Mika probably has horrible scars around her eyes and that's why she wears a mask all the time.
Or is that explanation not anime enough?
No. A traumatic backstory would do the trick.
Mika probably has horrible scars around her eyes and that's why she wears a mask all the time.
Or is that explanation not anime enough?
Please no customization. That shit is booty tier when you can't take it off the other person. I'm already praying that Tekken has some sort of Items Off option for people you face but that can't work because some of them are interactive items like the gun.
Here's how I feel about it
I love customisation. Why do people who play fighting games think they are special. You think I demand everyone have their shit turned " off " when I see terrible outfits in MMO's? No! deal with the fact you don't like their outfits, LIKE EVERY OTHER GENRE and move on with your life
And reveal to the world who's really behind the mask??? She'd prolly get fired from her lustrous wrestling career.
Because MMOs aren't (usually) strictly PvP. When I fight someone in a fighting game, I like to see what I'm fighting and I don't like shit obscured with goofy assets. Like I don't mind the aesthetics - it just makes fighting offputting depending on what's equipped.
Poongko's Kolin is on some other level.
why are there still no bundles for any of this shit
I disagree and agree by your measure of obscured, because there are regular costumes that do that. There's one i'm going to buy tomorrow that does that. On some level its on the responsibility on the player to like... know the character they are fighting. Then again to also be fair, DLC characters you havent bought
why are there still no bundles for any of this shit
"revealed soon"
How about
just putting it
blogpost Capcom?
And finally, the Season 2 Character Pass is available now for $29.99 / 29.99 / £24.99, which brings Akuma and Kolin to your roster plus four more fighters to be revealed later this year. One of these new characters will be revealed soon, along with further details on the second Capcom Fighters Network / Season 2 Balance Updates.
Something to cover his face will solve the problem. Shades, a hood, a mask. Anything will doGame could definitely be doing some more with customization. However Ken will still look terrible no matter what they give him.
Game could definitely be doing some more with customization. However Ken will still look terrible no matter what they give him.
why are there still no bundles for any of this shit
However Ken will still look terrible no matter what they give him.
Ucchedavāda;234613361 said:That's not true.
A brown paper bag to cover his head would do wonders for his looks!
What really bothers with all these Mika costumes is that Nadeshiko doesn't get any treatment at all.
Heck they don't even acknowledge desh in the story mode.
She's basically a Final Fantasy "summon" in story mode.
Possible balance changes?
Balrog players am cry.
PR Rog quitting SFV.
Meanwhile Cammy players are happy because she will be getting more buffs to make her "Robust"
Yun had trouble getting in, so we're buffing his EX lunge punch to be +1.Meanwhile Cammy players are happy because she will be getting more buffs to make her "Robust"
She's basically a Final Fantasy "summon" in story mode.
Easiest wishlist ever:
Scale Rog a bit on damage
Give a few buffs to Chun, FANG, Juri, maybe one more to Ryu
Deliver us a few new moves
Make v-reversals great again
Maybe add a new wakeup option.
That's it.
Who?Everyone forgets Alex.
Easiest wishlist ever:
Scale Rog a bit on damage
Give a few buffs to Chun, FANG, Juri, maybe one more to Ryu
Deliver us a few new moves
Make v-reversals great again
Maybe add a new wakeup option.
That's it.
Easiest wishlist ever:
Scale Rog a bit on damage
Give a few buffs to Chun, FANG, Juri, maybe one more to Ryu
Deliver us a few new moves
Make v-reversals great again
Maybe add a new wakeup option.
That's it.
Everyone forgets Alex.
They were great?
remove Nash, Dhalsim and Birdie
add T. Hawk,and Honda (with a 360 grab and 720 super)Hakan
remove Balrog's current V-trigger. Swap it with his USF4 Ultra 2
there, best game ever? yeah
Wishing for things from Capcom will inevitably result in a money's paw catch. Best not mess with forces we can't understand and just jump back light kick.All I really want is Karin having a reliable AA but alas
remove Nash, Dhalsim and Birdie
add T. Hawk, Hakan and Honda (with a 360 grab and 720 super)
remove Balrog's current V-trigger. Swap it with his USF4 Ultra 2
there, best game ever? yeah
All I really want is Karin having a reliable AA but alas
A little late but Kolin is the perfect character for Poongko, dude gets to go ham and take risks. He tried doing that with Cammy and just played unsafe which leads to her melting.
Too true.Wishing for things from Capcom will inevitably result in a money's paw catch. Best not mess with forces we can't understand and just jump back light kick.
Cammy does. Karin also has a lackluster V-Trigger and low health. She's got weaknesses. I just want her normals to be solid across the board. Not that I'm trying to complain about her kit or think she needs any buffs, I just like good normals and it's what drew me to use her to begin with.Characters have weakness. That is one of Karins. Cant have an amazing ground game and Also have AAs for every range.
Cammy does. Karin also has a lackluster V-Trigger and low health. She's got weaknesses. I just want her normals to be solid across the board. Not that I'm trying to complain about her kit or think she needs any buffs, I just like good normals and it's what drew me to use her to begin with.