I would definitely take Remy, but now that we have Nash and Guile I'd say his chances are pretty low.
My ISP crap today, internet won't last 5 mins before it dies, since morning they having problems sheeeesh....I want to play, I want to give people my lag lol...just last 30mins instead of 5mins and i will spread the lag..
I would definitely take Remy, but now that we have Nash and Guile I'd say his chances are pretty low.
He was a product of another time.
A shittier time.
Famitsu: Well then, let's move on to the main subject. Among the characters playable at release, you recently announced F.A.N.G., what's the story behind this character anyway?
Sugiyama: He's the newest member of The Four Kings of Shadaloo. After Sagat left, F.A.N.G. joined as its newest member. As such, he's an important character that's deeply intertwined with the story.
Famitsu: What's special about him?
Sugiyama: We wanted to make the tallest character yet, so to begin with, he's big. Beyond that, he's also very particular about the number 2, so we made it that when he stands on his tiptoes he's actually 222 centimeters tall, haha.
Famitsu: Haha! So, what's special about him as a fighter?
Sugiyama: He's a character with very long range who uses an unpleasant fighting style. As for something we haven't seen so far in Street Fighter, he uses poison. He puts his opponent in a poisoned state if he hits them with a special move.
Famitsu: You're right, there's never been a poison-themed fighter in Street Fighter, has there?
Sugiyama: Actually, during the development of Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike, the team were choosing between a poison-themed character or Remy to enter the fray.
At that time, they ended up going with Remy, so said poison-themed fighter never saw the light of day.
Famitsu: Really?! I had no idea!
Well, you should owe Remy a fat thank because if it wasn't for him, F.A.N.G. mightn't happens.
Lag protection.
F.A.N.G is an untapped gold mine for memes.Lol.
That damn fang pic never gets old.
See you in 2026 on SF6 fam.When Sodom comes out you are all getting this work.
See you in 2026 on SF6 fam.
You sound like someone who'd spread STD's on purpose.
You sound like someone who'd spread STD's on purpose.
That was uncalled for i have never had an STD in my life, old saying the girls would tell us, no glove, no love, the only time my condom came off is when i got married..
He's judging you and he's found you...wanting.It's like he is staring into my very soul.
Aww, thanks.Luce is easily one of the best posters on this entire forum. Makes me laugh every time. When we playing some sets Luce!?
Luce is easily one of the best posters on this entire forum. Makes me laugh every time. When we playing some sets Luce!?
You sound like someone who'd spread STD's on purpose.
no new characters? There has to be at least one.
I thought the same thing with the lists people wanted for season 2. There's no way there will not be at least one new character. This season being all newly playable characters was unexpected, but I was expecting at least 2 new guys this season.
I expected at least one but 5 brand new makes me think there's a good chance we'll get none next season. That will bring the total to 34 with 9 new characters. SSF4 had 35 with only 8 new.
Hopefully notI think they'll do 3/3 for Season 3 at the very least.
I hope Sagat is locked up and forgotten in capcom's basement.
I think they'll do 3/3 for Season 3 at the very least.
I remember Capcom (I think it was Ono) saying how they wanted to get all these new characters out and then start bringing back old ones.
My only request is no Seth, Blanka, or El Fuerte,
Give me El Fuerte and Blanka pls....
El Fuerte V-skill is running, removing the qcf motion and making him even more annoying lol..
There is already a character that runs with VSkill, no overlapping.
Still no ED trailer?
Is Dreamhack over today?
I hope Sagat is locked up and forgotten in capcom's basement.
Looks like someone has gone missing from the basement...
Theres gonna be some other veterans in that basement that weren't too happy sitting out 2017.
Do you know if theres plans to do anything "more" than a 2018/2019/2020 update at some point down the road?Looks like someone has gone missing from the basement...
Theres gonna be some other veterans in that basement that weren't too happy sitting out 2017.
Bison's Thailand stage looks amazing. Love the insane detail on the bell, ornaments, buildings and the two statues.
Do you know if theres plans to do anything "more" than a 2018/2019/2020 update at some point down the road?
Looks like someone has gone missing from the basement...
Theres gonna be some other veterans in that basement that weren't too happy sitting out 2017.
I am so pissed I missed buying that stage. I want it back so bad so I can practice on it. It just looks gorgeous.
Also, i'm having a weird controller crisis if anyone wants to help. I normally play on stick, but there is a weird 'familiarity' that comes with playing on the PS4 pad, for some reason. Hard to explain. This last week, i've taken to playing/learning Akuma on the PS4 pad, and playing with Urien in online matches on the stick. There are certain inputs that I just drop more on stick, surprisingly. Usually in mid combo (for example connecting CA after doing a shoulder tackle with Urien when on P1 side). This issue tends to not happen on pad, but the finer nuances of movement & such are still not there on pad, mostly cause I just don't have the familiarity/time dedicated that I do with stick. So, should I make the switch or stick it out with pad? Side note: I plan on playing MvC:I on pad.