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Summer 2013 Anime Thread Zero: grown men playing with dolls/who but WB Masochism

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The Light of El Cantare
Servant x Service 2:

fuck the new tsuntsun kawaii joshikosei girl is the most contrived character ever, not to mention intolerably grating to the point that she ruined the whole episode. This has one more episode to right itself or I'm probably done.

And of course half of the characters are closet otaku/gamers. Who could possibly ever find a show with nothing but real-ju interesting?


Oh, I only explained why E7 AO got terrible because I thought Truth showed up in Episode 6. Now I don't really need to tell you anything anymore.

Truth makes Kaworu look like Kaji, unless you think that blue-haired pretty boys with ridiculous unexplained powers are super cool.

I did when I was 14. Ten years have changed that opinion radically.

I just . . . I already want to strangle him. Maybe I really should turn back.


I don't know any of those fuckers.

You dont know megumi hayashibara?!

Eureka Seven Astral Ocean 7

REALLY? REALLY? I MEAN FUCKING REALLY? You had a perfectly good character design with the
crazy purple shape shifter lady
and then you go and make her
a white haired pretty boy?

A white haired pretty boy with funny eyes and superhuman abilities and if he comes in contact with an alien substance underneath HQ it's game over? I already fucking hated Kaoru Nagisa and now he's shitting up Eureka Seven? FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK.


AND LET'S NOT FORGET HIS ASSOCIATION WITH MUSIC! I mean I get it, White Haired Pretty Boys are a thing, but I mean really. Of all the White Haired Pretty Boys, why FUCKING KAORU NAGISA.



NOW Corvy kun understands AO's true form. I fear it is too late.

Also it looks like the Steins;Gate: Fuka Ryouiki no Déjà vu movie BD will have English subtitles, so it should be import friendly.

Oooh. Tempting now.


You guys are mean. It's like you're seeing him trying to shove a fork into a power outlet and all you can think of doing is to egg him on.
Majestic Prince Episode 14 – AHSMB’s Shadow

Second half was way phenomenal the entire duration of the fight and even the
Red5 frame shift and eventually the other models frameshift, if only there were more time
was all simply phenomenal. My favorite part was it throwing its blades, but there tons other small moments. I hope we get more of this this whole second half of the anime.
Silver Spoon 01

I really enjoyed the first episode. The characters are goofy, the humor was great, and the agriculture aspect adds enough variety to make the show interesting and fun to watch.

Servant x Service 02

The first episode was great. This episode not so much. I was hoping for more of a focus on the civil servant job and ended up getting very little of it. Not to mention, the humor wasn’t as strong as it was in the first episode and they introduced an annoying character. So great...

I probably need to adjust my expectations of this show...
C3-bu 1 - Okay, but somewhat creepy, series about girls who love fake (airsoft) guns. The gun fetishism in this series definitely is borderline disturbing, with how the guns look so real... it's kind of messed up. It's like gun-culture fetishism from people who have no clue what gun culture actually is. Kind of weird.

In a country with no real gun culture, what you have are gun otaku instead. I know a few actually. Hell, airsoft stores are pretty popular and you can buy guns without the orange tips no problem.
Silver Spoon 1

Yes this is a pretty good adaptation so far. I think some people's expectations for this were a little out of whack for what it actually is. For me the comedy in the manga comes from knowing the characters and their quirks and the real enjoyment comes from seeing them grow and develop so much throughout the series, which is something Arakawa is great at. Hachiken in the manga now is very different form who he was at the beginning. I'm looking forward to more of this.


Typically, for DVD sales to be high enough to provide the possibility of a second series, they have to hit around the 3k mark right? Or was it higher?


Note to Self: Watch Otaku no Video

This shoud be prerequisite.

Makes me wish I worked in such an office.

I work in a pretty fun office environment. Does wonders for helping me enjoy my job and relieve stress.

You guys are mean. It's like you're seeing him trying to shove a fork into a power outlet and all you can think of doing is to egg him on.

Hey I told him to use Bunny Drop as salvr to ease the pain of AO.


Let's Play! Suite Precure: 15

You know, an episode like this one makes me remember the wise words of my Tenth Grade Science teacher. Want to know what those words were?

