I was askin the same thing in Azumanga Daioh. these goddamned shows and their graduation episodes.
HS Graduation is that way, meanwhile, its like nobody can wait to graduate from college.
I was askin the same thing in Azumanga Daioh. these goddamned shows and their graduation episodes.
College is just unnecessary bloat to drag out a premise no one is really interested in.
There is a part of me that wants to go to a liqour store or something and buy some fine wine for every Saturday night since SAO is starting on Toonami.
Firehawk and I should charge royalties for every reference made to our posts concerning that show, though.
K-On!! 22
Why do they have to graduate ;_; Why can't they just stay as high school students forever?
"You now want a world without change. How stagnant! You can hardly call it life; the same as a world of memories. Just a world that's closed and completed. That's a place I wouldn't want to live in ... Life without change might be called anything but life."
College is just unnecessary bloat to drag out a premise no one is really interested in.
As long as it can pay for my wine.
I'll tithe you a full ten percent of the income, but you gotta do the advertising to generate the market for this special commodity, here.
Yeah, the laws of moe and purity destroy all interesting ways to make a good college series.
Yeah, the laws of moe and purity destroy all interesting ways to make a good college series.
Thinking about it, there really aren't too many college series to choose from; there are some really good ones to choose from out of what's there, though: Moyashimon, Honey & Clover, Genshiken, Steins;Gate(Kinda).
I much prefer when the setting is college and the cast is a bit older.
Thinking about it, there really aren't too many college series to choose from; there are some really good ones to choose from out of what's there, though: Moyashimon, Honey & Clover, Genshiken, Steins;Gate(Kinda).
I much prefer when the setting is college (if it has to be a school) and the cast is a bit older.
E: Tatami Galaxy! That one completely slipped my mind.
Gundam W HD remaster is coming. Anime is saved.
Gundam W HD remaster is coming. Anime is saved.
Gundam W HD remaster is coming. Anime is saved.
As long as no attempts are made to tie it in to any aspect of the Mars Century, I'm down with that.
Megas XLR 106
Coop saves the world, but more importantly, he saves TV. The enemy this week is a giant space gut that eats radio waves. Since Coop's TV runs on some kind of magical union of cable and satellite, it attracts some undue attention from this space monster. Meanwhile, the beloved American urban legend of the effects of pop rocks and soda pop on a kid's stomach is used to save the day.
You mean Frozen Teardrop? I wouldn't think they'd do such a thing...
Whichever one it is that has Noin having a brother that looks like Zechs.
Also I think I derailed that Square Enix thread into talk about Sword Art Online and I didn't even mean to. All I said was that two characters looked like Asuna and Kirito and boom.
So I really definitely promise I wasn't trying to make that happen.
Whichever one it is that has Noin having a brother that looks like Zechs.
Also I think I derailed that Square Enix thread into talk about Sword Art Online and I didn't even mean to. All I said was that two characters looked like Asuna and Kirito and boom.
So I really definitely promise I wasn't trying to make that happen.
This thread is for waifus not sexy women!Wait you mean that's not what this thread is for?
Man booty is the devil.
If she's impure, why is she still wearing white panties?
Things have been fine for the past few nights, I think it'll keep goin---
*sees the new doujin uploaded*
Most of them is him having fun with yaoi. Oni~is wolfrun having fun with yayoi or what?
That thread was doomed from the start so I forgive you.
I forgive you Corvy Kun. Just never do it again.
Most of them is him having fun with yaoi. Oni~
I'm almost done with Eva and 08th MS Team. After those, I'll be watching Twin Peaks and another anime. I expect Twin Peaks to be fairly heavy, so I'd like to pick an anime with that in mind as sort of a palate cleanser between Twin Peaks episodes.
My to-watch list:
Black Lagoon
FMA Brotherhood
Gurren Lagann
Haibane Renmei
Tatami Galaxy
Utena and Anthy y/n? I vote NO.
This isn't a democracy. You're wrong.Juri's love for Shiori didn't work because she was married to an ideal of Shiori that never existed and never would exist, which she clung to out of hope for some miracle. Utena and Anthy, on the other hand, accept each other for what they truly are, and as such have the purest love of anyone in the series with the possible exception of Onion Prince's one-sided affection for Wakaba.
The end of the movie is about as unambiguous as you can get on the subject, and I can't believe you'd insult such a beautiful film by comparing it to Rebuild.
So we're facing back-to-back boring girl arcs? Unfortunate.
Futari wa Precure: Max Heart - 08
Porun is still annoying as shit.
K-On!! 22
Why do they have to graduate ;_; Why can't they just stay as high school students forever?
I'd say that the shows that would contrast the most with Twin Peaks there are Black Lagoon, FMA Brotherhood and Gurren Lagann. They're all big, brash action shows which would be a nice contrast to Twin Peaks's weirdness. Gurren Lagann is generally regarded as a classic so you might be best off with that.
If you want something "calmer" then Mushishi or Haibane Renmei would be good bets. Tatami Galaxy is the only "comedy" on your list but it's a bit of a mindbender so I wouldn't recommend it in conjunction with David Lynch![]()
Imagine if I got royalties for SAOSuicide.gifFirehawk and I should charge royalties for every reference made to our posts concerning that show, though.
Imagine if I got royalties for SAOSuicide.gif
I'd be sued.
Too much money.
Only after I get my 10% share as his agent.It'll pay for my 26 different wine flavors so I'm okay with it.
Only after I get my 10% share as his agent.
The full list, including who moves on to the second prelim round instead and who's been eliminated straightaway, can be found here, as it will each day of the first prelims.1st 167 Toki Onjouji @ Saki
2nd 148 Ruri Gokou @ Ore no Imouto Ga Konna Ni Kawaii Wake Ga Nai
3rd 107 Kana Minami @ Minami-ke
4th 100 Komari Kamikita @ Little Busters!
5th 99 Yui Kotegawa @ To Love Ru
6th 94 Crestia Bell @ Hataraku Maou-sama!
7th 87 Saki Nagatsuka @ Ro-Kyu-Bu!
8th 86 Touka Yatogami @ Date A Live
9th 79 Maki Nishikino @ Love Live!
10th 78 Tetora Bouhatei @ Joshiraku
11th 72 Eucliwood Hellscythe @ Kore Wa Zombie Desu Ka?
12th 70 Kigurumi Haroukitei @ Joshiraku
13th 69 Masuzu Natsukawa @ Ore No Kanojo To Osananajimi Ga Shuraba Sugiru
14th 68 Lisbeth @ Sword Art Online
I'm sure someone is wondering to themselves what the other 23 flavours are outside of red, white and rosé.
Those aren't flavours though. They are type of wines.I'm sure someone is wondering to themselves what the other 23 flavours are outside of red, white and rosé.
That never stopped anyone.But you don't even do anything
Idol culture.
Those aren't flavours though. They are type of wines.
Each wine has its own flavour!
That never stopped anyone.
Sure it does!Sitting on your ass doesn't count.
Sure it does!
Nah huhUp till two maybe.