Oh hey, Blood Lad, Makai Ouji and Uchouten Kazoku all on the same day.
Hopefully one of them is at least good.
Directed by Masahiko Oota (Mitsudomoe, YuruYuri)LTTP Love Lab - 01
Why is this sooooooooooo good?
One would assume so anyway. lolI really doubt it will turn into an action show. I think it's just a slice of life romance wacky comedy type of thing.
Has anybody heard anything more on Star Blazers/Yamato 2199 screening at Anime Expo?
I believe it just recently happened, but I'm curious to know if they are seriously going to go all Wildstar and Argo on it, or if they are just using Star Blazers for the marketing (seriously?). Or if they might even do the show as Yamato via Sub and Star Blazers via dub.
High School Oppai X Oppai! 1
SUMMER IS SAVED! Cannot wait for the subbed version. There is something for everyone in this season, including DTL with Vali and Kiba getting the spotlight.
Don't miss out on it!![]()
Has anybody heard anything more on Star Blazers/Yamato 2199 screening at Anime Expo?
I believe it just recently happened, but I'm curious to know if they are seriously going to go all Wildstar and Argo on it, or if they are just using Star Blazers for the marketing (seriously?). Or if they might even do the show as Yamato via Sub and Star Blazers via dub.
I checked on another forum and somebody said the screening that both were dubbed.
More Gatchaman Crowds screens:
HD Gatchaman Crowds OP screens:
High Resolution Suit designs:
Yeah, I noticed that too, though like you said they're all roughly aiming at slighly different genres. Going to need more time to rank them all though -- except Kitakubu. Not bothering with any more of that one.It looks like there are 5 "girl" shows this season, which is a crazy fucking overload
Coppelion Episode 1(?)-
First footage I guess: http://youtu.be/nxdpa6-8Qk0
So they pretty much just dumped the first episode at Anime Expo. Overall reaction was meh. It felt like watching a C rate studio try their hand at The Last of Us. Yes the similarities are mostly superficial mainly in the setting but I still got certain vibes. For anybody not following the history of this troubled production, apparently it was supposed to have aired awhile ago but nothing was heard and people thought it got canned(maybe it did). The story itself takes place in Tokyo after something happened and radiation levels spiked. The obvious reaction would be that a bombed dropped on the city but this doesn't actually seem to be the case. The first episode doesn't make clear what the cause was but it doesn't look to be war related. Three girls and a small squad of men are sent into the city. The squad of men seem to be primarily interested in the thing at Ground Zero while the girls' mission is to find survivors, I guess. The mission for the girls isn't really that clear as they're supposed to find survivors and just leave them alone. The girls themselves are immune to radiation. At the time I thought it was stupid as fuck but I did some googling and apparently it is possible. Anyway they also have some other superhuman abilities but it's kinda glossed over for the time being.
So the first episode is mainly the girls wandering around the outskirts of the city. It's quite boring for the most part and isn't really that interesting. There is minimal use of sound initially in order to increase that feel of loneliness but the shots don't linger in the right place for long enough. There is a good sense of overgrowth though and the background art definitely reminded me of TLoU.
I had a few issues with the episode. The first is that I'm not sure what the show wants to be. Is it supposed to be a character study of these girls as they wander an Industrial forest? The problem with this is that there seemingly is supposed to be this feeling of isolation but the girls have radios which they use to contact their commander who airs stuff on television. There isn't that sense of isolation so far. The personalities of the girls too are way too variable. They just jump all over the place and it doesn't feel natural. Kana Hanazawa is in this and plays the genki girl but the genki girl has wild mood swings.
The major problem though is the coloring. I'm not a fan of GoHands previous works and a big reason is the damn color filter. It adds this unnecessary element to the show where something naturalistic is needed to emphasis how normal everything is. Instead it creates this fake and gaudy look to many of the scenes.
The other issue is the camera. It feels like shakycam as it's all over the place at times and you can't see shit in the more dynamic/action sequences. It's really atrocious for the final end bit. The camera moves around way too much and really doesn't add anything to the scenes other than attracting attention to the camera-work. Less is more and the director/animators don't know this. A minimalistic feel should have been the goal for this show but it really doesn't come across.
My impression was meh as well. The coloring and camerawork really screw the show up at times. There is one scene at the end too that is on the level of Prometheus-writing bad. It's an interesting concept but I'm not sure the execution does it justice.
It was pretty good yeah.
No hypnobutt no sale.
Fuck me.
Dammit. *sigh*
I don't even get what's going on anymore.
Blood Lad
Nerd jokes.
I assume this will turn out like Maoudonalds but with a thousand times more nerd references. Yeesh. lol
Here is a full list of all the Summer season shows that Sentai has already picked up:
- Hakkenden S2
I was getting annoyed watching Yuyushiki (chapter 9) about the constant innuendos but now I get it. This is a universe where men doesn't exist anymore, humanity is condemned to extinction and all women are driven to lesbianism.
In a more "serious" note, I enjoyed this more at the beginning, I think the first chapters were more fun and had better humour.
I'm probably overthinking this for they type of show it is.
Kiniro Mosaic 1
This is going to be the cute show this season. Loved the momentAlso the English parts of this episode is surprisingly good.Shinobu walked in the house with her sneakers on. It was so exhilarating for her.
Blood Lad 1
Well this is as shonen as a shonen to the shonen of shonens.
Blood Lad 1:
Even so, I have a bit of a soft spot for shounen so long as it's not actively awful, and I'll probably see this show to its conclusion.If this is actually going to be ten episodes, though, I can't imagine how it can ever be adapted in a satisfactory manner unless there's a first arc that's relatively self-contained. It's not even split cour?In no small part because of the girl that will apparently make her debut in the next episode. Yes, I'm shockingly easy to manipulate if a character checks some boxes.
High School Oppai X Oppai! 1
SUMMER IS SAVED! Cannot wait for the subbed version. There is something for everyone in this season, including DTL with Vali and Kiba getting the spotlight.
Don't miss out on it!![]()
It's really not like Maoudonalds beyond having demons and being a comedy. It's pretty much a straight up battle series with a weaboo vampire protagonist.
Daaaamn it, if it wasn't for Akeno I wouldn't be suckered into this again.
I need my waifu though.
Ranking time.
Akeno > Rias > Koneko >> Asia
Fuck me.
High School Oppai X Oppai! 1
SUMMER IS SAVED! Cannot wait for the subbed version. There is something for everyone in this season, including DTL with Vali and Kiba getting the spotlight.
Don't miss out on it!![]()
Oh god where do I start?
forgot to mention I have seen Paranoia Agent (which I liked) and Monoke (which was incedible...artstyle anyway)
LTTP Love Lab - 01
Why is this sooooooooooo good?
HNNNNNNNNNNNG and more HNNNNNNNNNNNNG all the episode.
just one episode and I already love Maki
fuck it.
starting Genshiken S1 tomorrow.
Interestingly enough, it's actually seinen.
God abandoned the world on Sunday. As a result, nobody in the world can die or have kids. A little girl – Ai – is the grave keeper for the village and is tasked with helping the would-be dead try and find peace. However, one day a boy who identifies himself as Hampnie Hambart – the Man-eating Toy – appears in the village killing everybody and disturbing the balance of things.
Kiniro Mosaic
What's this Sunday Without God thing I'm seeing on CR? Description is interesting:
or from what pictures I seen of the first episode, the show with lots of BLOOM