Ah the problem of limited episodes per season. Easy to butcher adaptations.
They could have at least dedicated a full episode to a conquest. We didn't need fucking Kanon 100% OVA when she's already a big part of S3
Ah the problem of limited episodes per season. Easy to butcher adaptations.
That too! Lead Crow's good as well. They make a good team.
Say, Mad Pierrot. Talking about how Doki Doki PreCure! reminds us of Sailor Moon in different ways, having watched a bit of Stars now does MakoPi remind you somewhat of thewhen she first arrived? That's what I thought of anyway.Starlights
Ah the problem of limited episodes per season. Easy to butcher adaptations.
Kids on the Slope got messed up at the end due to the limited episodes it had.
Got a pretty amazing amazon box today.
Got to hand it to the RightStuf folks, this is a pretty amazing box set. Booklet seems nice, discs are packed well. The real treat is the artbox. Just amazing looking in person. Now, to check out the contents. Cannot wait. Should be a good way to take the edge off a shit day.
You didnt like Shiori?
I meant to say understand. I never read the manga so all the new girls that weren't in season 2, I don't know a thing about themI can't understand a thing about any of the girls that weren't in S2 but I'll make it by.
Lets Play! Suite Precure: 12
This episodes budget was used to create Cure Muse's costume... please bear with us...
Anyway, the search for Muse's identity began, and was inconclusive. Doesn't appear to be any of the random friends, nor does it feel like its Siren either. Oh well, looks like we get a Siren/Hummy Flashback next episode!
Yes. Its quite made for you![]()
Yeah they don't hold back. They get right into it.
Dunno if you live in the regions they stream to, but Funimation has the subtitled version up for free streaming.Ah man... I want to watch Strike Witches again and finally watch the second season. But I have no extra money for it....
Which set? Pic doesnt work.
Yep, that's what everyone says when they discover Final Fantasy.
Ro-Kyu-Bu! SS First Impression:
hmm... =\
Saki is the best wife.
Sorry I meant to say this
I meant to say understand. I never read the manga so all the new girls that weren't in season 2, I don't know a thing about them
Indeed. What the show has that I like is energy. Thejoke worked much better here than in Maoyuu Maou Yuusha partly because of that.pillow kissing
It holds nothing back that's for sure. It's strange how inconsistent my taste is with regards to these types of shows. Like, I can't sit through To Love Ru, but HS CxC I have mostly no problems with. I wonder if it's the tinge of fantasy or something.
Servant x Service 01:
I think I'm in love with Yamagami. She's like, the co-worker I've always dreamed of.
Oops. Fixed now. Utena LE Box Set #2.
Even if I'm minority, best girl in TWGOK is bird nest swimmer girl.
oh chickdigger, you really have nice taste.
She is indeed the best girl and my favorite arc ;_____;
Genshiken Nidaime #1 - tried this out before trying to go back and find the earlier stuff (I haven't watched any). Rather liked it. Instantly warmed to Ohno and Hato, and to a lesser extent Ogiue. Definitely want to see the earlier stuff now.
Free's got the best OP of the season, so far.
Insert Aiura OP here?is metalcore like crabcore??
is metalcore like crabcore?? *Looks it up* That's a thing?
Genshiken Nidaime #1 - tried this out before trying to go back and find the earlier stuff (I haven't watched any). Rather liked it. Instantly warmed to Ohno and Hato, and to a lesser extent Ogiue. Definitely want to see the earlier stuff now.
is metalcore like crabcore??
Hnnnnnnngh. Moenuke.
I thought I had purged crabcore out of my mind.
And now it has returned like a malignant cancer.
nah, that's just unfunny "hahaaa so random" humour.Insert Aiura OP here?
TWGOK godess arc first thoughts
Why the hell couldn't you have made an ova for that arc ( like tenri ) in order to prepare for the godess season .
That was money to be made , it would have pleased everyone ... this 40 sec flashback doesn't count !!!!
TWGOK godess arc first thoughts
Why the hell couldn't you have made an ova for that arc ( like tenri ) in order to prepare for the godess season .
That was money to be made , it would have pleased everyone ... this 40 sec flashback doesn't count !!!!
But something something Steve Jobs crabbing.nah, that's just unfunny "hahaaa so random" humour.
thats right, aiura has the pewdiepie of anime ops
you know it. hehe
goddess arc sucks.
if it ends up taking up the entire season imma be so P.O'd.