I just feel like this industry is changing to the point it will become virtually unrecognizable to players who got gaming going from nothing. Change is, and always has been, inevitable. Having said that, I hope gaming never stops being for everyone, while only catering to what's popular and only the very young people.It goes both ways for me. I can understand wanting the best for gaming and the industry, but I'll never understand berating or shitting on games or folks that enjoyed them. That goes for any hobby or adjacent. If it's something I don't care about, I don't buy it or give it attention. If other people do, that's fine, good for them. No reason to drag them though. A simple. "Nah, it's not for me" or "I don't get it" is more than affective. But maybe I feel this way because I've worked in the industry as long as I have. To say something is "trash", "shit", or similar is pretty harsh when you know how many people worked really hard on it.
All in all it's a really bizarre reaction to me. Hardcore defending a game (or some hobby you love) to the point where it sounds like you'd take a bullet for it. Or being on the opposite end and being hyper aggressive towards things you don't enjoy and its enjoyers. Just feels like a waste of energy and time IMO.
Luckily, we aren't there yet, and maybe it will never go there, but I certainly don't mind seeing people voice their opinions against gaas titles and games like this that nickle and dime the absolute hell out of people. Shit like requiring online multiplayer subscriptions, battle passes, high upfront costs etc.