It's shitty in a different way. Still invites setplay when knockdowns, imo, should reset the neutral.
Play Alex
It's shitty in a different way. Still invites setplay when knockdowns, imo, should reset the neutral.
Technically doesn't Ultra constitute most of SFIVs life since it's the version that was competitively played the longest?
Play Alex![]()
It's shitty in a different way. Still invites setplay when knockdowns, imo, should reset the neutral.
I don't think SF or fighting games in general *need* to be great for everyone. I'm not saying they shouldn't put all that content in the game, but I'm willing to bet that most of the shit posters in those kinds of threads never had any intention of buying the game, and even if they did it'd be to play for a couple of hours before they gave up on it forever. If you want your game to make a ton of money, then you can appeal to casuals by filling it with some SP content so that they can essentially be tricked into thinking they might stick with the game and buy it. This only works around launch though, so that ship has sailed for SFV and I feel like people need to start accepting that.
I doubt Arcade Mode and other content at this point would get casuals back. Maybe attract a few undecideds, but that ship sailed. Of course, I'm expecting an arcade mode and that extra battle to drop by.
Setplays and vortexes were crazy but KNDs resetting neutral?
Don't know about that
Seems too much. Atleast the person on floor should have more options in the way they approach getting up like in Tekken but not getting rewarded for putting your opponent in a visibly disadvantages position and starting from scratch..
Allow me to dissect if you will, but this is a pretty good list.Well, I played like 500 hours in that year. That's more than I've played anything other than an MMO since the arcade days. I was hoping S2 would be a super version, but more of the same has chased me to the arms of Angel and Vanessa.
What I would change:
- Stubby limbs. Make them not stubby.
- Wakeup game allows for almost no variation on wakeup, keeps the defender defending. Make it more like 3s. Knockdown should reward the attacker, but not so much that we keep seeing the same shit play out.
- Make fireballs great again.
- Make Vskills good at all.
- Mostly just want to see fights happening at different ranges, like 4, but without the feeling of jank (imo) 4 has.
- I don't like how vtrigger is pretty much an xfactor right now for the top tier. I don't like 50/50 guesses all the time (like Ibuki). That's not smart play to me. I don't feel good winning like that, and don't think it makes for good viewing. I'm hoping everybody gets more versatitlity in their Vtrigs and see some more people with installs
- I wouldn't mind if the game was faster.
- further reduce input lag, because, like you, I KNOW I blocked that shit, but the game doesn't agree.
- Take away Necalli's command throw. He doesn't need it.
In every SF that isn't 4 or 5, knockdowns mean you're at disadvantage, you guess wrong and maybe get knocked down again, get thrown, and start neutral over. There are some moves that make for 50/50 scenarios in other games, but for most characters in sf5, it's an endless cycle of guessing on wakeup.
Really, I think it's as simple as relaunching with a different subtitle, new box art, trailers, etc...It's not like Mortal Kombat 9 & 10 look all that different.
Sure, Capcom blew the first impression, but I still think appealing to the casuals is a safe bet to increase sales.
Devs relying too much on the safety of patches
Atleast it ain't NRS tier
I'd rather general AA jabs not come back, though I'm largely biased due to Claw having relatively bad hitbox:hurtbox ratio on jumpin normals. =P
Would much rather prefer for slower anti-air normals to be more consistent / have better hitboxes - helps the anti-air problem while also not fast enough to be consistent as panic buttons after a whiffed attack.
Setplays and vortexes were crazy but KNDs resetting neutral?
Don't know about that
Seems too much. Atleast the person on floor should have more options in the way they approach getting up like in Tekken but not getting rewarded for putting your opponent in a visibly disadvantages position and starting from scratch..
Tekken knockdowns?
If there's ever going to be a meaningful, comprehensive overhaul of the general game design. It will not be any time soon.
Imagine getting up with a low kick that leads into combo in SF
trueis it really that different from counterhit jab combo technically
Tip 1Hey all! I need tips so I can get good.
Also Numb sucks (lol)
Would do wonders for this game on so many levels.
Hey all! I need tips so I can get good.
Also Numb sucks (lol)
Pick a top tier. Congrats, you are now good.
Would do wonders for this game on so many levels.
He mains Cammy and Rog
Tip 1
Don't go on NLBC and get bodied free on stream
Pick a top tier. Congrats, you are now good.
Don't put my business in the street! I know where you play video games breh!! lol
I haven't even bothered checking the tier lists in this game. I probably should.
Tip 1
Don't go on NLBC and get bodied free on stream
But this patch for Ryu cr.HP that changes nothing but animation look
Better wakeup options would help, but it needs a bunch more than that on gameplay levels imo.
A bit more like Skilletor said.
Also using V-meter to do more stuff is the hill I will die on for SFV at this point.
Ryu's already robust. He doesn't need shit.
I don't disagree. Things like Balrog, lack of overall options for some characters, and lower tier boyz needing buffs aren't gonna be fixed by that. But better wakeup options will fix a lot. And that's something that can be done in this next update.
Forearm vs Numb
Final Destination
No items
Forearm vs Numb
Final Destination
No items
Forearm vs Numb
Final Destination
No items
I thought this thread was about fighting games.
I'd expect it for S3. That was the trend with SF4.
Maybe they'll have even earned back some goodwill (or not...lololol) with MvC:I.
I suck even more at Smash
I thought this thread was about fighting games.
He was top 5 and now he is bottom 5
I suck even more at Smash
Necalli is the new Ryu.
B-But that the true path!
I start panicking when he gets vtrigger lolNecalli's AA jab is the worst.
I'd rather general AA jabs not come back, though I'm largely biased due to Claw having relatively bad hitbox:hurtbox ratio on jumpin normals. =P
Would much rather prefer for slower anti-air normals to be more consistent / have better hitboxes - helps the anti-air problem while also not fast enough to be consistent as panic buttons after a whiffed attack.
I've fought opponents who've been content with getting swatted out of the air by Karin's shitty jab ten times per round because it's only a matter of time before a successful jump in nullifies 30 seconds worth of AA defense in a single combo. It is really stupid, but it's not like I've got a lot of AA choices with Karin. Anti air jabs should disappear and every character should have at least two medium to strong AA options leading to crush counter combos, hard knockdown or oki for followup. People shouldn't feel free to attempt dozens of jumps in a single set. It is so scrubby.5 frame anti cross up buttons should be universal. Just like cammy's back mp. Crying about anti air jabs in this offensive ass game makes no sense to me. The more AA options the fucking better.
every character should have at least two medium to strong AA options leading to crush counter combos, hard knockdown or oki for followup.