Bordering on self-parody.
Sounds like it was already there.
Bordering on self-parody.
I thought she was hilarious. [/shrugs]Sailor Moon SuperS Plus Ami's First Love!
And this was supposed to make Ami's character more sympathetic to me... how? Regulus I demand a refund!
I think we just found Lafiel a girlfriend.
*shiftly sits on the bench next to the the person in the fursuit*Guys, is there where I come to talk about....anime....? *does secret handshake*
same guy as this lmaoAlso there's this gem:
If you want something Japanese, I'd recommend Gokaiger. Its an anniversary season for Super Sentai, but you don't really need to know the rest of the seasons find it entertaining. There's also Kyoryuger, the currently running series, which is really good and funny. Other recommendations would be Jetman and Go-Busters (Since those are the only other ones I've watched).
American wise, can't go wrong with the first Power Rangers. Other good seasons would be In Space, Time Force, SPD, and RPM. RPM gets special mention because its actually rather mature and different from your average Power Rangers series.
Comedy options would be the two Akibaranger seasons. I can't really say much without giving stuff away.
As for Megaforce.... I really like it, even if that isn't the popular opinion. I'm hyped for Super Megaforce, which will be using elements from Gokaiger.
...That's as much as I can think of off the top of my head.
I saw that and left it out thinking it was just some misguided fool. Nope, MAL DB admin post about posting etiquette. :lol
All I can do is just shake my head. Goddamn. :lol
thanks kotakuBoth Pacific Rim games are terrible, by all accounts, which is totally unsurprising yet disappointing nonetheless. You’d think someone would be able to make a decent video game out of giant robots fighting aliens. Don’t worry, though—if you’re into Jaegers and mech and all that jazz, there’s a video game that’s well worth your time: Xenogears, a role-playing game originally developed for the PlayStation 1 (and downloadable on the PlayStation Network to play on PS3 or Vita).
BUT. If you’ve got some patience, and some fortitude, this is the giant robot game you’ve always wanted.
When I saw Pacific Rim this past weekend, all I could think were things like, “I wish this movie was about Xenogears" and “Now I want to replay Xenogears." So check it out.
Pumped up Mugi is best Mugi.
Detective Sergeant Connery said no charges could or would be laid against Minato.
Speaking of SOS, congrats, Brazil:
I know Haly apparently hates the ending! lolCertainly not me, I think the ending of Hyouka is flawless and definitely on par with K-On!!
SSY is the new Fractale!Guess there's only 587 people in Japan with good taste.
No sex, I assume?So I get to the end of that article...
Wait, what?
sdburton's avatar....
boss doggiburton.
SOS confirmed to be incapable of discerning sarcasm from a serious statement confirmed. Sorry Brazil
At least that MAL post trying to justify the weebification of the database that I fucking despise made it.
No sex, I assume?
!Posted in the AusGaf thread yet? ;P
Why do you think so many of us abandoned MAL? Although that was more because we couldn't read any of the titles any more as opposed to the admin being a perspicuous idiot.
Now that I can't watch Omega anymore, I need something gratifying to fill a 30-minute break slot for my Fridays.
Watch Heartcatch Precure!.
I get the feeling that the two issues are directly related to each other.
Y'always seem so down on yourself, Articalys. Gotta puff yourself up full of pomp and circumstance! That's the way!
Speed Grapher 1
The premise to this show sounded pretty interesting. The execution left much to be desired. While I cannot judge for certain whether the show explores the power of a camera granting people's desires with maturity, I can say that this episode, which was to set that premise up, spent most of its time showcasing the kind of "maturity" one sees in a plot written by a horny 15 year old. It's "dark," "edgy," "sexy," and "mature."
Note that this isn't really meant to be a slam on the show, just that this show really didn't suit my tastes. Either way, for those wondering what its about, the premise is a sort of post-modern Tokyo full of rich folk and poor and a lot of vice and debauchery. Enter the protagonist, a photographer who is, erm, stimulated by his work. Eventually a chance encounter grants him a camera which, as laid out above, fulfills the desires of anyone he photographs. Or something.
Definitely wasn't the kind of show I was looking for, though.
No I dropped Glass Fleet for Casshern Sins, which seems to be a wise choice so far. I might go back to finish Glass Fleet some time, but it was pretty boring.
This was supposed to follow up Maou-Sama, but it wasn't really what I was looking for, so I'm thinking Time of EVE will do instead.
I'm not gonna lie, that was the first thing I thought of the moment I switched my avy.
"Watch someone get fooled into thinking BossDoggie is posting in AnimeGAF." *laughs*
it's highly likely with how frequent his avatar changes.
Watch Heartcatch Precure!.
Yeah but no one would care much about his dumb ideas, except to laugh at them, if not for the fact that he was actively ruining the MAL database at the same time.
Wasn't disagreeing with you.
Unfortunately, either SOS or the person who submitted the post missed the worst part where the admin attempts to argue that the titles aren't really in Japanese because they're written in romaji instead of kanji/kana.
Yamibo - Darkness, the Hat, and the Travelers of the Books
Now solicited from Media Blasters, though not up for preorder anywhere yet:
Yamibo - Darkness, the Hat, and the Travelers of the Books
MSRP: $29.98
Japanese w/ English Sub (Stereo)
Street Date: 10/22/13
Now solicited from Media Blasters, though not up for preorder anywhere yet:
Yamibo - Darkness, the Hat, and the Travelers of the Books
MSRP: $29.98
Japanese w/ English Sub (Stereo)
Street Date: 10/22/13
Now solicited from Media Blasters, though not up for preorder anywhere yet:
Yamibo - Darkness, the Hat, and the Travelers of the Books
MSRP: $29.98
Japanese w/ English Sub (Stereo)
Street Date: 10/22/13
Forget Hyouka, where's my JOJO?Still not licensed: Hyouka.
sentai can only afford to mangle shows nobody wants to watch. viz doesn't give a shit unless they can try and sell it to cartoon network. funimation only license pleb trash.Still not licensed: Hyouka.
Still not licensed: Hyouka.
Well, how are you going to dub the scene that explains the name of the show?
Minami-ke Tadaima 8
This was without a doubt my very favorite Minami-ke episode. It had everything:
-Chiaki being cute as fuck
-Hosaka and Chiaki duet
100/10, masterpiece, etc.
Forget Hyouka, where's my JOJO?
Oh yeah, I forgot this seminal work was too yuri even for SDBurton. Maybe firehawk is onto something with that fakeyuri accusation.
I'm just pissed thatmy girl went through all that effort just to be blown off for some bullshit excuse only to find out that the love of her life will end up being her kid in her reality. I mean, hey, yuri is yuri and that's pretty legit, but the whole 'I journeyed through multiple worlds/realities to find you' only to be fucked over just made me incredibly sour, and not even wincest could remedy that wound.
I know Haly apparently hates the ending! lol
Forget Hyouka, where's my JOJO?