Secret Character
No I think that is reserved for Nash vs Gief
You're right. Can't jump, can't dash, can't try to poke, can't reversal, can't do anything.
Way worse than the 'Sim match for sure.
No I think that is reserved for Nash vs Gief
You're right. Can't jump, can't dash, can't try to poke, can't reversal, can't do anything.
Way worse than the 'Sim match for sure.
Watching Du play guile was something else. He is so good.Guile has his problems, but wow does he have a lot of lopsided matchups in his favor.
How should I approach Rog as Cammy? haven't beaten any today, they shut my ass down.
Just keep up the pressure man. Rog can't do shit.![]()
I don't think Balrog has any MUs in his favor at all except for maybe against Dhalsim.
Welcome, Juri is great, but not as easy as someone like necalli or well rounded like ryu
There's no harm in giving her a shot. Just don't get so discouraged that you give up on the game entirely if it doesn't go well.
Just play with whatever clicks with you and you enjoy don't worry about tier list unless you're aiming for Capcom cup 🤗
Don't worry about it.
Tiers don't really mean anything unless your a tourney pro.
Other than that, they're just excuses people make for when they lose.
All the top Ryu players believe he's a good counter-pick against them.I don't think Balrog has any MUs in his favor at all except for maybe against Dhalsim.
Nah he does well against the shotos, Urien, Alex, Necalli, and sim I feel. Maybe a couple more.
All the top Ryu players believe he's a good counter-pick against them.
I think Cammy would be easier for starting but Juri is not too hard too Cammy is more friendly for newcomers.Heh, glad to hear it. Alright, Juri it is for now! Though Cammy looks super fun to play as well. Any chance she'd be easier to pick up or does it not differ much?
So basically I heed to lv up, gotcha.
I need to divekick more I know that much.
Heh, glad to hear it. Alright, Juri it is for now! Though Cammy looks super fun to play as well. Any chance she'd be easier to pick up or does it not differ much?
Ok thanks, appreciate that.I dont think Rog can really do much against ex divekick, and hes free on wakeup and cammy has great wakeup pressure. So pretty much just brute force your way in and rtsd
Ok thanks, appreciate that.
If I was as good with Balrog as I am with Mika, I would likely take him 90% of the time instead of Mika against the fireball characters. I very much disagree that Urien and Alex don't have the distinct advantage in that MU, however. Any character with long-reaching limbs will be a real struggle for Balrog and, in Alex's case, he's a grappler which is a widely accepted death knell for Balrog.
I'd say Necalli is at least 5:5. What makes you believe he would have the advantage in that MU?
I mained Balrog in SF 2 and 4 and he feels super dull to me in 5. Granted im pretty casual and dont know my framedata but his V Skill doesnt seem good outside of canceling out of an ex rush...he needs his v reversal a ton in some matchups too. Do any prominent Balrogs exist outside of Smug?
I mained Balrog in SF 2 and 4 and he feels super dull to me in 5. Granted im pretty casual and dont know my framedata but his V Skill doesnt seem good outside of canceling out of an ex rush...he needs his v reversal a ton in some matchups too. Do any prominent Balrogs exist outside of Smug?
Alex blows up Rog if he can get in, but the issue is that 90% of the match is spent trying to overcome dash punches. Alex's stubby limbs prevent him from punishing even poorly-spaced dash straights, and his grabs have such short range that it's super easy for Rog to just 3f LK into target combo in response to his pressure.
On second thought I agree Urien can be bad actually since I didn't consider his long normals before. Alex though isn't a rushdown grappler like Laura or Mika though so I feel rog can keep up with that. Necalli 5:5 seems about right.
PR Balrog
And I'd say Balrog's V-Skill is one of the best in the game. But yes, he does need his V-Reversal in a ton of MUs and not only is it garbage, but he kind of needs the V-Trigger to win a lot of the time.
If you spam Alex's cr.MP, he shouldn't be able to get uninterrupted dash punshes at all unless they're whiff punishes.
Spamming Alex's cr. MP is an easy way to get a free jump in combo though.
Of course, that goes for any move. But I'm saying that it's a really simple way to shut down Balrog's dash punches, and it's the hell I have to deal with in that MU. Same with Mika and Alex's cr.MP or Zangief's cr.LP. Shuts down all of their approach options, and they both recover fast enough to use their effective AAs. It means the Balrog/Mika can't be braindead with their approaches and they need to be tricky about it.
I dunno, not many other people seem to have a problem fighting Alex. Are you sure it's not just an issue with how you're trying to approach?
Sorry pal, but I've literally never heard of anyone complain about Alex's crMP before. It's like his only good button, and even then its 15f of recovery and 7f of starup make it incredibly simple to bait in neutral and very difficult to use on reaction to a dash punch, especially online. If Alex whiffs crMP, it means Balrog gets a Dash Straight for free even if he didn't read the whiff.
I'm thinking more about Mika, but really? We have a local Alex army, and it's something we had acknowledged for a while now. I actually don't have enough Balrog vs. Alex experience to punish/approach it appropriately, but it's certainly recognized as a great button vs. Mika where I play.
At my local scene playing Alex is considered intentionally handicapping yourself, haha. The only Rog player I've fought round here seemed to consider it a fairly easy matchup as well, but he's just crazy good in general so that's not really solid proof.
I think Alex might be the most played character in our scene, and a lot of players are pretty good with him.
One of my close friends feels the exact same way to you almost. He mained Cammy in 4 (Juri also) doesn't click with her in V too.Cammy felt so off to me in this game.
I mained her in 4 up until early Ultra (switched to Makoto) and she the first character I went to in this game and man she just didnt click for some reason.
Got the Platinum trophy earlier today thanks to the 1 million Fight Money trophy finally happening. It's a much easier Platinum than USFIV thanks to the combo trials being far easier and there being no requirement to beat Arcade Mode with everyone on Hardest (because there isn't an Arcade Mode but still) but that 1 million Fight Money trophy was quite a grind. The gap between the last trophy I earned (300 online wins) and the Platinum was seven months. And I play the game pretty often.
I'm pretty excited to see what they announce at Capcom Cup, not to mention the tournament itself.
Yeah same. I even started the mash DP method, but I just can't do it for 100 rounds. It's just too stupid.If they announce an easier Survival Mode then that Platinum trophy will be mine.
Yeah same. I even started the mash DP method, but I just can't do it for 100 rounds. It's just too stupid.
Yeah same. I even started the mash DP method, but I just can't do it for 100 rounds. It's just too stupid.
Anyone know when the Red Bull costumes will hit? I just got my $15 PSN rebate.
Still no date for US, but they are available in Japan.
I wonder if any artbooks have come out since the release of SFV with more plot information. Would really love to see those plot guides updated.
Hmm, they haven't even talked about it here. making this regionally exclusive would be weird but EX1 colors still haven't left Japan either.