Or politics threads.Two bannings = mass bannings lol. You should take a trip to gaming side.
Or politics threads.Two bannings = mass bannings lol. You should take a trip to gaming side.
Or politics threads.
AnimeGAF is cosy and safe compared to most of the rest of GAF!or gypsy threads.
AnimeGAF is cosy and safe compared to most of the rest of GAF!
Or politics threads.
See, even when that happens it's usually still safe unless you like stinging your fingers in electric sockets.Until waifus are besmirched. Or SAO villains, I guess.
*open thread*RIP if you decide to have a debate in one of those.
cajunator 984
Kirbyguy 689
Theonik 593
CorvoSol 447
Regulus Tera 420
I must say, I don't understand why so many people say "don't go into thread about X or you'll be banned!" since as long as you make rational posts you're under no danger of being banned.
Not all threads are moderated equally. Also some threads are downright vicious in the amount of baiting. Of course you can avoid the bait, but that is also disproportionally hard on a thread by thread basis. (ergo some topics are inherently more heated than others.)I must say, I don't understand why so many people say "don't go into thread about X or you'll be banned!" since as long as you make rational posts you're under no danger of being banned.
Need to step my game up.Imagine if cajun didn't multiquote. Easy 5k posts.
It's safe for animegaffers to post in OT because everyone will just skim over your posts anyway, meaning you never get baited into a heated discussion.
Whats the most serious discussion we've had on here?
Are you referring to that character's conception or are you talking about actual in-universe canon?Given that for all intents Nethelina was supposed to be, from what I can tell anyway,it fits.Queen Serenity I's shadow
I see the Amazon Trio as protoype Akio Ohtoris in the way they use sexual advances as a way to manipulate their victims --albeit, of course, they are not as successful or subtle.I always thought the Amazon Trio were this rejection of emotional maturity hence how easily they were willing to use and discard people
You think -monogatari stories are about plot advancement? That's never been the case.
The Manga's interpretation of the character.Are you referring to that character's conception or are you talking about actual in-universe canon?This is my first time watching Sailor Moon...
I see the Amazon Trio as protoype Akio Ohtoris in the way they use sexual advances as a way to manipulate their victims --albeit, of course, they are not as successful or subtle.
Another Little Busters dakimakura -- but this one is for DTL, since it's Kyosuke.
So uh, this started in the middle of the Tokyo arc and it follows from where the OVA that came out last year left things. This is supposed to be the most rage inducing part of the story right? I guess Gonzo wanted to get right to it.
Oh my gosh. We'll never know how Corvo's review of Madoka ends ):
and I lost a good friend. Maaann
Edit: RIP thanatos. Snow Miku rests eternally now
I just love/hate how polarizing Sword Art Online is. Some people treat it like it beat their mom or something. I just think it's a stupid bad show with a few good moments.
Or maybe you didn't enjoy it. Whatever, fans of it are still going to be fans and vice versa.
I like this guy. My new Corvo.
A voice of reason!! She's the only one that matters.
How sad... =/ No person should be viewed as such.
Two bannings = mass bannings lol. You should take a trip to gaming side.
SAO is heavily polarizing, but you'll never really know for yourself what you think of it till you watch it. It's just a shame that now your opinion of it is so colored by the anti-SAO bias that floats around here.
It's an enjoyable show, which doesn't always mean GOOD, but I think it's inoffensive, really.
- Lelouch vs Char: Who's the bigger siscon?
Yeah. The rabid hate around here continues to amaze me. Of course SAO is hardly alone in that respect, just probably the most virulent.
Yep I definitely enjoy this more than any eps of nise, the porno is better, the music also better so far.
Oh shit. Do you have a link?
In case anyone on GAF sees this (thanks Nintendo man for reminding me I HAD this), I am only banned till tomorrow night. The lesson I have learned from this ban is "Add people to your ignore list more quickly."
People weren't kidding when they said the new Titan OP was bad.
I got into a discussion a while back with a friend about the dialogue found in the monogatari series and in fate/zero (surprise the anime I use for a lot of examples). Anyway, to put focus on the discussion i discussed the Snail arc in monogatari and how the dialogue in that entire arc was basically pointless. It hardly added to any character development and it wasn't anything particularly important. It was just the bantering and the back-and-forth words of a few characters. In short it felt like a conversation that two people would have in real life. While the choice may be deliberate in trying to replicate that sentiment and idea, I can't agree with this being a smart one nor a good one.
