I'm not clicking that spoilers link or quoting you. But I appreciate the inevitable compliments that are surely lurking below the serenity of that white box nonetheless.
Wait a minute, John Titor is an actual person or claimed to be time traveler? And he really talked about an IBM 1500? I thought this was all animu made up bullshit. Life is a lie.
Yeah, these two are totally different shows. I havent seen HSoTD but I assume its full of fan service based on the pics I saw. I like how Gakkou Gurashi doesn't focus much on the action part and more on the characters and how they deal with this new world of theirs.
The fanservice was the whole point of High School of the Dead. It was wonderful.
Gakkou Gurashi 04 (finished it now)
Right, so there are a few things I want to mention about this episode, and again they're mostly to do with Megu-nee.
The Beta male tries to get away with the shitty forehead kiss cliche
The Alpha female is having none of that
The male correct his mistake and does what he should've done in the first place
Satisfying.I wonder what it's like to watch anime with your penis
I wonder what it's like to watch anime with your penis
Manga Entertainment
Yu-Gi-Oh! Complete Season 3
Release Date: 5th October
Run Time: 987 min
Format: DVD
Naruto Shippūden Movie 6: Road to Ninja
Release Date: 12th October
Run Time: 109 min
Format: BD, DVD
One Piece: Collection 12
Release Date: 26th October
Run Time: 600 min
Format: DVD
Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection F
Release Date: 26th October
Run Time:
Format: BD, DVD
Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods / Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection F
Release Date: 26th October
Run Time:
Format: BD, DVD
Danganronpa: The Animation - Complete Series
Release Date: 9th November
Run Time:
Format: BD, DVD
Dragon Ball Z Kai Complete Season 3
Release Date: 9th November
Run Time: 625 min
Format: BD, DVD
Yu-Gi-Oh! Complete Season 4
Release Date: 23rd November
Run Time: 880 min
Format: DVD
Ghost In The Shell: Arise Parts 3 & 4
Release Date: 30th November
Run Time: 116 min
Format: BD, DVD
The Last: Naruto the Movie
Release Date: 21st December
Run Time: 112 min
Format: BD, DVD
Animatsu Entertainment
Samurai Jam - Bakumatsu Rock: Complete Series
Release Date: 19th October
Run Time: 300 min
Format: BD, DVD
Blade & Soul: Complete Collection
Release Date: 16th November
Run Time: 325 min
Format: BD, DVD
Black Bullet: Complete Collection
Release Date: 7th December
Run Time: 325 min
Format: BD, DVD
Beyond the Boundary: Complete Series
Release Date: 14th December
Run Time: 325 min
Format: BD, DVD
Chaika - The Coffin Princess: Complete Collection
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Format: BD, DVD
Bleach - Complete Series 14
Release Date: 21st September
Run Time: 600 min
Format: DVD
Magi: The Kingdom of Magic - Season 2, Part 1
Release Date: 5th October
Run Time:
Format: BD, DVD
Mirai Nikki: Future Diary - Part 1
Release Date: 12th October
Run Time:
Format: BD, DVD
Coppelion - Complete Series
Release Date: 2nd November
Run Time: 312 min
Format: DVD
World Conquest Zvezda Plot - Complete Series
Release Date: 2nd November
Run Time: 325 min
Format: DVD
Bleach - Complete Series 15
Release Date:
Run Time: 600 min
Format: DVD
Or soft.Never a dull moment.
edit: WHOA WHOA WHOA did Texhnolyze always have this kick-ass OP?
they god damn localize KnK and still no Hyouka?
Texhnolyze is GOAT but I've never been as infatuated with the OP as a lot of people seem to be, but it is cool. The soundtrack in general for Texhnolyze is amazing however. I wrote a little bit about the OST here As you can see, my opinion of the OST is high. Great show.
How can you not love it?
Motherfucker it's anime Batman Beyond OP
they god damn localize KnK and still no Hyouka?
edit: WHOA WHOA WHOA did Texhnolyze always have this kick-ass OP?
New UK Box-art:
How can you not love it?
Motherfucker it's anime Batman Beyond OP
Heh, I gave up on the first episode since I thought it was very boring. But I plan on going back since my taste have evolved since then and I didn't give the show time to convince me.
Everytime I am reminded Coppelion exists I laugh
Everytime I am reminded Coppelion exists I laugh
I'm glad that I can put a smile on your faceI'm guessing that the show is real bad?
So what's good this season.
Give it to me.
So what's good this season.
Give it to me.
So what's good this season.
Give it to me.
