They're making Kolin look fun
Her sweep seems questionable though.Man I don't know I didn't think about putting her in the pocket but damnnnnnnnn
Her shit is way too good for good normals though.
bruh this counter damage is SHOCKING
You see how much damage those throws do?Kolin probably has 900 hp, so the damage is amplified
I like how Kolin walking back is basically a taunt. A character I mained in another game did that too:
Why is Robert playing a new character against Rog using Rog?
Kolin's name is such a bad pun in Japanese, lol.
Haha, really?
They still need to fix the tracking on Head Stomp!!!!!
I've definitely been jabbed out of the V-Trigger version, but I understand it's very disorienting.
The EX version is definitely very good, and I'd love to get a visual on where it's iframes are since I've seen it beat Flash Kick.
Rog isn't having any of Kolin lol
" The only Ice I know is the ones Around my Neck "
was that really his winquote?
I'm liking Kolin but her stance bothers me.
She's got mobility options to make up for it- if she was fast w/ fast normals she'd be ridiculous when combo'd with her V-Trigger.Kolin looks neat, but slower than I wanted. She can't be fast with that stun game in place though I suppose but those normals will be situational