Are there a lot of English sixteen-year-olds who look like they're eight?
Well we have 2 right now...
Are there a lot of English sixteen-year-olds who look like they're eight?
Yes.Are there a lot of English sixteen-year-olds who look like they're eight?
After years of spoiling the shit out of their own shows in previews, teasers, and episode titles, they finally kicked the habit with Doremi. Now I don't know what they're doing.
Who the hell watch previews anyway?
Who the hell watch previews anyway?
If the preview comes after the credits I usually don't watch it.
Well, there you go.Especially with Toei shows, sometimes the previews are the only thing keeping me watching.
inb4 "all the more reason not to watch them!"
Dramas have previews too!
Dramas previews suck. They don't even get translated, what's the point of watching them.
Any other show you are a masochist though.Anyone that watches the old VOTOMS anime tv series.
Are there a lot of English sixteen-year-olds who look like they're eight?
Anyone that watches the old VOTOMS anime tv series.
Any other show you are a masochist though.
Any other show you are a masochist though.
I was thinking about picking up Dangan Ronpa, but I think I'd rather play the game.
Then you have better judgement than some people here ~.~
No I don't
Sailor Jupiter 25
Dat goldfish warning
There could be a bit of a reason for Jupiter to end up being a lesbian, especially at the end, but it doesn't seem like it'll sink in until S a least. Now we have RAINBOW JEWEL DES time and. She falls in love with people if they have aspects of her former senpai she liked. She reminds me of that freaky chick from Stringendo.ripping them out of Youmas reincarnated as humans, which triggers the need for the Moon Stick, also proof that she's the leader... could've just said YOU WERE FIRST, THEREFORE YES
Anyway, this gave us A real pantyshot of Usagi, on top of Jupiter's stock footage showing off her booty. Greatness. I don't think Mars gave us that, considering the gratuitous underskirt shots she has.
It's some sort of free service that has movies and some shows on it. Not too sure on the quality, but it does have a lot of anime on it.
Steins;Gate (Episode 25)
Loved the final episode. Totally new material to the anime, was great from start to finish. Expected a silly epilogue, had a perfect send-off.
Can't wait for the film.
Only one critique about the anime compared to the VN, the final scene had no chance of living up to THIS.
(Ending spoilers from the VN)
But it came damn close, and the dub was phenomenal.
Aaaahhhhhh Steins;Gate stuff must avoid!!!!!
And thus we get the MALgraph achievement for a mean score of 8.5 or higher:
I dont think I quite got this badge. You have to pretty much score everything above 8 or something and I was dragged down by shit like Eiken, Gantz, SAO
Is the anime not good? Or is the game just good enough to merit enjoying it first?
i'm disapointed that this week dokidoki managed to get everyone disapointed .. especially given the preview we got ..
read up why I changed my avatar - why I went moe for Noire....
for Noire, ok. Good Goddess Noire.
Well here it is. VERY NSFW quote to see etc
Monogatari Series season 2 Episodes 1-3
I really should be enjoying this more but their new hairstyles make me sad. Why did they do such a thing to both Senjougahara and Hanekawa? WHY?! ;-;
A question for the ages. Why ruin a great thing? I guess because they could.
Gou's fangirling is a thing of beauty
Well I usually like short hair but in this case I'd prefer the girls with long hair. =[
Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi episodes 1-3
Everything that happened so far has been really predictable. But man they sure did resolve things really quickly instead of stretching it out like I expected it to. I wonder what they're going to do with the show now.
Yuru Yuri
The PreCures went during summer so you might not have recognized Kiyomizudera
I watched The Girl Who Leapt Through Time and My Neighbor Totoro, what anime movie should i watch next?
It's an achievement with a negative association is all.
School Days - 11
What the hell were these writers smoking to cause them to say: "You know what? Fuck it. Let's just have him have sex with every girl we created here." Was everyone during production fighting each other on who gets to be with who? That's not a working environment! THAT'S THE INTERNET!
Katsura is nicest damn person in this show and Makoto is one hell of a lucky guy for her to even consider going back to him.
But there's still one more episode. And considering everything I witnessed, I'm surprised I made it this far.
pfffff, like Legolas and Gimli in Lord of the Rings.
Man, J-dramas did Free! before it was cool with Water Boys.
Dem upper bodies with young Eita, Moriyama Mirai and Yamada Takayuki :lol
Pourquoi bord** de m**de avez opté pour ce scenario ?
Is the anime not good? Or is the game just good enough to merit enjoying it first?
Man, J-dramas did Free! before it was cool with Water Boys.
Dem upper bodies with young Eita, Moriyama Mirai and Yamada Takayuki :lol