AnimeGAF is cosy and safe compared to most of the rest of GAF!
I watched the animes.
Free 2
Oh my god I love this show. Even Makoto is kind of growing on me just a little.
Gou-Haruka-Rin is the kind of love triangle I can get behind.
Glasses guy still going to be awful though.
Its either Code geass,Hyouka or SAO and once in a while Gundam SeeD.Whats the most serious discussion we've had on here?
I enjoyed it in Bakemonogatari, but after that, the self-indulgence has become a bit much for me. It's gotten to the point where I don't even see the appeal of Monogatari S2 anymore outside of its fanservice and pandering.I'm no fan of -monogatari dialogue either, but I don't think the intent is to be a representation of real-life conversation. Nisio's dialogue, with its wordplay and allusions, seems to me to be incredibly authored, to live in its weird specificity. The characters have to act more clever than people would act, to stick more stubbornly to their particular thesis than would actually happen in a conversation. Even if it's not trying to advance plot, it still feels artificial, like the screenplay in Clerks.
That sort of thing can have its charms, but at least in the case of Bakemonogatari, it just wasn't for me. I don't mind watching people I know talk about nothing, but everyone in Bake felt really empty to me, so it was hard to be interested in what they were saying.
It's always been about people talking to and at each other. I think people were just distracted by the various fetishes in Bakemono to notice.You think -monogatari stories are about plot advancement? That's never been the case.
YOU KNOW WHO ELSE THOUGHT HE WAS RIGHT?, somebody else already went there tonight, so maybe not.
It's a vile piece of shit that makes all self-insert wishfulfillment fantasy stories look benign by comparison. But it has nice backgrounds?SAO is a show with nice art and animation and poor writing, i don't get the need to be XXXXTREEME about it.
Conversations in SAO are written horribly sure. However at least they aren't executed and written poorly like the monogatari.
Reading the SOA around here is pretty crazy. I watched it this weekend and I.... liked it?
I thought the first half was great and while the second half wasn't nearly as good, it still had it's moments.
/runs out of here
Corvo hasn't been banned for a day and is already replaced.
Found some anime that I wanted to try out while raiding the local library, earlier today. :3
Which do you think I should tackle first: Tsubasa, Haruhi Suzumiya or Azumanga Daioh?
Have to say, Corvo's comment on SAO is making me scared to watch it. o.o
Mass-bannings. Now I remember why I don't post in AnimeGAF anymore.
jman! Taiga's gone!
But it's Tomoko, so...I can accept this.
That was just a small riot. Not close to the graveyards witnessed in recent past.
Courvo's apparent takeaway from the incident (at least according to what I read in GundamGAF) is that he should put people on ignore faster? =\
I hope he doesn't get banned again for the same reasons.
Not all threads are moderated equally. Also some threads are downright vicious in the amount of baiting. Of course you can avoid the bait, but that is also disproportionally hard on a thread by thread basis. (ergo some topics are inherently more heated than others.)
Need to step my game up.
I really don't see a problem, getting upset by people's baiting in heated gaf threads shows a lack of self control and makes me more inclined to disregard your opinion. Though of course I can understand why certain people in particular might wish to avoid certain topics, spreading it as a general rule for everyone seems to run counter to the idea of having good discussion.
I try to avoid Gaming side for a reason.
I think SAO gets so much flock because it's a very textbook example of the worst tendencies of the industry (at least according to many here), and at the same time it's really popular. Kinda like how hating Twilight was the thing to do back when it came out.
Honestly I think the show is just bland and forgettable, from what little I watched of it. To me it didn't bring anything to the table, good or bad.
Pornogatari - 02
Aw yiss, show of the year. Hail Shaft, hail porno.
Black Hanekawa looked hot with short hair (everything is)
lol I'm interested too.
Message from Corvo's youtube, found this on Gundam-GAF
Courvo's apparent takeaway from the incident (at least according to what I read in GundamGAF) is that he should put people on ignore faster? =
I hope he doesn't get banned again for the same reasons.