ghostface pizzakid
So... any word on the cross buy fix for the 12 characters? They sure are taking their sweet ass time. Capcpom at it again I guess.
They did said that it should be fixed for everone on November 6 (after the US PS Store update... so, any moment before midnightSo... any word on the cross buy fix for the 12 characters? They sure are taking their sweet ass time. Capcpom at it again I guess.
Is it OK to ask for a code for alts/and or extra characters?
Does anyone else find it really hard to pull off the supers that require you to press all 3 kick buttons?
Doing QCF's consistantly seems to be a problem for me in this compared to Marvel. I dunno why. Maybe it's because I have "Super Easy Super?" inputs activated a gem? I can't seem to pull any of Cody's QCF's off consistently here.
Both screenshots are on their original resolution, untouched. The game looks EXACTLY the same on the vita as on this screenshot.
Doing QCF's consistantly seems to be a problem for me in this compared to Marvel. I dunno why. Maybe it's because I have "Super Easy Super?" inputs activated a gem? I can't seem to pull any of Cody's QCF's off consistently here.
Why do you have this enabled!? Get rid of it, LOL.
Mileena said:yo stop mashing scrub
So I don't think Cross Play works. I tried playing with a buddy that is on his PS3. I sent an invite but there's no "Join/Accept" button on his side.. just a "Reply" button. So we tried it the other way around and I didn't get a "Join" button to hit either.
Anyone else have this issue as well?
I really hope the issue is resolved today with the costumes and characters since I bought the digital version and still cannot access any of the alternate costumes or the characters in the ps3 version.
At the moment, just wait untill the Store update hits later today.I didn't receive the 38 alt character costumes. What's the email address to resolve this?
I didn't receive the 38 alt character costumes. What's the email address to resolve this?
And if you preodered the game, also:
-12 DLC characters alt.costumes (PS3)
-12 DLC characters alt.costumes (Vita)
The preorder bonus was apparently retail-only. And the blog post detailing the DLC "issue", only mentioned this for digital purchases:Just to add: That should be "bought on PSN week one/the first three days" right? Most PSN titles treat buying it the first week as "pre-order" bonuses.
Now, other games did offered the preorder DLC for digital purchases during the first few days, but at the moment and in this case; we don't know.Full Game Purchased via Digital Download prior to October 26th, 6pm (PST):
- The DLC content described above was not included in the download. On November 6th, you will be entitled to the access the “Additional Characters Pack” (12 New Characters) and the “SF/TK Alternate Costume Complete Pack” (38 Costumes) for PS3 the if you log in to the PSN Store and select these items. They will be marked as “Free” based on your entitlement, and you can download the content.
Store update seems to be on its way, stuff already up via search; no sign of the 12-characters DLC been free (in-game and in-store).
Yep, store updated and nothing. Others are posting about it over the net.
Seems that the costumes (38 alternates) do appear free for those that redeemed codes. But the 12 characters on PS3 are still priced at $19.99.
for the dlc alternatives it's 6 for the dlc alternate.OMG SMH. You're right.
Fuck Capcom. I'm not paying $12 for the better Cody outfit and I got ripped off $2with those DLC alternates.More like $42 now
NEVER AGAIN, Capcom. I'll fucking wait next time.
I didn't even get that, now I'm livid.
Yeah. In general I love eveyrthing about the game: the looks, the characters, the gems, gameplay is fast, complaints (Vita/DLC issues aside).I bought this on a whim pretty much because I have enjoyed all of the Vita ports of fighters so far. I am a very casual fighting game person and play a lot of single player, though every once in a while I jump online and get rolled. I did not have very high hopes for this game after hearing complaints but there is something about this game that is very fun. I feel like the moves have a great deal of impact to them and the systems for swapping for multicharacter combos are pretty easy to take advantage of, even if you are not a super serious fighter player. I know it is getting a patch to make things better competitively but even right now I am very happy with the purchase and it has replaced UMVC3 as the default fighter I play when I pick up the Vita.
for the dlc alternatives it's 6 for the dlc alternate.