Boys are Bad.

That was the most important thing I learned in school, and something I take to heart every day of my life.


Legend of the Galactic Heroes - 104: Toward Peace Via Blooshed

~ Fleet Admiral Oberstein is powerful medicine, and although the illness will be eradicated, there are significant side effects that go with it. ~

Damn, Wahlen is a badass. One tank, one gun, all he needs to keep the peace. I wonder why people dislike von Oberstein that much. He is incredibly skilled at the tasks he's given, and has never shown any sign of disloyalty towards the Kaiser. Is it just because of his cold approach to issues or his unwelcome personality?
Looks like Julian and Frederica are going to meet with a part of the Imperial High Admiralty. Maybe even Reinhard himself? That'd be as great as the moment where Reinhard met Yang.


Setec Astronomer
I don't know what this means but I'm interested,haha.
Do you main Nu-13? I've actually thought about trying her first when getting the game.
I actually main Lambda-11. I got into Blazblue with the second game which replaced Nu with her for story reasons, but in the process they also changed how the character plays in various ways. Now Nu is returning in CP, and this time she can either play like her old self in the first game or like Lambda in the sequels, just by inputting a command to switch modes. Nu is better at zoning than Lambda, while Lambda is more about pressure and combos.


Yes! Precure 5 - 01

...Inserting a hyphen and a leading zero because my usual episode header format just looks awkward as fuck when the series title ends in the number 5 ~.~

So yeah, taking my own advice and leaving a few of today's new episodes for tomorrow so I can instead start SHINY NEW PRECURE GOODNESS! It's all widescreen from here on out, too! (I guess they needed to switch so they could fit five Cures on screen at once =p)

But there's only one Cure on the scene so far: our main character Nozomi, who through a series of (un?)fortunate events winds up transforming for the first time into CURE DREAM. Her main character quirk seems to be...uh, well, it's right there in her Cure name, actually: she's a dreamer. Apparently she's been joining all sorts of different clubs one after another in search of that one thing that's perfect for her. Doesn't sound like she was any good at any of them, but that's dreams for you - not terribly realistic! But yeah, even her transformation into a Cure is prompted in no small part by her refusal to accept a bad guy dismissing someone else's dreams. Dreams are srsbsns with this girl.

This episode also gives us our first glimpses of the four girls who the OP and so on make sure we know in no uncertain terms are going to become the remaining four Cures. There's Nozomi's best friend NarutoRin, whose main character quirk is being Naruto. There's Urara, who reminds me vaguely of Shiny Luminous, except she's an idol and therefore automatically better. And finally, there's the duo of Karen and Komachi, the school elites who everyone looks up to (Karen is, unsurprisingly enough, the Student Council President). Basically if Nozomi and Rin together form this group's Nagisa/Saki, Karen and Komachi are the Honoka/Mai. Because we all know opposites attract.

Speaking of attraction, this episode opened in remarkably classic shojo terms, with Nozomi falling over and being elegantly caught by a rather sharp-looking young man. Who soon enough turns out to be our first mascot, Coco. If I hadn't already been informed by GAF that the mascots in this series have human forms (and romantic ties with the Cures) I think I would have done a giant double-take at that reveal. In a good way, I think? Coco's mascot form is nothing special, but it's cute enough and does at least look fairly distinct from the numerous slight variants on Mepple and Mipple's theme that we've seen in all the previous mascots.

Other observations: the monsters-of-the-week in this series seem to be called "Kowaina". Really? The monsters are now going to run around screaming "I'm scared"? So much for any semblance of intimidating-ness they may have hoped to hold on to. And due to the abandonment of the two-Cures-function-as-a-team restriction, this Kowaina does indeed come across as a little less powerful than the Zakenna and Uzaina before it, simply by virtue of the fact that it can be taken out by an attack from a lone Cure. PRECURE DREAM ATTACK kay you're dead now.

Oh, and there seems to be something of an insect theme going on here. The villain in this episode has giant bug eyes even in human form, which carry over into his true form of...some kind of mantis man thing. Meanwhile, Nozomi's Cure powers are granted by a magical butterfly, and her transformation call prominently features the word "Metamorphose!" It's a slippery slope from this to cockroach-moe.

