God, I like the "This is no place for balls" line too much.
Excellent.RKB SS 1
it seems like it's going to be more of the same.
But I needed more E7 in my life!
Terrible writing, but no, it's not offensive unless you think its existence tarnishes the original, or something.
Just watch Xam'd instead, Corvo. At least then you get a little bit of a good show before it goes stupid.
This is the worst possible reason to watch AO.
Eureka Seven Astral Ocean 1
This was not the sequel to E7 I was expecting. In fact, given the way that E7 set up, this is more of what I'd expect from a prequel. That said it is a very pretty show, and the first episode was decent enough to have me interested, even if it was a tad generic.
Ao is as obviously Eureka and Renton's son as it gets, though.
It can't be that bad, can it? I mean, worse than SAO, AGE, and 00? That's a bit much, even for me.
Alright I'm not gonna lie, I've been replaying the hell out of that dubstep vid 7th posted yesterday. I can't get it out of my head. :lol
But it's such a pretty show!
It can't be that bad, can it? I mean, worse than SAO, AGE, and 00? That's a bit much, even for me.
But I needed more E7 in my life!
You make this sound like an intervention.
Glass Fleet 1
Terrible animation. Hilarious hats and facial hair. Is Michel a guy or a girl? YOU DECIDE.
Eureka Seven Astral Ocean 1
This was not the sequel to E7 I was expecting. In fact, given the way that E7 set up, this is more of what I'd expect from a prequel. That said it is a very pretty show, and the first episode was decent enough to have me interested, even if it was a tad generic.
Ao is as obviously Eureka and Renton's son as it gets, though.
God, I like the "This is no place for balls" line too much.
Do it. Ignore everybody else and just watch it. The show is a masterpiece.
It's not worse than those shows. But those weren't attached to something you care about.
There's still time to turn back. We care about you. You don't have to do this.
It IS an intervention!
It's not worse than those shows. But those weren't attached to something you care about.
Now I don't know who to trust!
Trust me, after AO your urge of more E7 will be fulfilled.
What's Xam'd?
Make sure he doesn't forget the OVA!
So what exactly makes Astral Ocean so bad?
Terrible writing, but no, it's not offensive unless you think its existence tarnishes the original, or something.
So what exactly makes Astral Ocean so bad?
Both AO and Pocketful of Rainbows are the Spiderman 3 of the Eureka7 universe.
So yes.
Nah, I still think SM2 is the shit and Tobey rawks!!!! etc.
So what exactly makes Astral Ocean so bad?
*Mister Burns excellent**whew* What a rush! Okay, details time...
Silver Spoon, TWGOK, Makai Ouji, and Uchoten Kazoku will all be true simulcasts, within a few hours of their TV airings. Watamote will have just over a half-day delay, and Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi will have a three delay.
So what exactly makes Astral Ocean so bad?
Eureka Seven Astral Ocean 1
This was not the sequel to E7 I was expecting. In fact, given the way that E7 set up, this is more of what I'd expect from a prequel. That said it is a very pretty show, and the first episode was decent enough to have me interested, even if it was a tad generic.
Ao is as obviously Eureka and Renton's son as it gets, though.
Renton was the only character I liked on Eureka Seven for a long, long while.
Holland's VA was awesome
Now I don't know who to trust!
Nope. Kyoda apparently did do some writing for the original but the main lifter was Dai Sato who was smart enough not to touch this abomination.
And yet Origami is even worse at this than Tohka is.
She will literally kill you (or try to anyway since shes a fucking failure and cant do shit) for merely having a conversation with "her man".
Both AO and Pocketful of Rainbows are the Spiderman 3 of the Eureka7 universe.
So yes.
#dead @ this.
Yay, I got accepted into the Hummingbird Beta! I completely forgot about this site.
Nisio da gawd is back![]()
But holy shit looking @ the key visual for s2 and the only members of #teamlonghair are Kissshot and Kanbaru! Damn you Nisio!
Anyway a well needed switch of POV for this arc, they really couldn't do another Tsubasa heavy arc from Koyomi's POV again, would've been really tired, and having a heavy dose of Senjouhara just tops it off.
#dead @ this.
LTTP Rankings.
Kurumi/Tohka > Kotori > Reine > Yoshinon > that side character chick who says "Gross" > Origami's Captain or whatever > Mana > Origami
I should just go to bed rather than wait for 13.5.
You are staying up for a Titan recap? Why do that to yourself?
You are staying up for a Titan recap? Why do that to yourself?
Do it. Ignore everybody else and just watch it. The show is a masterpiece.
So I wouldn't have to bother with it tomorrow and so I could complain about it tonight.
DTL. What have you done to Jarmel and why are you hacking his account?
yo damn Cure Ace's transformation is cool once you get past the plastic shit at the beginning.
Thestuff toward the beginning is a concept they've never used before. Neat.silhouette
If It was my desk it would have been a figure of Otoya or Tokiya, or both...I hope Free! gets some.
why is there a baby
Sailor Moon.yo damn Cure Ace's transformation is cool once you get past the plastic shit at the beginning.
Thestuff toward the beginning is a concept they've never used before. Neat.silhouette