Nash players in 2017 have kept the edginess:
Your responses made it amusing, tho.
Nash players in 2017 have kept the edginess:
You can throw Juri out of that flipkick thing she does too, even though she looks like she's airborne. If it happened to me I'd probably be shook.
Nash players in 2017 have kept the edginess:
Why do angry dudes ... Always type.... Like this.....I don't...Get it....Nash players in 2017 have kept the edginess:
He is right though. You should stop trying to sound like you know what's up. That has been your problem for quite so time IMHO.
Yep, I learned this firsthand when she first came out. Looks like an airborne move, but it's totally not.
What I don't understand is something that happened to me earlier:
I've never seen this.
I don't get it; what did I know what was up in that conversation? When it comes to the game itself, I usually don't know what's up; it's why I've always asked questions in these threads that others thought were obvious.
Example: Anyone know if Necalli's V-Triggered V-Skill makes the seismo have a larger hitbox? It looks bigger, but I thought I heard it's the same physical size as his normal one.
Why do angry dudes ... Always type.... Like this.....I don't...Get it....
Yassss, I finally got my 3k fight money for winning 10 casual matches.
I won the first 5 in a row but then it took a while to get the next 5, and especially that last one.![]()
I go to the casual matches thing when I broke my training run to go fuck around with Necalli. So many dunks.
Nash players in 2017 have kept the edginess:
tfw they introduce Abigail this week and he ends up being some weird creation that plays like butt
Nash players in 2017 have kept the edginess:
Why are you replying so seriously to them? Just write "lol" and it'll probably bug them more than anything you could say.
Replying to hate mail in 2017 tsk tsk
It's somehow worse because I'm 90% sure you're correct. Ah well, probably won't be out until the end of may now anyway. I'll just keep playing Persona 5 instead...
East coast? If so i will be online in 10 minutes.Anyone up for some games?
West Seattle
Anyone up for some games?
lol, your gameplan is like 99% shimmies. Cammy walkspeed too good, pls nerf.
tfw they introduce Abigail this week and he ends up being some weird creation that plays like butt
Weekend with the family. This game feels so sluggish to me now. I'm just rusky in the head
Random pick was supposed to be ryu lol
Agreed, it's the best way to encourage online play without putting your rank on the line, especially for those who are only in it for the Fight Money.They should actually do these *Win 10 Casual Matches* every single week. Would encourage a lot of people to play (especially those that don't want to jeopardise thier rank) and you get to win a good 3000 FM.
Man, it's sad how badly Kolin does against fireballs.
Nash players in 2017 have kept the edginess:
If they patch Kolin out, I doubt anyone will notice. Talk about underpowered/played
Mika's a hard character to play casually because her setup timings are pretty specific. You can't just hop in and execute a basic gameplan like you can w/ a basic grappler like Gief.Nah, Kolin is everywhere. The official stats support it, too, with her having been the most played in March (though, that's natural, since she was released at the end of February).
I sincerely think that this applies to Mika, though. Despite what those CFN stats say, I see even more FANG players than Mika players. And there are still a bunch of people playing Alex, for some reason. But Mika? Nope. Didn't even encounter one in my ~200 matches to get from Rookie to Platinum over the past weekend, and I practically never see any with my Ultra Diamond account, either.
I can eyeball meaties well enough in 5, I miss them from time to time as well but I find it more natural than having to do some prescribed framekill safejump in 4 due to the game just being so prevalent in reversals.
Why did capcom decide it was fun to have a game that demands knockdown emphasis while simultaneously making setups hard to execute without canned timing? They thought it was a good idea to lower the skill barrier for combos but increase it for knockdowns.
Game where people just may or may not miss meaty timing and get hit by wake up jab into full combos doesn't look fun, it just looks scrambly and weird. About as aesthetically dumb as aa jabs and aa cr jabs
Things that look simple are difficult. Things that look difficult are easy.
If they patch Kolin out, I doubt anyone will notice. Talk about underpowered/played
Capcom thought making combos easy was all it would take to make the game beginner friendly, but by making it entirely setup based they've actually made it one of the hardest games to get into ever made. The gap between a beginner and a somewhat better beginner is massive.
Just a regular meaty was pretty simple in 4, but you had a lot more risk associated with it with just how most of the cast had something that counted as a reversal, not to mention the guaranteed ultra at some point in the round where you had to get your timings down to make sure you wouldn't just get blown up by stupidity if you actually wanted to be aggressive. In 5 I don't really have that much of an issue with that and find it more intuitive with continuing the pressure.I never missed meaties in sf4 and I had zero setups. Meaties in this game are way more tenuous even in a game with 0 reversals, and I'm not talking about cases where you are clearly at frame disadvantage on a dashup or anything either.
Seems to be one of the more used characters. See her pretty often when I play.
Just a regular meaty was pretty simple in 4, but you had a lot more risk associated with it with just how most of the cast had something that counted as a reversal, not to mention the guaranteed ultra at some point in the round where you had to get your timings down to make sure you wouldn't just get blown up by stupidity if you actually wanted to be aggressive. In 5 I don't really have that much of an issue with that and find it more intuitive with continuing the pressure.
My point was that that design of SF4 made exacting setups far more imperative than SF5. You might be a little off on a meaty in 5 from time to time but it's not that hard to ingrain it naturally, at least that's how I find it in experience.