love it and even random comments on sights are all mostly positive if not out right gushing
The most Spielbergian thing about this show are the absentee fathers.
I am betting the average viewer only takes 2 sittings to finish this.
It's better to watch at night. Don't have the same feeling watching during the day.
My brother watches one thing a night, either a movie or an hour long show, never binges anything and he did it one sitting, said he couldn't stop and he's pissed at me for telling him cause he wants more.I am betting the average viewer only takes 2 sittings to finish this.
what did i do? what did i do0o0o0o0?