cajun pls stop my wallet can't take this
Wait when did the one eared moon cats get added to the OP.
Don't know much about this project, but thought it looked okay until the part with the lady in the white dress.Empire of Corpses PV. This is the Project Itoh film being directed by Ryoutarou Makihara at Wit Studio. It'll release on October 2.
Hang in there!
Give it a watch! Its one of the most underrated anime. Oh god its one of my favorite things.
Saber is like the worst character in Zero.
Well at least you like Rider, although he's so much better than Saber.
cornbread is our future, our legacy.
Five episodes into Space Dandy and I'm enjoying it so far. Humor's a bit lowbrow, but eh, whatever, I can enjoy lowbrow humor. The fact that the episodes don't seem to be connected in any way kinda put me off at first, but I've gotten over it. Thought episode five did a nice job humanizing Dandy a bit.
Five episodes into Space Dandy and I'm enjoying it so far. Humor's a bit lowbrow, but eh, whatever, I can enjoy lowbrow humor. The fact that the episodes don't seem to be connected in any way kinda put me off at first, but I've gotten over it. Thought episode five did a nice job humanizing Dandy a bit.
Empire of Corpses PV. This is the Project Itoh film being directed by Ryoutarou Makihara at Wit Studio. It'll release on October 2.
There are legitimate complaints to be made. I even mentioned some myself. I just give very little credence to the complaints of people who traffic in those crowds.
Oh, you're one of those people who needlessly feels as though you should "empathize" with characters.
Sorry, that's not how media work. Anyone can write a character any average person can "empathize with" and "relate to." It takes actual skill to write a character the audience can learn to understand even if the character is unlikable. The show developed its characters through traits and dialogue. It didn't lean on exposition as a lot of anime do. It also didn't strong arm the audience into liking its characters as a lot of anime do. For some people, that's an issue. But it's irrelevant from a critical standpoint.
this team flare lookin dude is ballin, truly the best sympho. I didn't know Jaden Smith was in this.
School-Live 2
Fear the shovel. And the delusional girl with her imaginary teacher. But mostly the shovel. A nice look at how everyone else tries to keep them alive day to day.
Cola and videogames, such a good way to be lazy.
Himouto! Umaru-chan 2
Cuteness overload, I can't handle it.
I liked the Ebina flashback, hearing her dialect was pretty cool.
The teacher is real right? other characters acknowledge her so I think she actually exists.
I just cant deal with the soda drinking but otherwise her life seems pretty amazing.
Like on my week off I basically do that lol.
The way the camera position deliberately didn't show her in plenty of shots, and the fact that she's deep down the rabbit hole already, I think they're just playing along to keep Yuki in check.
Surely there would have been more emphasis on her if there actually was an adult with them
oh and if I recall she just "turns up" at places, like the test of courage, she was already there
So, I Can't Play H! ep.1-2
so, this was my random afternoon "hit play" that's been in my Crunchy queue. The basis is, a reaper bonds makes a contract with a kid that is set to die in three months. She will try to help delay or prevent it by him supplying her hid life energy as she tries to find someone in the human world. Here's the kicker, the life energy he gives is his pervertedNess and he gives a major power-up to her when he gets a boner, lol. Holy Shit, who comes up with this stuff, lol.
I guess you're right but what about the scene in the library? It seemed that the teacher was aware of the zombies and she was also able to put her hand before Yuki's mouth.
I'm guessing she's some kind of manifestation of a protective part of yuki's mind or something
You should watch Ultimate Girls. Even Envelope likes it.
Probably, this show is really fucked up when you think about it, it's interesting.
She could be real though, if there isn't someone to teach her they wouldn't have bothered to get the math books in the first place.
Empire of Corpses PV. This is the Project Itoh film being directed by Ryoutarou Makihara at Wit Studio. It'll release on October 2.
That one I'd super, super ecchi, right?
Part of it is definitely her mental illness, bit I'm still confused by the teacher as well. I assume she is part of her schizophrenia, but you can't really tell if it's real or a hulucination.
Part of it is definitely her mental illness, bit I'm still confused by the teacher as well. I assume she is part of her schizophrenia, but you can't really tell if it's real or a hallucination.
everyshonenopever.mp4Ushio to Tora would like to have a word with you
So how does one watch anime on Daisuki that is? Since Daisuki is streaming God Eater I've made an account on the site but can't manage to watch it.
it doesnt work for you? episode link on daisuki
it doesnt work for you? episode link on daisuki
also said medieval army being comprised of idiots, although the end of episode 2 gives kind of a reason for itGATE 01-02
Wow, wasn't expecting this to be so entertaining. It reminds me of Outbreak Company, but with more focus on the military and the MC being a capable soldier. It's entertaining seeing a modern military just wrecking the shit out of a medieval army and the medieval army trying to figure out what the hell is happening. Hopefully the quality keeps up and it doesn't dissolve into harem shit.
If you're curious on Miki's back story (although I suspect it'll be shown in a flashback at some point), you can scope out Chapters 10-12 of the manga.This stuff is super interesting. The whole backstory for Kurumi was great too. I wanna know what happened to Miki at that mall that Yuuri mentioned to her in the club room.
lol yes its really hilariously over the top
We'll see, I'm excited.
A cool thing about the show is that it doesn't explain everything.
There are a lot of subtle moments like that "interrupting class" gag last episode that makes sense when you know what's going but it's never outright explained that she's just opening every door because there's actually nobody there in reality.