NCR Redslayer
NeoGAF's Vegeta
Not black lagoon. Something much older.Black Lagoon?
Not black lagoon. Something much older.Black Lagoon?
To parody DragonQuest?
Gintama 177
Quick! Someone call Kurapika!
The new OP has a super serious tone but Kondou, Ayame and Katsura are in it and I can't take them seriously at all. Tsukoyo is the only character besides Takesugi who has only been in serious episodes, except for maybe the absent minded spaceship guy who knows Gintoki from his samurai days and his assistant woman, who are in every OP but pretty much never show up (ongoing joke?) so I'm looking forward to Tsukoyo being in sillier episodes. The To-Love-Ru part in this episode was great and she has good chemistry with Gintoki
It's great to see more people see the greatness that is Tsukuyo.
She pretty much has the best chemistry with Gintoki.
Hyouka - 2
I enjoy that these mysteries seem to be more on the creative side in this. They're not terribly exciting subjects, but considering the atmosphere of the show, I don't think they're really meant to be. It's not bad.
Here am i complaining that an episode of gintama is great when it could have been awesome. Well , there is still the next episode to raise the bar
Gangsta 3 was 100% exposition, hard to talk a lot about it without going too deep into spoilers and just retelling what happened, but I need to praise once again the pacing, which I think is absolutely stellar, they handle exposition in such a laid back way that I never feel like "ok, now it's time to try and memorize a million terms and bullshit to know what's going on in this world", we have Alex to represent us, as an outsider trying to figure out the situation she's in by putting all the pieces together, gathering information from here and there, and that makes for a very pleasant trip throughout the city, where little by little we get more information on our characters.
Worick's job was quite a shock to me, actually, especially because he doesn't seem to enjoy it at all, I would never expect itIt really works torwards further reinforcing that he just came to accept his situation, he might not like it, but no longer hates it enough to try and change it, he just goes with the flow.after they basically "rescued" Alex from prostitution.He rescued Alex from a life he wouldn't want for himself, but his feeling of being stuck in that situation is so strong that he himself continues with it.
Very strong episode, can't wait to know more about the tags, their past and every chance we get to see a small glimpse of Nico's deepest thoughts is great, he's such a well developed character, imo.
And maaan, Tsutchie, you're a beast.
Gangsta is easily my favorite new show this season, just not AOTS because Non Non Biyori is too stronk.
I'm actually always surprised to see how divisive it was, the moment I watched the first episode I thought "man, this anime is great, people will be all over it".
I think the new director has worse comedic timing and that has hurt most adaptated stories (although the lottery ticket one still was very funny), but I've loved the atmosphere added to this arc, with the Edo redesign and stylish flashbacks.
It doesn't have any Yuri to pander to...I really enjoy the series as well, one of my top favorite of the season. Though this thread is 50/50 on it, either liking it or not.
Aikatsu 1
I don't get the appeal of all this idolshit. I suspect I never will. But I'm sucker for Pretty Cure's CG dancing, so I'm in for the moment. And Aoi is perfection. I'll try this out for at least a few episodes.
I really enjoy the series as well, one of my top favorite of the season. Though this thread is 50/50 on it, either liking it or not.
Umaru-chan ep 2
Drinking coke in the morning. Living the American dream.
I don't recall a Ebina having a backstory......
Ok, my head is starting to spin.
From my MAL, what should the next three series I watch be after I'm done with Fate and Full Moon Wo Sagashite:
I like more mature age settings, and looking for a good Slice of Life with relationship stuff, Romance or Romcom series.
I know there is that music one that supposed to be pretty good... but too many to choose from here...
Umaru-chan 2 so kawaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
I can't
cuteness overload
On that list I think the best show is probably Welcome to the NHK. That, His and Her Circumstances, and Haruhi (to cross it off your list) would be my picks. If you watch Haruhi though, fuse it with season two broadcast order, skipping however much of the Endless Eight arc as you want.
Aikatsu 1
I don't get the appeal of all this idolshit. I suspect I never will. But I'm sucker for Pretty Cure's CG dancing, so I'm in for the moment. And Aoi is perfection. I'll try this out for at least a few episodes.
You and Arcy will get along great when he returns, lol.
Ok, my head is starting to spin.
From my MAL, what should the next three series I watch be after I'm done with Fate and Full Moon Wo Sagashite:
I like more mature age settings, and looking for a good Slice of Life with relationship stuff, Romance or Romcom series.
I know there is that music one that supposed to be pretty good... but too many to choose from here...
You and Arcy will get along great when he returns, lol.
Thank you.
I'll probably have to ask again about the Haruhi thing when I get there, lol.
My personal list. My 'currently watching' list is kind of a nightmare right now, though.
I'm watching a ton of stuff but Gangsta is definitely on its way to becoming my favourite show this season. God Eater had a great start for me, and I really dig the artwork. I'm a sucker for the series though, so it's very biased in a way. Everything else is fun to watch, but so far none of it has made me want the week to go by faster lol. Shimoneta was a nice surprise for me since I thought I wouldn't even need to check it out, and it turned out to be hilarious.
This season's new stuff is solid.
My personal list. My 'currently watching' list is kind of a nightmare right now, though.
Umaru-chan 2 so kawaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
I can't
cuteness overload
You want more overload and more cuteness. There's not enough!Umaru-chan 2 so kawaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
I can't
cuteness overload
If your thirst is real enough, you can read the manga, which i will do.
If your thirst is real enough, you can read the manga, which i will do.
somebody actually said kawaii non-ironically in this thread
fuck life
somebody actually said kawaii non-ironically in this thread
fuck life
It's fine.somebody actually said kawaii non-ironically in this thread
fuck life
Good luck with that.I'll try my best to resist.
Do you understand irony?Kawaii is a non ironic kinda word.
somebody actually said kawaii non-ironically in this thread
fuck life
Kawaii means cute
If something is cute then it's acceptable to say kawaii, especially in an anime thread
We all know the best way to judge a show is based on how many good reaction faces it gives us.
NO matter what you think , you are a nakama
NO matter what you think , you are a nakama
Just according to keikaku
it's clearly that time in AnimeGAF. Later lol