what the fuck is this shit
I can't tell. There's no music playing in my house right now, I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO FEEL.
what the fuck is this shit
It's pretty hard to connect with someone who writes like a thirteen-year-old. The stakes are too low.I just can't engage with the author, maybe I could empathize with his view if he had any redeeming virtues whatsoever.
Dat Kotaku anime review madness.
Next up? Flowers of Evil.
Daaaaayuuuuummmmnnnn gurl.
Watamote - 02
Is this anime only purpose to drag her heroine on the ground , each chance they get ?
Gundam SEED Destiny HD Remaster 15
Athrun travelled all the way from PLANT to Orb, it took him like 3 episodes, and he doesn't know that the Minerva isn't there nor that Orb signed an alliance with the racists. Even in 2004, it seemed fucking stupid to me. On the other hand, sweet, sweet Saviour action. I always loved that MS.
Then you have the Archangel trying to justify their actions and Cagalli crying some more. BAAAAAAW MY RING.
Fuck them. I was so glad to see the SRW Z cast look down on them and their self-righteous ways.
One thing I had kind of forgotten is how much new MSes ZAFT has in Destiny, and how ugly they mostly look...
Also, the whole FAITH thing is cool at first. But we see how useless it actually is later in the series, so yeah :/ At least it makes Lunamaria completely wet! She wants Athrun's dick really, really hard here.
The overall story is okay at this point, despite how it is pictured through stupid characters like Cagalli. I actually really like where it goes in the second cour, with the whole "large scale war from an actual military unit" angle. It really went to shit because of Orb, the Freedom and the Archangel.
I enjoyed this week's episode more than the previous two, thanks to the almost complete absence of the Archangel crew. Screw them.
Full list:
Code:2013 07/08~07/14 Anime BD List *1 (***) --- 7,110 **7,110 **1 To Aru Kagaku no Railgun BD Box [/QUOTE] Railgun should be higher. The Sisters arc is so gooooood.
It's good. Art style takes a minute to get used to, but it is good.
Watamote - 02
Is this anime only purpose to drag her heroine on the ground , each chance they get ?
I do feel like it works better speeding through lol. Man was this arc awful in the manga. went on freaking forever :/The world god only knows - godess arc - 02
A wild red carpet appears !
Seriously they trully stormed across the introduction to get in the plot ..this is for the better , especially since we are going to get the infamous MULTIPLE DATE EVENT next week ..They better not screw this one up.
When am I getting my live-action Aku no Hana
When am I getting my live-action Aku no Hana
[Digimon Tamers] 03 (Rewatch)
So this is how it begins. I shouldn't have watched Hosoda's work before this.
Btw the evolution music is sick
FufufuHohooo~ possible ship? Why weren't these hands blessed with the talent of art.. curse my luck!
Why Pizzaroll/Risette?I don't care about that. Unless pizzaroll says it. Duckroll was just nice enough to file my request too.
That's pretty good. My entry was quite boring.This is much better than my first post being a Vividred Operation impression along with the butt sunrise.
*hoards the moonlight doujins*Needs more Cure Moonlight
Moelablah brother.Your offering has been accepted into the Holy Order of Hnnnngh. Love and squees shall brighten your days.
Strike Witches is basically the better parts of Vividred with worse art, a larger cast and more fanservice. Well and better historical references. SW > VR in a lot of ways.This is quite possibly the path Im going to take. Ive enjoyed about half of Vividred so far and Strike witches is a logical direction to go from there.
Doesn't look very Aku no Hana like, because I can still see eyes and the mouth and something that reminds me on a nose.
Railgun should be higher. The Sisters arc is so gooooood.
Isn't that only the original Railgun in one complete BD set? Pretty good numbers for re-release.
only the original Railgun
Railgun should be higher. The Sisters arc is so gooooood.
It's shit.
especially in this version where biribiri goes from strong protag to vulnerable anime girl just so retard touma could appear and punch a guy and save the day.
