That worldve been glorious ;_;
I know, we got robbed so hard.
That worldve been glorious ;_;
Could try speeding up a bit for some of your shows.
The Toonami group is stuck, I shouldn't really have counted that. Suite, I seem to go in spurts, like 1 some day, 0 the next, 4 today....
...YuruYuri S2 is my only other backlog show...
I'll figure something out.
I know, we got robbed so hard.
Man, where was this side of Mugi before? I can now understand why some people would rank her pretty high. Very fun episode.
Best scene. Might actually like the shota now.
She has always been into the yuri-yearning. It's just that it's down played after S1.K-On!! 14
Man, where was this side of Mugi before? I can now understand why some people would rank her pretty high. Very fun episode.
please stop.パシフイク☆リム
but everyone's doing it, I don't want to feel left out![]()
but everyone's doing it, I don't want to feel left out![]()
Dat goldfish warning
Gah, even just your description here makes it sound seriously creepy. You really can't tell?Because the Milky Holmes girls are moeblobs and therefore inherently not suited for being a player character. They're designed to be adorable and have cute character quirks that you look at and say "d'awwww" and make you want to hug them. Putting yourself in the shoes of a character like that would just be awkward because then it's like you're squeeing at...yourself? And since they have their own well-defined character traits, even if you did play as them it would inevitably end up feeling less like you're "becoming" them and more like just "guiding" them, which isn't ideal. Also there are four of them and they're supposed to on roughly equal standing as a group. Putting yourself into the shoes of just one of them (presumably Shalo) would throw off that balance.
Inserting a player-proxy character is the logical way to solve all of these problems. Now it makes sense that you're "guiding" them rather than "becoming" them, because you're the mentor/leader character and guiding them is your entire job description. You can interact with all of them equally, and it makes perfect sense from that perspective to be able to "watch over" the girls and generally find their antics adorable.
... I don't get it, why would you not want to play as the characters in a videogame? That doesn't make sense.even if you did play as them it would inevitably end up feeling less like you're "becoming" them and more like just "guiding" them, which isn't ideal.
So it's the all-ages version, instead of the H version. Same basic idea, clearly.I'm not saying it's a harem game because at no point is there any indication that your character is pursuing any of these girls romantically. He's just trying to form a bond of trust with them and help them grow into the great detectives they have the potential to be.
The anime (Alternative excepted) is quite clearly the vastly superior version of Milky Holmes, that's for sure. But even that doesn't sound as bad as the Alternative villain is. That's not quite on his level.That seems perfectly in line with the kind of "supervillain-style" plots that the game includes. The final chapter of the first game featuresthe true villain (who has been manipulating the Phantom Thief Empire all along) attempting to blow up a super power generator, and with it all of Yokohama, in order to exact revenge on Kobayashi and prove to the world that Phantom Thieves reign supreme.
Ah, so because Alternative bombed so badly, he won't appear again? Good riddance.Well, apparently Alternative takes place after the first game, and I haven't played the second, but a little research suggests that Alternative's villain hasn't shown up in any other material =/ It does sound like Alternative wasn't very well-conceived and was possibly trying to lay plot hooks for something that never materialised.
I don't really understand this complaint (which I see some other people have too) and don't agree with it, but I will say that the second and third manga series are a definite improvement over the first one, which is what's currently getting animated. The mangas get better over time for sure. I just hope the anime lasts long enough to get to the better parts, past this first series...Prisma Ilya 2-
I think my problem with the show is that it lacks a certain dynamism or energy in the scenes. It all feels very lethargic despite certain bits being pretty funny or the action being well animated. Ilya herself is actually a pretty good lead and she seems relatively normal and her reactions are gold. It all feels lifeless and artificial though.
Well, there will be more characters of course. You saw the next major character at the end of the episode there, Miyu.I do think the soundtrack has been pretty decent so far. They played that wonderful track in the PV this episode and it's easily one of my favorites this season.
The show might work better with more main characters added to the show as it might get it the vibrancy the show seems to be missing. I do think this episode was a vast improvement over the first as the comedy really came into play here.
Everybody else should stop doing it too.
It's almost as annoying as people posting tweets or pictures in Japanese with zero context or translation.
Never heard of crackle. Is it a good service? How many services broadcast animu?
Free! 1
That was quite an enjoyable first episode.
edit: different angle of the full truck:
.Hahaha, apparently this is one of the advertising trucks for the first Railgun S Blu-ray volume:
Hahaha, apparently this is one of the advertising trucks for the first Railgun S Blu-ray volume:
Hahaha, apparently this is one of the advertising trucks for the first Railgun S Blu-ray volume:
It's some sort of free service that has movies and some shows on it. Not too sure on the quality, but it does have a lot of anime on it.
