Why would they stick a needle down your urinary tract?
Because doctors are sadistic.
Why would they stick a needle down your urinary tract?
You really wouldnt get fucked up your pee pee for a couple of seconds to not have to hunt for rubbers last minute, play pulling out roulette, or worry about your girl wanting a baby daddy and trapping you into a leg lock right as you try to pull out?
Sign me up!
Pull out champion six years and counting.
if this works on humans just as good i am all in. goodbye condoms.
hello stds
If you actually wanted to use a contraceptive, a mere injection shouldn't deter you.NOPE
Oh please 🙄
Eww sounds disgusting. Why does it seem like with male contraceptive it's always a needle to the dick? Fuck that, I'll just be perpetually sexless for another decade instead xD
One, that pill is not some walk in the park. It has any number of side effects, ranging from fluctuations in to completely killing any interest in sex, depression, various other aches/pains/discomfort, all owing to its hormonal nature. I severely doubt any man who's hesitant about Vasalgel would truly want a male equivalent to the pill, which would give them those same symptoms and result in shit like depression, sex drive being all over the place, problems even getting an erection, etc, that would come from hormonal birth control. This is making oral contraceptives sound like they're nothing, when that's far from the case.They eat a pill, many of them. If they invent a pill for men, I'm all for it. But I'm not going to have someone stick a needle down my urinary tract.
I... I just can't at this point. Sigh...Eww sounds disgusting. Why does it seem like with male contraceptive it's always a needle to the dick? Fuck that, I'll just be perpetually sexless for another decade instead xD
Google how IUDs are implanted into the uterus. then come back and tell me how disgusting a needle to the dick is.
One, that pill is not some walk in the park. It has any number of side effects, ranging from fluctuations in to completely killing any interest in sex, depression, various other aches/pains/discomfort, all owing to its hormonal nature. I severely doubt any man who's hesitant about Vasalgel would truly want a male equivalent to the pill, which would give them those same symptoms and result in shit like depression, sex drive being all over the place, problems even getting an erection, etc, that would come from hormonal birth control. This is making oral contraceptives sound like they're nothing, when that's far from the case.
I mean, most women don't, and this is a non-starter too. Most people don't want to have surgeries or operations or get jabbed in their genitals with a needle.
It's great to have another birth control option available, and reliable contraception methods available to both sexes are a Very Good Thing, but yeah this is never going to take off like a rocket for a pretty obvious reason.
But do you still make an O face
I... I just can't at this point. Sigh...
This is such a horrible stance. Are you fine with the pill? If you got a pill with the same negative effects would you take it instead of a single injection?
Jesus, guys are really the most egotistical when it comes to contraceptives. Our penises are not some porcelain figure. They can handle it. Stop being such a man about it and woman up.Writing that last sentence got me thinking, why is "man up" considered "tough up" when it's always women and gays who get dealt the really bad deals in life and have to suck it up? Boys cry more than girls. Boys get told they're fine as they are while girls have to suck it up and be better. Gays get called "sissies" when they're literally taking up the ass. Damn, guys really do project like a fucking Epson.
Just the thought of having a needle injection in that general area makes my balls ache
I'll read through this thread later but as a long time believer, promoter and backer of Vasalgel I'm happy every time their news makes the rounds.
And a lot of you people in this thread need to go take sex ed again. Christ.
Call me old fashioned buy I'd rather take a little prick to my prick with no ill consequences than depression and all number of side effects caused by a pill.I never claimed they had no symptoms. But I vastly prefer eating a pill over getting something injected into my body. Call me old-fashioned, if you will, but that's how it is.
Same here, I donated last year and I'm glad to see the progress they're making.
And a lot of you people in this thread need to go take sex ed again. Christ.
Call me old fashioned buy I'd rather take a little prick to my prick with no ill consequences than depression and all number of side effects caused by a pill.
FINALLY! Been waiting on Vasalgel to become comercially available for a couple years.
Also maybe I missed something but I don't think they are shoving anything up anyone's urethra? I imagine it's an injection into the penis/balls.
Not my point. Even if it's disgusting for women as well it doesn't really take away from the other![]()
What do you mean 'again'? My sex ed class didn't talk about any of these things. The only male contraceptive that was mentioned was Condom. No information about balls etc. aside from "sperm comes from testicles" stuff. It was mostly about women, vagina and pregnancy. I hope they teach the kids in school better these days about these things.
Male fragility?I mean, most women don't, and this is a non-starter too. Most people don't want to have surgeries or operations or get jabbed in their genitals with a needle.
It's great to have another birth control option available, and reliable contraception methods available to both sexes are a Very Good Thing, but yeah this is never going to take off like a rocket for a pretty obvious reason.
Afaik it's the same chemicals, but in the wstern commercial implementation.This sounds like that RISUG procedure they do in India or somewhere. I have one daughter already and sometimes I'm paranoid about women saying they are on birth control. I would totally get this procedure done.
One of the perks of being sterile is I don't need to worry about this, but hurray for the rest of you.
So you are absically saying that women just have to deal with it, no matter how horrifying it is, but a little poke to your privates is infinitly worse? ok
One of the perks of being sterile is I don't need to worry about this, but hurray for the rest of you.
Not interested.
He is probably talking about the people asking if they will still be able to "give facials" or have an "O face" after the procedure.
To ask those questions means you don't have an understanding of the male anatomy.
You already know I'm not saying that. What I'm saying is, that I don't want to do that, so I won't subject a woman to have sex with me when I'm clearly not ready to pull my weight in the whole contraceptive deal. If a woman said to me that she doesn't have sex because she doesn't want to bother with painful and side-effect having contraceptives I would understand.
The rate of side effects was higher and they were more severe than the typical effects for women.Have you seen the list of side effects that comes with the pill? Including but not limited to nausea, diarrhoea, depression, breast tenderness, uncontrollable bleeding out of your hooha, gallbladder disease, deep vein thrombosis and possibly strokes and death? Oh and if it contains oestrogen it increases your risk of breast cancer. Yup. But we couldn't possibly do that to men.
I never claimed they had no symptoms. But I vastly prefer eating a pill over getting something injected into my body. Call me old-fashioned, if you will, but that's how it is.
What does this have to do with being old fashioned?! It just sounds like a mix of entitlement and being a crybaby.
So you don't get vaccinated either? No Tooth fillings? Will you tell your doctor to keep that hip replacement out of your body because you are old fashioned?
If anything a mechanical solution basically plugging a pipe is more old fashioned then getting orally injected (a pill is entering your body too you know) with a bunch of hormones/ chemicals.
And this procedure is basically a vasectomy. men with that can still orgasm and ejaculate.
What's up with the countless strawmen? I'm talking in terms of contraception. Of course I'm vaccinated.
It's not that much of a strawmen? To preemptivly defend yourself from possible diseases you are willing to get multiple needles injected into you.
Would you honestly prefer taking some anti-hepatitis pill every day over those years?
This one is even just one injection for a decade of no babies.
Actually there is. It's one of the reasons why people want it over vasectomy (which in most cases also is reversible though nowadays. But obviously way more complicated than dissolving a piece of gel).There's no guarantee that the gel is reversible.