One last thing that needs to be said: the OP and ED are a MASSIVE DOWNGRADE from Splash Star. Admittedly most OPs/EDs would be a massive downgrade from Splash Star's godliness, but these ones are really not very catchy and seem kind of vaguely obnoxious at the moment. They'll probably grow on me somewhat, though.

So yeah. One episode down and we have our first Cure. Seems fairly par for the course. Now we just need to assemble a TEAM.
Yes! Precure 5 - 01

Cures. There's Nozomi's best friend NarutoRin, whose main character quirk is being Naruto. There's Urara, who reminds me vaguely of Shiny Luminous, except she's an idol and therefore automatically better. And finally, there's the duo of Karen and Komachi, the school elites who everyone looks up to (Karen is, unsurprisingly enough, the Student Council President). Basically if Nozomi and Rin together form this group's Nagisa/Saki, Karen and Komachi are the Honoka/Mai. Because we all know opposites attract.

FOr your sake, protect your yuri goggles and remove them.

Also now I understand why Rin gets treated like shit if Naruto is the first person you think of.

Shiny Luminous >_<


Free! - 2

A much better episode than the premiere. Without having character introductions and plot exposition bogging us down, the show's free to simply have fun with interactions and comedy material.

I hope we get to see Kou and/or Sensei in a swimsuit.


Not a fan of SUNRISE Inc., perhaps?

Ugh, Valvrave and Akito have kinda left a sour taste in my mouth.

Eureka Seven Astral Ocean 7

REALLY? REALLY? I MEAN FUCKING REALLY? You had a perfectly good character design with the
crazy purple shape shifter lady
and then you go and make her
a white haired pretty boy?

A white haired pretty boy with funny eyes and superhuman abilities and if he comes in contact with an alien substance underneath HQ it's game over? I already fucking hated Kaoru Nagisa and now he's shitting up Eureka Seven? FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK.


AND LET'S NOT FORGET HIS ASSOCIATION WITH MUSIC! I mean I get it, White Haired Pretty Boys are a thing, but I mean really. Of all the White Haired Pretty Boys, why FUCKING KAORU NAGISA.



We haven't even gotten to the fun part yet.
Oofuri 14

With how large the cheering squad is, I cant see how Abe and Mihashi arent nervous. That was rather impressive and kind of mindblowing to think they have baseball as such a huge event even at the highschool level to do all of that, an entire band even with the huge drum.
Tajima's miss was shocking, better luck next time, at least everyone was cheering.


FOr your sake, protect your yuri goggles and remove them.

Oh, I'm not wearing any yuri goggles for this series (probably). It's a little difficult to imagine yuri antics with even-more-perfect-than-FujiP-and-Kazuya guys running around and taking Cures in their strong embraces. Even if they do revert to little fluffy things on occasion. When I say "opposites attract", that's purely for the sake of drawing Precure parallels in the good old Nagisa/Honoka tradition of LOOK THESE GIRLS HAVE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT PERSONALITIES, INTERESTS AND SOCIAL CIRCLES. NOW THEY'RE GOING TO BE FRIENDS!!!1!.

Also now I understand why Rin gets treated like shit if Naruto is the first person you think of.

With that voice, how can I not? XD It's more offputting than Kenta ever was to hear Naruto's voice coming from a female character now!

Shiny Luminous >_<

Eh, I don't mean it in a bad way. There's just a superficial resemblance that amused me. Also it completes the parallel: if we assign Nozomi and Rin as Nagisa, and Karen and Komachi as Honoka, then Urara, not fitting into either duo, has to be odd-Cure-out Hikari! It makes sense! She's even the right colour!
servant service 2

so far my favorite show along with love lab lol. My sister can't be this cute part was weird lol, easily best protag of the season so far.



black>yellow> the rest.


Silver Spoon - 01

This really good and fun.. RIP Moyashimon. The egg thing really hit me.

between this and Free!.. now I just hoping Crowds doesn't disappoint, and this season ain't bad at all!
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