I never got the preorder so I bought those but I still haven't got the 38 characters alternate.
They haven't replied yet to the forum posts or updated the blog regarding the missing Nov.6th-fix.It was $2 last week since it was on sale, and honestly Cody's Paul outfit is TERRIBLE. I'd rather have the much better cop-outfit, so I'm ripped off $2-3 bucks in addition to hoping that I was getting $40+ in rip-off DLC (outfits/gems) free for buying week one.
And Capcom still hasn't replied to my e-mail. Why isn't this issue on GiantBomb/et. al.? Capcom and Sony are purposely screwing early buyers and saying NOTHING about them "fixing" it other than a date and that date has passed and still it isn't fixed. This should be a bigger consumer-rights issue than it is. :|
It brings a lot of new content compared to the PS3 version, which also can be unlocked there. And also new collectables and little cool extras like the AR stuff. As an example, now in Vita you have a lot of colors for the editor, and I'm expending a lot of time with it. Back in the PS3 version it was useless because it has like 4 colors for each character.
Same here.At this point, I think I actually prefer the Vita version over the console versions. This game makes for an awesome handheld game.
Oops, I didn't know it. Never used the editor in PS3 since the PS3 release, but noticed all the release when downloading the Vita stuff. In fact, I didn't played the PS3 version during too much time.Color edit is exactly the same as PS3...Capcom released color packs in the months leading up to the Vita version.
Yeah I agree, I wanted to let you know that I sent a PM on capcom unity to and he sent me two codes to redeem both the 12 characters for PS3 and the 38 character Alternate Costume Pack.It was $2 last week since it was on sale, and honestly Cody's Paul outfit is TERRIBLE. I'd rather have the much better cop-outfit, so I'm ripped off $2-3 bucks in addition to hoping that I was getting $40+ in rip-off DLC (outfits/gems) free for buying week one.
And Capcom still hasn't replied to my e-mail. Why isn't this issue on GiantBomb/et. al.? Capcom and Sony are purposely screwing early buyers and saying NOTHING about them "fixing" it other than a date and that date has passed and still it isn't fixed. This should be a bigger consumer-rights issue than it is. :|
I should check that but I was on the vita and never saw that. I will have to look again.Interesting..
I just got a message on my Vita (couldn't see/read it on my PS3); about the missing DLC:
Said voucher auto-redeemed itself when I clicked on the logo and got me the 12-DLC characters on PS3 (which was the only thing I was missing) and the alternate costumes (which I already had).
If anything, check your Vitas and make sure they're online, to see if you receive a message.
They sent me a note for the ps3 characters so I'm glad thats over but still nothing on the dlc alt costumes for vita yet.
I guess I got lucky. I punched in my code and the alt costumes and ps3 unlocks popped up.
Game is an amazing piece of software. I'm still trying to wrap my head around playing this on a handheld.
Doh. Wish I knew about the DLC. Bought it at Target the other week via the B2G1 sale.
Weird. My note had one vocuher and it unlocked both (12-characters and 38-costumes) though I already had the costumes. Check your download history just in case.They sent me a note for the ps3 characters so I'm glad thats over but still nothing on the dlc alt costumes for vita yet.
Er-If you bought it then you should have a voucher code. If you use that and got nothing, you need to bitch at Mochuu or go to the PSN store and see if the "SF vs Juggle Promo DLC" is there for you to download and grab it NAO.
Seems that..After 3 weeks of waiting they finally resolve it. Found this in the add-on page:
Weird. My note had one vocuher and it unlocked both (12-characters and 38-costumes) though I already had the costumes. Check your download history just in case.
I called psn about it for like an hour and they told me to see if it fixesBitch in the PSN store thread to Mochuu or whatever his name is. The GAF "PSN store manager" dude. I did, and he needs to know this issue is still ongoing.
But I'm going to check my PSN messages and see if they sent me a message and I haven't seen it.