So I just got the new OXM demo last night, and played some Sudeki - after going thru it twice, I came away impressed and let down at the same time:
First off, let's get my complaints out of the way:
If it's one thing I hate, it's stiff/jerky animation - and this has it big time. I don't mean the framerate dips, or it's running at a constant 3 fps
. I mean the charater animations look like what would happen if you animated a Ken and Barbie. Fluid does not apply here.
The other complaint is the art style. At first I read a lot of people were bitchin about it, but from the screen shots I saw, it didn't look THAT bad - not great, but not bad. But after playing the game and seeing some of the environments, I can see what all the complaining is about. The character designs still don't bother me that much - it's a weird mix of anime and western design, whether it works is anyone's opinion. Running around the game and seeing all the clunky design is anohter matter though. The giant dragon statue near the end of the demo is REALLY bad imo. The enemies were uninspired and just supid things here and there like the blocks you push in the puzzle just kinda look "meh".
But this is just personal taste I suppose. I've seen some really cool looking bosses and shat in screenshots, so it looks to be a mixed bag in the design department.
Now on to the good stuff:
The battle system is pretty cool - I love bringing up that menu, slowing down the battle, picking a spell and bringing the battle back up to speed. There is just something about it that works. The combos you can pull off are great as well. And the demo throws A LOT of enemies at you - more then I initially expected. At one time I had about 6-8 enemies surrounding me. Picked a "wide" spell to knock some back, then went into some combos to finish the rest. Good stuff.
I want to play as the girl more before I comment about this, but from what I have played, the girl (who fights with a staff in first person) is not as fun as fighting as one of the third person fighters. But I haven't given it a lot of time, so who knows.
The boss (spider) was pretty cool, if not easy. Music and sound sounded pretty good in 5.1. Graphics are nice and shiny but the jerky animation ruins them a bit for me - makes for great screenshots though
All in all, I think I'm sold on this one. The battle system kinda tipped the scale for me - and the fact that I really like RPG/Action Rpgs. This and ToS should make me happy.
First off, let's get my complaints out of the way:
If it's one thing I hate, it's stiff/jerky animation - and this has it big time. I don't mean the framerate dips, or it's running at a constant 3 fps
The other complaint is the art style. At first I read a lot of people were bitchin about it, but from the screen shots I saw, it didn't look THAT bad - not great, but not bad. But after playing the game and seeing some of the environments, I can see what all the complaining is about. The character designs still don't bother me that much - it's a weird mix of anime and western design, whether it works is anyone's opinion. Running around the game and seeing all the clunky design is anohter matter though. The giant dragon statue near the end of the demo is REALLY bad imo. The enemies were uninspired and just supid things here and there like the blocks you push in the puzzle just kinda look "meh".
But this is just personal taste I suppose. I've seen some really cool looking bosses and shat in screenshots, so it looks to be a mixed bag in the design department.
Now on to the good stuff:
The battle system is pretty cool - I love bringing up that menu, slowing down the battle, picking a spell and bringing the battle back up to speed. There is just something about it that works. The combos you can pull off are great as well. And the demo throws A LOT of enemies at you - more then I initially expected. At one time I had about 6-8 enemies surrounding me. Picked a "wide" spell to knock some back, then went into some combos to finish the rest. Good stuff.
I want to play as the girl more before I comment about this, but from what I have played, the girl (who fights with a staff in first person) is not as fun as fighting as one of the third person fighters. But I haven't given it a lot of time, so who knows.
The boss (spider) was pretty cool, if not easy. Music and sound sounded pretty good in 5.1. Graphics are nice and shiny but the jerky animation ruins them a bit for me - makes for great screenshots though
All in all, I think I'm sold on this one. The battle system kinda tipped the scale for me - and the fact that I really like RPG/Action Rpgs. This and ToS should make me happy.