World War Z
it's like a video game, duh boom boom. Now this one actually has daylight scenes! I enjoyed this one quite a bit more!!! I went in expecting it to be crappy tbh.
solid 8 out of 10 will watch again.
D ..E .F... G... H .... I ?????
I remember this movie .. everyone acted like idiots and the main character has the most haxxor plot armor EVER
Haw, Dead Fantasy returns. ( May not be related to anime but creator of RWBY, so.....somewhere in the ball park. )
Such a great, completely implausible scene from Geass.
I remember this movie .. everyone acted like idiots and the main character has the most haxxor plot armor EVER
Servant x Service - 03
This was alright ... but i feel like there is an untapped potential that is not used yet.
I could make a list - of everything that doesn't make sense in the movie.yup, it was just like a vidya gaem. but boy it was entertaining and had zombies in it!![]()
I'm still thinking in the office.Deplacing the setting is alright but it's too soon to resort to such outing to the beach/hotsprings.
Godannar ep 3
This show really hits my interests. Gattaing super robots. bouncy tits and ass shots whenever possible. fighting giant monsters.
That was some god tier manipulation , so obvious yet deadly.
Vividred wouldn't allow such a thing.
This show is too pure for doujins. I couldn't even imagine them.
I'm on day 5 without home internet. Haven't watched anime since Monday. No withdrawal though. Watching Season 1 of The Wire for the first time. So yeah. It's been good.
But I need the fucking internet back.
Yep! What else is there to do when you don't have internet?
I spent 3 weeks on vacation at a log cabin resort in Tennessee a few years ago. There was electricity but limited television (no cable) and definitely zero internet out in the middle of those woods.
There was a flea market there with a random anime stand located in between a gun dealer and a lady selling some some pretty weird artwork. It was way too god damn hot to do anything outside for the 3rd week (and honestly not much more to do or go see) so I just watched a shit load of anime that I bought from this cute girl at a random anime stand in a shady flea market. I'm pretty sure that anime stand was there just for weirdos like me.
Gatlinburg was pretty cool.
Problem is, most of my anime is on the internet, and I'm not potentially fucking up my wireless bill watching Crunchyroll and Hulu and shit in 3G
Though I did get Steins;Gate yesterday. But now I'm busy with The Wire. Maybe later tonight.
This talk about internet issues seem to come up at a right time, considering the situation and whatnot with billing. Might have to sit out of internet for an undetermined amount of time.
But at least we'll have cable (that I don't even use).
Turning Girls - 05
Good God. The singing. The expressions. The comments. And the way her mom just busted in like that. And that breakdown.
...I can't breathe...
Kimi No Iru Machi 1
I'm depressed already.
They picked a weird point to jump into the story. Literally none of the back story is really explained.
servant x service 3
big boob problems.
lucy's probably my favorite female protag of the season.[/MG]
k nvm this is my favorite show of the season. foreign lolis is 2nd.[/QUOTE]
Love this show.
Free! 1
That was quite an enjoyable first episode.
The flashbacks when they were kids was nice and I like them setting up the buildup to creating the swimming club.
Haru is such a tsun to everyone but he sure can pull of the puppy dog look in his eyes when someone mentions swimming. Makoto is a bro and Nagisa kinda annoys me but the skinny dip scene was hilarious, so I'm not going to entirely hate on him just yet. Rin is playing the rival role pretty well and his sister Gou is likeable but she needs to accept that Gou is the name everyone will be calling her. That is not changing and she should accept it sooner rather than later.
Haw, Dead Fantasy returns. ( May not be related to anime but creator of RWBY, so.....somewhere in the ball park. )
Yeah that would just give you an okay idea of what's going on. They skipped a gigantic portion of the manga though. It's everything that sets up why he's in Tokyo, who he's chasing, who his friends are. The stuff that actually makes you give a shit about who the characters are. I'd really recommend at least reading that stuff up until the point the anime starts. Really weird decision of the producers part.Having not read the manga, I had to go back and rewatch the OVA. That made it slightly more sensible.
Gunthers are best penguins.![]()
Can't wait for that Kairi/Vincent vs Momiji/Ryu battle
Yeah that would just give you an okay idea of what's going on. They skipped a gigantic portion of the manga though. It's everything that sets up why he's in Tokyo, who he's chasing, who his friends are. The stuff that actually makes you give a shit about who the characters are. I'd really recommend at least reading that stuff up until the point the anime starts. Really weird decision of the producers part.