Non Non Biyori S2
Working! S3
Jitsu Wa Watashi Wa
Yeah, I think you're right about most of this. The points about her and education or work are a good one, I'd kind of forgotten about that -- it's been a long time since I watched this show. The difference between Aoi, who doesn't have much education and does nothing other than keep house, and all of the other characters couldn't be much more stark. I would say, though, that the idea of the "perfect woman" would only be sexist for those whose idea of such a person is as backwards as this show's is. And not everyone feels as that show does, certainly.For Aoi issue you have, it's what they think a perfect woman suppose to be in a man life. Like I say in my previous post (in one of the quick impression of the show), it feel weird at the time they're in. Like everyone is in college or university or her caretaker is working but for Aoi, she didn't go to school and just stay at home, taking care of the place. I might understand if she is much older (like over 30 years old) but at around 16 years old, it feel weird for me. Also, the idea of the perfect woman will always be sexist for most people as it feel like the woman (Aoi) have limited freedom of what they do in life and have to please everyone else and also her husband.
That's pretty much the definition of a very old-fashioned and incredibly sexist concept of what women should be, yes. That the series actually presents that kind of person as the ideal woman is disturbing. I know that Japan is more sexist than any Western first-world nations, but a show like this is a reminder of that...It feel like the reason she was born in this world is to please her future husband.
Ugh, Belldandy... I haven't seen anything else of the franchise, but the Ah My Goddess '90s OVA series and movie are another thing I watched, and hated, back in the early '00s. For one thing, I know they tried to excuse it away with a "but they met as children!", but the fact is, he said 'my wish is for you to fall in love with me'... so is anything she feels for him actually real? I was never sure, and that's super disturbing. And even beyond that, it was a bad series. The movie was better than the pretty bad OVAs, but it still wasn't good. I haven't seen anything more modern in the franchise.On the other hand, you can stay been a perfect woman isn't sexist and also show how strong the woman is to the audience. I won't say this for Aoi but one that kinda push this button is Belldandy from Ah My Goddess. She you can say is someone who try to be a perfect woman but at the same time have a strong personalities of what is good and bad and want to help people who she meet.
Still, it won't make this show even better and I have season 2 to watch after this. Man...
That's nonsense, she didn't just "fall for him". She's a character in a story, not a real person. She was written as an "ideal woman", and the INCREDIBLY retrograde concept of "ideal" they use means loyal, happy to be treated like an object (arranged marriage), uninterested in being her own person (by her own admission her entire personality is shaped around what HE wants from the ideal woman), uninterested in education (nothing past high school, if she even went to school at all), uninterested in work (beyond cleaning up the house)... and more. She is one of the most obnoxiously backwards female leads in modern anime. I hate Aoi Yori Aoshi, it's horrible. It deserves the 2/10 rating I gave it on MAL some time back.It is a really awkward setup but I dont see it the way you did obviously. Aoi really did fall for him and it felt pretty genuine, despite the initial setup. a LOT more genuine than Love Hina.
Well, jury is still out on Charlotte, been pretty mediocre so far but a something is being promised for episode 6.
As a piece of storytelling it's less successful. There's an interesting idea at the core of Hammerhead - using a regenerating superhero to explore nihilism - but it doesn't do a good enough job in its short time frame of drawing us into the pain of the central characters so it feels emotionally detached despite the intense emotion the visuals are trying to convey. The decision to have the majority of the short accompanied by monotone voiceover narration means that the events and concepts are being described at us instead of organically happening on screen. I think this story idea would be much better served in a longer format; there's too much to get through for 8 minutes to be enough to drive the feelings home.
A question for anyone who watches The Walking Dead or Fallen Skies or any other post apocalyptic show that features teenagers/kids. Why is it that live action kids in these shows are almost always terrible, but the characters in School Live seem fine? Is it because of the reliance on anime tropes that serves as a distraction? Or just the cognitive dissonance of it being a cartoon? Or just being able to use adult actors to voice kid roles (I guess much like Ellie from The Last of Us).
Somehow School Live 4 ended up being more compelling than your bog standard Rick goes crazy episode despite featuring a cast of what are essentially moe school girls.
Ushio and Tora
Akagami no Shirayukihime
Non Non Biyori S2
Working! S3
Jitsu Wa Watashi Wa
Esdeath is obviously best girl. If I finish Akame ga Kill and they aren't together or both dead, then I'm done with anime. xD
The brown sadist has finally joined the cast.
Now they don't have any excuses to not adapt that chapter into an episode/OVA.
There is hope for him yet.
Theses are all correct. Don't forget Shimoneta, Rokka and Prison School.
Child actors ruin 95% of the shows they're in.
Well it really depends on what the show is. Like if it were a comedy type of show then it has a better chance of being good as opposed to one that's serious and dramatic.
So what's good this season.
Give it to me.
Man...watching You're Under Arrest season 2 feel great. Might be my guilty pleasure of anime as of now after going through Ai Yori Aoshi.
For anime Gaf here, of those three anime, rank which anime I should watch next in order.
Wolf's Rain
Ghost Stories
Macross: Do You Remember Love?
Thats always been the weakness of the projects. I like the idea of Hammerhead's story but telling it in 8 minutes is not feasible.