If I download the free costumes on my, how do I get them on my Vita?
You can just go to your download list on Vita PSN and redownload it.
If I download the free costumes on my, how do I get them on my Vita?
Weird. I dunno. I haven't purchased anything, and I'm getting two SF/TK complete swap pack options.
I just wanna know if the PSN version of the game comes with the characters or not, damn it lol
I think he meant the extra characters, to unlock them on PS3. Seems there's a voucher for that in retail copies, but is not working.It does, but the outfits aren't included AFAIK.
Is something wonky with the DLC on the PSN store? I just saw the SF/TK complete swap costume pack up w/ two listings- one for the sale price and one for Free. I DL'd the free one. Dunno if it's a goof, but might want to jump on it if so.
edit: Yup. Complete 38 swap costume pack for free. go, go go!
I don't know if its cuz I feel comfy with some characters now (vanilla I couldn't play any1, but jack/Bryan fit like a glove) or what but this version is way more fun than home console...
Did the new patch hit already?
I don't know if its cuz I feel comfy with some characters now (vanilla I couldn't play any1, but jack/Bryan fit like a glove) or what but this version is way more fun than home console...
Did the new patch hit already?
For what it's worth, it seems most people's shit breaks when it comes to crossbuy codes, as well as there being constant problems with stuff like pre-order and early release codes on PSN.
Not saying Capcom didn't fuck something up... but for instance when Zen Pinball 2 launched, their shit was broken 40 ways from sunday for like two weeks. Crossbuy stuff didn't show up right, things downloaded on one platform didn't appear on the other without a lot of experimentation. And so on.
I have the impression that PSN is still held together with spit n' bailing wire.
I just hope they make digital purchases of the portable version unlock the DLC characters for free on the PS3 version. That's the reason I went digital (before the deal was announced at Gamestop anyway) in the first place, because I assumed I'd be getting the same shit the "day one" retail people would be getting because Capcom made no mention of differences between versions.
So if they don't step their game up and give us the same shit, I'm going to be pissed but at least I stuck it to Capcom (and Sony, in a fashion) by getting that original 38 character swap pack but I'm still held hostage to getting Cody on PS3 at a later date.![]()
So if they don't step their game up and give us the same shit, I'm going to be pissed but at least I stuck it to Capcom (and Sony, in a fashion) by getting that original 38 character swap pack but I'm still held hostage to getting Cody on PS3 at a later date.![]()
Yup, from day 1 the entire premise of the Vita edition's bonus was to get the 12 DLC characters on PS3 for free. All this stuff with costumes and such are just extra bonuses tossed in as a launch promotion.
So... yeah. Not getting the console characters via buying digitally is entirely bogus and goes against what was advertised.
So how's the game? Still can't decide if I want to get it.
How does it look?
On a scale of MK to UMvC3, how are the character models?
It doesn't seem like all the neat shaders are in the Vita version. I think the console version is actually really pretty.
How does it look?
On a scale of MK to UMvC3, how are the character models?
It doesn't seem like all the neat shaders are in the Vita version. I think the console version is actually really pretty.
You gotta let it go man, you made an assumption and unfortunately Capcom didn't include the DLC costumes. At least we got the original 38 free character swaps.
Once again: I do not give a shit about the costumes. I give a shit about the characters. If I'm buying it digitally, I want the damn content unlocked on PS3. Thankfully, that content is unlocked on the portable version, but it isn't unlocked for the PS3 unless you buy the retail version. That's what I'm complaining about: They said "buy the game day one and you'll get a voucher/pass for the characters." That's what I care about.
Digital pixels that clothe the characters I don't give a damn about. I just want Cody unlocked on the PS3 and I'm being punished for going the route I normally do for portable versions. :|
I doubt it's intentional. Apparently the retail version codes are screwed up.
The 12 characters were promised all along. Considering the original PR mess, I doubt they're trying to pull a fast one. It just screams a big Capcom/Sony screw up of PSNstore/DLC/cross buy implementation. I suspect they'll at least acknowledge a screw up tomorrow.
I hope so, because this is just making me not want to buy portable titles day one anymore. The costumes bit sucks, but I can deal with that. But if you're going to promise you unlock characters if you get the portable version day one, by god and country you better deliver on that promise no matter the delivery method. :|
It took a while to fix the Jill/Shuma thing, but I think this issue is a bit more pressing. Hopefully it'll be resolved with the next store update. I don't expect results sooner, sadly.
So how's the game? Still can't decide if I want to get it.
Welp...bought the game. Probably not the wisest decision I made this year but whatever; can't say no to handheld fighters.
I think it's pretty awesome because the port is so good. Best handheld fighter so far, I think.
Just came out way too late. Better late then never but I think it hurt the brand a lot.