TBH this is how it should be for everyone, fuck jumping.
when's yun
TBH this is how it should be for everyone, fuck jumping.
TBH this is how it should be for everyone, fuck jumping.
What ? Isn't that thing safe now and still switch side ?
What it SHOULD be is that AAs (for certain characters) lead to so much damage that jumping at the wrong time fucks you up. The risk/reward ratio for jumping is so fucked as it stands. Getting AA 5 times in a row amounts to the same damage that you can do with just one jump-in, and that's not even counting the benefit it gives for vortex/mixup characters.
Just give everyone marvel air combos on an anti air tbh tbh
I'm so helpless against Bison, I feel like I can never press buttons and I don't know what to do once he goes for EX Devil reverse, also it's funny that sometimes after I block it he seems to end up in the opposite side despite not looking like he would at all. And that fucking knee... does his hurtbox shrink to the size of a pixel or what? I always get CCd by it, can never stuff it.
Man if only we could look at your posts in S1 threads! Off the top of my head, I remember you complaining about a half a second delay for once and another time about the a bug that made you drop a Nash link! And I used to check SFV threads like once a week back then!I only ever complained about Jab AA in S1, Chun's ridiculous poke and Mika's Clap. I only ever complained about the netcode. In the beta I was skeptical about the content and how matchmaking works but never had any issues with the netcode.
Now we have S2.
Who's decision was it to make Urien's Cr.MP + on block? It can already V-Trigger cancel and is the longest reaching poke in the game. Then there is his Ex headbutt which has 17f of recovery making it hard to CC with slow characters.
Why would you reversal outside of your v-reversal reach?! There are wrong times to use v-reversals with every single character in the game, they're not get out of jail free cards!Yes, "Switch sides" and "Safe". Any character with long limps can punish it. Or walk back and press a button.
Like with everyone's favorite top tier character
Pinksu said:SFV is not a game for players that want traditional footsies...period. The game is heavily influenced by its top tiers, because the interaction with flawed hitboxes that doesn't support 'testing waters', and the character's abilities being heavily restricted to play one certain way the way Capcom thinks it should be played makes player skill less of a determining factor. Mastery of the flow of the game, rather than creative approaches. That's why players who want to read player habits like Daigo will fail, why people who played a very calculated and adaptive style of zoning like Di3minion will suffer, and why players like Kazu and Krone who understands how their character should be played, and how the flow of the game is so heavily oppressive they don't feel the need to do any of these things because their characters take these aspects of the game in stride.
And still win.
This game.....has disappointed me severely. No one wants to just walk away from the game. It's a series many have grew up with, and many of us supported for a year, hoping for change and consideration as per Capcom's promises -- but has disappointed so much in every aspect, even after all this time. As a competitive FIGHTER, and as a casual game, it just makes many from both sides very unhappy.
Probably the worst out of everyone are the players who support this madness, and tell anyone else unhappy with the game to move on...I feel like these players are unaware of how many people are actually unhappy with the game. Defenders are not the minority, but they sure as hell aren't the majority. If everyone who had a problem with this game left right now, this game wouldn't be able to support itself, even off your blind enabling. This game is still milestones away from its first year projection of 2 million copies, and you're asking half of the support system that keeps this game afloat to leave. Laughable.
My Bison strategy by now:I'm so helpless against Bison, I feel like I can never press buttons and I don't know what to do once he goes for EX Devil reverse, also it's funny that sometimes after I block it he seems to end up in the opposite side despite not looking like he would at all. And that fucking knee... does his hurtbox shrink to the size of a pixel or what? I always get CCd by it, can never stuff it.
There's a lot of truth in there, but to change what he mentions you would basically have to create a completely different game. That would have to be a change unlike anything we've ever seen in a fighting game and I can't imagine that will ever happen.This post from r/StreetFighter sums up the fundamental problem with SFV so well IMO.
Tbh, the only reason I'm even coming back for Kolin is because I've bought the season pass.I know right? I'm totally done with this game.
Until Kolin, then I'm done.
Well maybe until the character afterwards...
Yes, "Switch sides" and "Safe". Any character with long limps can punish it. Or walk back and press a button.
Like with everyone's favorite top tier character
I forgot - who do you play again? Bison has to work to get to you from full screen - SKs, unsafe dashing, and heastop - since his speed is so shit. Practice stuffing those moves and you'll frustrate a Bison quick. Corner play is important in most fighting games, and obviously in SFV, but Bisons hate being in the corner because he can't reliably leave it.
His HK is good but you can easily make him whiff it by staying out of range and backing up a bit. Let him use up his turns and work to come to you.
Oh yeah, his AA is fucking garbage unless you are clearly telegraphing your jump-ins so get some freebies on that boy.
That was the worst vreversal ever. Far away, at the very end of the animation of his fierce...lol.
Holy moth balls that's how I feel...This post from r/StreetFighter sums up the fundamental problem with SFV so well IMO.
Holy moth balls that's how I feel...
Very well put, I hope I can get back into one day, but yeah S2 killed my motivation. On the bright side PS4's game lineup is kinda crazy! I'm having so much fun getting back into SP games. TLG, GR2, Nioh, Nier, Horizon, RE7, FF15, Persona 5, they just won't stop!
The time is meaningless since he's out of reach, that's like whiffing a throw and complaining they suck. You know it has ass reach, why would you use it against an out of reach poke?!Urien can still punish it even when it's done fast. And you don't think people will react trying to get out of Urien's shenanigans?
