The amount of fanart and doujins they get sure runs counter to that though. Obviously there are a lot of people who disagree!
I can fap to those because they aren't drawn by KEY artists.
The amount of fanart and doujins they get sure runs counter to that though. Obviously there are a lot of people who disagree!
The amount of fanart and doujins they get sure runs counter to that though. Obviously there are a lot of people who disagree!
Alternatively we could avoid talking in code only decipherable to those steeped in the lore of the thread!We need a link to the "list" and this :glossary in the next anime OT.
Of note is that the characters are lifted from other works of Mitsuteru Yokoyama and sort of thrown together here which works surprisingly well. If you end up liking this, be sure to check out Shin Mazinger Z as Imagawa returns and does the same with Go Nagai stuff albeit with a considerably smaller budget.
I don't know if I'd call Key heroines "attractive" outside of Clannad, even then.
Rescue Me Episode 1: Oh god, what did I just watch, oh god, what did I just watch?
This is the one in New York with that fireman who feels guilty about losing his cousin in 9/11, right?
Are the Ginrei OVAs or whatever worth watching?
Doesn't sound that interesting to be honest. :/You might appreciate them more than I did. First is out there, second is kinda funny actually, and the third has this wonderful opening homage to Leone westerns before getting all serious.
Here's my old post that I don't remember writing.
If that's the case they hide it very well. Then again, that ten minute "previously, on Giant Robo" piece...Eh as good looking as Giant Robo are, I don't think its scream big budget at all.. its still relying to nice use of frame count that Imagawa have as trademark.. and later episode of Shin Mazinger not too shy with animation.
the clannad ones are like the least attractive.
This is the one in New York with that fireman who feels guilty about losing his cousin in 9/11, right?
Eh as good looking as Giant Robo are, I don't think its scream big budget at all.. its still relying to nice use of frame count that Imagawa have as trademark.. and later episode of Shin Mazinger not too shy with animation.
Yurippe > Yui
If that's the case they hide it very well. Then again, that ten minute "previously, on Giant Robo" piece...
I...I can't even.
And Golden Boy is the one about that one about that young rookie detective right?
I don't wanna talk about stuff that might hurt my wallet even more. >_<You should be talking about that Masamichi Amano soundtrack. Each episode has its own soundtrack CD!!
While Imagawa is certainly a very striking director regardless of his budget I would disagree with your statement that the OVA's don't appear to be big budget. All the action is extremely smooth and impressive and all the mechanical animation is extremely detailed. I mean, each episode took months and months to produce and it shows - they look amazing. Besides that annoying recap there's very little signs of the usual animation shortcuts.
no, it's about that boxer pacquiao retired...
Man, never really looked at that release schedule:
Code:1 July 22, 1992 2 February 20, 1993 3 August 20, 1993 4 January 20, 1994 5 October 21, 1994 6 June 25, 1995 7 January 25, 1998
We think Madoka & Geass fans had it rough. I feel bad for these people.
You should be talking about that Masamichi Amano soundtrack. Each episode has its own soundtrack CD!!
What's this for?
What's this for?
no, it's about that boxer pacquiao retired...
So I've been watching Texhnolyze and it's really unfortunate that the director had access to the same terrible grain filter that the director of Crest of the Stars employed with such vigour. It really does make everything look terrible.
What'd you think of the pace of the opening episodes?
The politics is great. (Well the Prussian part at least, the American side sucked ass)
The warfare is awful, though. I'll give you that. Everything is on a 2D plane and they actually use cavalry and siege tactics in the show which make no sense for a show about spaceships in space.
What'd you think of the pace of the opening episodes?
De La Hoya got Mexicution'd!
Ah thats right!
If golden boy ever gets a sequel, i want kintaro to work as a cop and boxer...
I cant be the only one who thinks this show had one of the best first episodes ever.
It went downhill pretty quickly though![]()
such a cheesy smile
I don't know about being a cop, maybe a security guard. Boxer though is very plausible.
Now there's just the Splash Star movie to go, and then I can move on to Yes! Precure 5! ...What wonders await me in this great and terrifying unknown? Only time will tell.
Futari wa Precure Splash Star 49 END
That really was a pretty damn satisfying finale. Saki, Mai, Michiru and Kaoru really do make the bestest team. Cute name for the FINAL FINAL FINISHER as well -they finally managed to namedrop the series title! PRECURE SPIRAL HEART...SPLASH STAR!!!
And the montage of happiness that followed their victory tied up all sorts of other loose ends. Saki finally got to! Kaoru got towin a softball match! Michiru got todraw a cute picture! Mai got to...uh...make her own bread! Flappy and Choppyhold hands with Saki! Moop and Foopfinally got together! Mizu Shitatarewere irrelevant as usual! Minoriincreased the quality of the episode by remaining dead! Ganbarance de Dancewas adorable! I'm kind ofis best ending theme!going off on a tangent here
10/10 would watch again. Maybe I should take this opportunity to rank the five Very Best Parts of Futari wa Precure Splash Star (completely off the top of my...uh, is anyone getting déjà vu here?)
5. The steamy sex scene between Kintoresuki and Princess Filia. What-do-you-mean-that-didn't-happen.
4. That one scene where Saki and Mai almost kissed. What-do-you-mean-that-was-just-a-GIF.
3. Awesome Michiru and Kaoru moments. Too many of them to choose just one, but,the moment when they first saved Saki and Mai from Dorodoronandthe impassioned fight with the Cures where they finally saw the lightare all highlights. Oh, and mustn't forget the godly scene where theythe moment when they transformed into Cures alongside Saki and Mai in the final battle.begged Akudaikaan not to destroy the world
2. SAKI. Anyone who didn't see this one coming should be attacked by a...hang on, what? She's not number one? HOW CAN THAT BE?! Look at her smile! Is that not the greatest smile mankind has ever known?! How can it possibly be shunted down to SECOND place?!
1. Because MINORI is the most important thing in the world, of course. Trufax.
Now there's just the Splash Star movie to go, and then I can move on to Yes! Precure 5! ...What wonders await me in this great and terrifying unknown? Only time will tell.
It's weird to see a Kyoani female character with a brain.
It's weird to see a Kyoani female character look her age.
It's weird to see a Kyoani female character look her age.
Wasnt Touka pretty brainy in Chuunibyo? She was no idiot. she was also rather squee.
She ran around fighting her sister with a ladle. Other than that she seemed normal.
Wasnt Touka pretty brainy in Chuunibyo? She was no idiot. she was also rather squee.
Most of it still looks the part though.I can fap to those because they aren't drawn by KEY artists.
That's normal OVA fare.Man, never really looked at that release schedule:
We think Madoka & Geass fans had it rough. I feel bad for these people.Code:1 July 22, 1992 2 February 20, 1993 3 August 20, 1993 4 January 20, 1994 5 October 21, 1994 6 June 25, 1995 7 January 25, 1998
It's weird to see a Kyoani female character with a brain.
You can see this series was not marketed toward otaku.