I don't know, but I saw it in theaters and it was awesome!
I liked Eva 3.33![]()
I liked PARTS of Eva 3. Parts that weren't related to awful characters desperately wishing they weren't, like Kaworu and Mari. Parts that weren't me laughing maniacally at terrible CG cubes. Parts that weren't me groaning over Shinji and Rei's character development being deleted because I don't know.
Basically what I liked about Eva 3.33: The color red and also they made something I hated enough to want to have it turned back in spite of the knowledge it could not be. Which was the point of the story so, mission accomplished.
All hail Corvodamus.
It's the most obvious choice! I mean, why in all of human history did that occur to NO ONE? I get that mankind is a race of selfish bastards, but still.
Also I have a post by fertygo saved for when I do finally break down during AO.
Don't worry, we got one final use in the Fall.
And when I watch the movies because I'm a shill.
This has been a wild ride. When the studio closed down briefly for one night I thought it was all over. But it was so nice seeing this show come back.
- Madoka by Corvo 12 END
I just can't believe how Corvoturned into a resurrection figure himself. I mean, coming back from the dead? DEUS EX MACHINA.
I'm going to miss seeing this banner.
Looking forward to the next production of Studio CorvoImpression.
Madoka by Corvo receives a score of
5 Sword Art Online by Corvos
3 Count of Monte Cristo by Corvos
Hahaha, jerk. The action was definitely better than 5 SAOs. Plot twists and depth were good, but I don't know that I'd go with 3 Count of Monte Cristos. Depends on the adaptation, I guess. Gankutsuo was really good, though.