Finish this entire season in a one day marathon (you know it's very good that you want to watch all of it at once nonstop). I guess the best way to express this season is emotional roller coaster and they're quite a bit of it.
The story take place after season 1 when Emma left William after she have no one to take care off after Kelly pass away from season 1. She felt that leaving William is the best way for both of them because of the complex issue between them which will cause more tension with William and his dad. During Season 2, William still regret losing Emma and feel depress because of this. But this change him quite drastically. He start to work very hard in his work and attending social meetings which he try to avoid in Season 1. Also, he spend more time of taking care of his family's business (which is something he don't really want to in season 1).
Also, the lost of Emma mean Eleanor (the girl who suppose to be William arrange future marriage wife), started to think she might have a chance with William and make her move. This actually could happened as William manage to forget his past feeling with Emma and try to move on and they were about to get marry. This all change when an incident which basically force William to pry open his past feeling with Emma and make him second doubt himself.
For Emma, she manage to find a job as a maid for a mansion after she left. She was trying to forget William as much as she can from her work. Along the season, a lot of things happened to her range from saving another maid from close death to meeting someone who will later be William mother. All of this will challenge her emotion to the point it bring back hurtful memories and make her question herself quite a bit. Along the way, she will meet another man (a butler) in the mansion who is interested in her and might cause some friction.
Basically, season 2 storyline have quite a bit of stuff happening as you're watching. It's pacing is smoother and you don't feel like the story is moving slowly unlike season 1. Not saying season 1 storyline is bad. To me, season 1 storyline is more like building a foundation of the show while season 2 expand greatly. It work quite well to tell the truth for me.
For character development, it expand quite a bit for the main character you're following from the previous season and also they bring in few more new characters. Some of the new characters have great development with them like Dorothea who is Emma's employer who is a strong lady and have a open mind thinking of people. You start to like her a bit when she is on screen. Also, they will be new characters who have very little development in the show like Monica who is Eleanor older sister who is a straightforward woman unlike her younger shy sister. They didn't develop her much in the TV show as I hope for as she feel like she is there when they need someone to balance the mood of the scene (basically when Eleanor in a trouble feeling). I am guessing she is even more develop in the manga and have potential but for now, she isn't much to say really.
For music, it's similar to season 1 style. Classical instrument style music which work well in the previous season is working fine for this season. The opening tune is change and actually better to tell the truth. For the background music, it sound fine and do have emotional punch when use correctly in the right scene. One of the music from the show is call Menuet for EMMA which I put a link ( This might be one of the better song in this show soundtrack and when use in the proper scene, it help make the scene even more emotional like on the link ( Note: might be spoiler for people who didn't watch the show but it's a well done scene. Still, like the music from the show and can be listen outside of the show because of the tune doesn't sound too much of animated.
The animation is like the 1st season but a bit different style because of the different animation team produce this show. To me, it's simple look but match well for the show for some reason really.
Overall, season 2 is actually a better show mostly because it help expand the story quite a bit and develop a much better character development for Emma and William to the point you want them to be together no matter how much pain both have to endure to get there. I also do feel sorry for Eleanor as she will have to suffer even more as her personality is a shy timid which make it even more painful when the bad news hit her. Even so, her conclusion in the show is still a strong one as she become even stronger lady after the incident which help her to move on in her life.
For the series, I think this might be one of my favourite romance anime in my collection. It try not to be like every typical anime romance show which throw in random stuff like most anime. To me, this series, try to keep it simple and real in some way of what romance is. It feel like those romance show you watch on TV but more in real tone like Downton abbey. I guess my taste of romance anime have now change quite a bit and more in mature in a way. For this, I would recommend this anime to people who want some sort of a romance show but without all the anime stuff you see. Also, this might be a good show to people who don't watch anime but like a good romance story as this kind do that well.