Set the dummy to wake-up with a 3 frame normal, use different recoveries and make sure your offense beats it. That's one of the best ways to learn pressure.I finally hit silver league this weekend!
Now I'm just going to stick to casual matches so I can learn as much as possible before continuing the ranked grind. I'm afraid to lose access to all the upper level silver players by losing the rank.
I actually feel like I'm improving at the game now though, which is super nice.
Does anyone know the best way to learn mixups? I play Gief, and I only know a few for some scenarios. I feel like that's the next step in moving forward with him.
Urien can still punish it even when it's done fast. And you don't think people will react trying to get out of Urien's shenanigans?
lol that's actually gonna be my first Yakuza game. Gonna see what all the hype is about lol.Can't believe you didn't mention Yakuza 0.
Set the dummy to wake-up with a 3 frame normal, use different recoveries and make sure your offense beats it. That's one of the best ways to learn pressure.
Make sure to head on over to the Yakuza 0 OT once you start playing. We're always happy to help.lol that's actually gonna be my first Yakuza game. Gonna see what all the hype is about lol.
I'm playing Urien now, I know my character is really good so I'm not complaining about Urien because I know he has options, thing is I feel completely defenseless when I go against Bison, it's like my brain enters a state in which it refrains from pressing buttons and lets Bison keep the pressure for free, I'm gonna have to get in the lab.
I liked Season 1 better tbh (though that's kinda relative for me since my character didn't change all that much so the game doesn't feel super different).
That's a big part of the game for sure. But you usually don't have more than 3 or 4 knockdown timings. I don't know Zangief at all, though.I've done a lot of practice like this for wakeup off of all the SPDs, but not as much with other moves. Is it just a matter of practicing all the options for both you and the opponent after any move that knocks them down?
As a Cammy player, I would never vreversal Urien's s.hp from the tip of the attack after the animation has ended.
You might have a point, but you chose a gif showing a very stupid decision trying to prove it.
This isn't a good example. A better one would be the couple of times Smug was able to walk out of it when fighting Kbrad at ESL a few times. Medium punch, walk back, punish.
I choose that because it is one of the most hardest punishes on Cammy's V-reversal. Be honest what other character could be V-reversal punish on activation besides throws? Juri was the only character and Capcom fixed her's.
If we all do end up dropping V, please lets not go back to SFIV.
What it SHOULD be is that AAs (for certain characters) lead to so much damage that jumping at the wrong time fucks you up. The risk/reward ratio for jumping is so fucked as it stands. Getting AA 5 times in a row amounts to the same damage that you can do with just one jump-in, and that's not even counting the benefit it gives for vortex/mixup characters.
I've done a lot of practice like this for wakeup off of all the SPDs, but not as much with other moves. Is it just a matter of practicing all the options for both you and the opponent after any move that knocks them down?
You either stick to DS4 or just go with a fighting sticks, all the fighting pads i tried so far are poorly built and really i find DS4 more comfortable and responsiv.
This post from r/StreetFighter sums up the fundamental problem with SFV so well IMO.
Yeah, that's one I don't really get. Were people complaining about them?V-Reversal nerf was also kind of idiotic to me, because now outside of like five characters it's ass and it costs so much to use. I haven't even played much Season 2, but since I played as Cammy it wouldn't be much different. I actually was beginning to learn Vega but now I don't even think it's worth it and he doesn't exactly help me on the rare 4-6 match for Cammy, hell if she even has an 4-6s lol
If we all do end up dropping V, please lets not go back to SFIV.
If USF2 delivers, lets go there
Then I'd have to buy a console with no games.
I'm picking up Tekken 7
Im hoping to like Tekken 7, but I dont like the way KoF and Injustice play/feel. If that makes sense.Inj 2, Tekken 7 or KoF XIV seem like the only replacements we have (that aren't anime). And MvC: I when it drops.
It already has my true main Violent Ken so im day 1.If USF2 delivers, lets go there
Oh yeah.
And need to buy new sticks
Same. I hope PC has a healthy community cuz it's not gonna be crossplay like SFV![]()
Yeah, that's one I don't really get. Were people complaining about them?
The only explanation I can come up with is that they really wanted the white life change and that indirectly made V-Reversals stronger.
SPD has 5f of startup. And eveyone is grab invincible for 2f on wakeup, which means you have 1 frame of precision to land a SPD on a 3f jab, 2f on a 4f jab. You can practice grabbing people on wakeup, and I do recommend it, but honestly you are concentrating on the wrong part.
What you need to concentrate on is distance. Zangief's light SPD and EX SPD outrange most normals, and even the medium SPD has a respectable range. And as Zangief doesn't have an overhead, most people will always block low, which means they are crouching, which means their hurtbox is bigger.
So what you want to do is establish early you are willing to go for meaty setups, and then whiff those, walk out of their wakeup jab range and just grab them from outside where they can hit you
a jugglefest?
why I never
I was going to mention that you forgot Smash but then I already know what's going to be said about it.Might as well get this shit started.
Tekken is a jugglefest
Injustice 2 meta is busted due to overpatching
Marvel is a 1 player game once you get hit
Ultra Street Fighter 2 should just be Super Turbo
GG is (air) dash and mash
BB is for weebs
Virtua Fighter is for empty chairs
Gundam "neutral" is just beamspam
SFV is dash and mash/Sleep Fighter V/Unga Bunga V
KOF is hop and mash.
Et al.
ICYMI: Red Bul Kumite's first 4 participants
Xiao Hai
I was going to mention that you forgot Smash but then I already know what's going to be said about it.