Trying to tie everything back to Index just doesn't work :/
at least the fights were purty.
Railgun should be higher. The Sisters arc is so gooooood.
It's shit.
especially in this version where biribiri goes from strong protag to vulnerable anime girl just so retard touma could appear and punch a guy and save the day.
Trying to tie everything back to Index just doesn't work :/
at least the fights were purty.
It's become a terribly paced retread since they've moved into Index territory.
It's shit.
especially in this version where biribiri goes from strong protag to vulnerable anime girl just so retard touma could appear and punch a guy and save the day.
Trying to tie everything back to Index just doesn't work :/
at least the fights were purty.
I hope you end up loving (again?) the Masaaki Ōsumi episodes, the love he didn't receive at the time... :-(
I have little to no incentive on getting caught up this show at this point. Ridiculous.
That should be the first season BD-Box which also includes the OVA and both OSTs. I would love to own it for the OVA, but I have the DVDs and the OSTs so I will have to import the OVA later.
Just because she couldn't beat Accelerator means she's vulnerable? She didn't sleep and eat enough for a few days, nearly fatigued from destroying facillities and she still outwitted and beat ITEM. That is a badass strong protagainist.
You may be right, J.C.Staff could have quicken the pace like the manga but they didn't because they want the new watchers/railgun only watchers to know what and why it is happening without confusing them.
At least they're redoing the scenes with better animation and art direction.
Oh. New OVA. Nice
Yeah. Really don't know why this season of Railgun gets so much hate here. Like this Railgun S version of Sister arc billion times more than the index version that was just a mess.
It's shit.
especially in this version where biribiri goes from strong protag to vulnerable anime girl just so retard touma could appear and punch a guy and save the day.
Trying to tie everything back to Index just doesn't work :/
at least the fights were purty.
Oh. New OVA. Nice
Yeah. Really don't know why this season of Railgun gets so much hate here. Like this Railgun S version of Sister arc billion times more than the index version that was just a mess.
Just caught up with MJP
Its hard to do yuri when its serious.
[Free!] 1-2
Try as it might, these characters just don’t seem that appealing, as personalities they seem hollow and ill-defined.
Dat Kotaku anime review madness.
Next up? Flowers of Evil.
Daaaaayuuuuummmmnnnn gurl.
Not appealing? Not good personalities? Rin is like the perfect guy, Haruka too even, in looks and even in just their personality. Friendship other oriented and focused, determined to get what they want, and even kind and etc. What is there that is unappealing?
K-ON sucks[Free!] 1-2
Its serviceable (fnar fnar!) enough, and thats just about all it is. It plays like a pastiche of all the familiar slice of life tropes, so youd at expect the execution to supersede that, but it doesnt. The characters are pretty wrought, and Haruka in particular, is one of those sullen protagonists that I can never find myself enjoying. Its not the lack of narrative elements that I find a drawback, because the likes of K-ON! got by just fine. I guess its just the fact that the deftness of touch just isnt here. Try as it might, these characters just dont seem that appealing, as personalities they seem hollow and ill-defined.
Im strangely ambivalent about all this, the pandering is...pandery, perhaps intrusively so, but it never feels excessively voyeuristic, with it coming off more comical than anything. Though as a package, It just feels all so...mediocre. Weve seen this before, and weve seen it done excellently, so it stands to reason that it has its work cut out.
Is Kotaku not as widely hated here yet as it is on the gaming side? You guys seem legitimately surprised a Kotaku article isn't good.
Not appealing? Not good personalities? Rin is like the perfect guy, Haruka too even, in looks and even in just their personality. Friendship other oriented and focused, determined to get what they want, and even kind and etc. What is there that is unappealing?
...as personalities they seem hollow and ill-defined.
But seriously Free felt like if I'm watching K-ON with more positive approach
I just can't into the cast, and dislike the design (the weird thing I like Tamako market chara desigm)