Shimoneta 05
Anna has no chill lmao she makes Homura in Rebellion look subdued when it comes to love
Also I'm gonna need people to screencap the BDs because I cannot tell what they are supposed to be censoring sometimes. Like that docking drawing! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN THAT?
Shimoneta 05
Also I'm gonna need people to screencap the BDs because I cannot tell what they are supposed to be censoring sometimes. Like that docking drawing! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN THAT?
Anna totally took over the show. The censorship is so good. I really don't have much to add other than this is the best comedy this year.
That feel when reality smacks you in the face with a pair of used underwear.
Shimoneta 05
Anna has no chill lmao she makes Homura in Rebellion look subdued when it comes to love
Also I'm gonna need people to screencap the BDs because I cannot tell what they are supposed to be censoring sometimes. Like that docking drawing! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN THAT?
You haven't even gotten to the "good" part yet, where they start quoting in English!
The censorship is so good.
I thought it was cute in the beginning but now I'm growing more and more tired of it, sometimes I don't even know what they're censoring!
Shimoneta - 05
Haha Anna went full Yuno, she's a monster! Love juice creating a rainbow and cookies, I can't.. even..
Sleepy chan saves the day, I'm glad she's on board. This show so fun to watch, and it seems like it's just the beginning
You don't have to wait for the BDs
"You're not familiar with Franz Fanon?"
I seen it!!!
Season 2 when.
Classroom Crisis 05
So this episode was the long-awaited beach episode, of course something like this is totally neccesary in such a well-written, deep show like Classroom Crisis.
We started of in a bus, everyone was singing the OP of the show which was wierd since we heard the same song just a minute ago. Then they arrived at the beach which was basically a bunch of still frames.
After that we visited a bathhouse which suprisingly wasn't that foggy.
Anyhow, I don't get this show, on one hand it's trying to be "smart" with this whole "corporate intrigue" that's going on but for some reason it also uses every generic anime trope in the book, the question then becomes whether "generic anime tropes" are able to enhance a show which is built on economics and corporations, this is where the show falls flat.
The corporate intrigue is just straight up boring and unrealistic, nobody is really making any plans or something, there are some hints that our "villian" is going to do something later on but right now nothing interesting is really happening.
The comedy is also pretty bad, the only thing this episode proved is that our characters aren't really likeable or fun, there's just a bunch on random "non-characters" who fill up most of the screentime. Then there's Rei Ayanami and some girl who is interested in our villian but both of them aren't really complex, well designed or enjoyable.
It also doesn't help that the relationship between characters never get any deeper than "I want to protect character X".
All in all, this show tries to be everything but it's nothing noteworthy in the end.
Classroom Crisis-5
I should have dropped this show. The corporate politics stuff is the most interesting component of the show but everything else is as dull as dishwater. Not to mention the budget being obviously nil.
Hibike! Euphonium episode 1
And so I join the ranks of this anime, already I can see alot of the sublte and not so subtle yuri moments and im all for it, the childhood friend is just there to satisfy the safe audience but we all know where the real romance will be.
Also, being in band from 4th grade all the way to freshmen year of highschool, there are some things I related and some not like that grading system, I guess that is a japanese thing, but it also paints the opposite of me, I was a percussionist but had a bad year in band my freshman year, didnt play as well as I use to and because I messed up when joining I didnt make the drumline which meant I was playing on bells, something I never fully learned to play in the past, drumline the movie is a good representation of myself in band.
After Akame ga Kill! rewatch, I've decided that the series is a solid 6/10 anime. The whole thing is plagued by obvious death flags, a failure to build an interesting world, some strange desire to be a harem anime, and few instances of game terminology like "leveling up" being thrown around that I am going to blame on the translators. With that being said, I think the series did a lot right and my fundamental issue with the whole thing is that it's a shonen and not leaning closer to a more mature story. The first four episodes are fairly awful, mostly because of the quick pace of the show forcing narrative to rush over things, but after that things improve. I helped myself get through those first few episodes by telling myself the story was through Akame's POV and those early memories might be a bit more happy than they really were. Keeping that in mind, I further justified the abrupt shifts between despair and elation that the series goes through by assuming it was meant to be representative of the lives the Night Raid must lead - each day swinging them to and from the edge of death.
tl;dr Watched Akame ga Kill two times in a row, gave it a solid 6/10 rating, enjoyed it like a 10/10 regardless.
That damned car in Non Non Biyori...
It's this free streaming platform that uses ads, it's not that bad actually. I think only two ads per episode pop up, the mobile app is a bit wonky though.
The selection of anime, while small is pretty interesting so it's definitely worth it to check it out, a lot of shows leave the service after a while though.
Anyhow, the biggest advantage of Viewster is that it simulcasts some unavailable Funimation/Crunchyroll shows in Europe which is really cool.
Knowing KyoAni, they probably gonna have a second season and a movie like most of their series.
Plot Twist: Amagi gets a second season while Euphonium doesn't lol.
I wonder what they'd do if there was a fourth season. Same arc again?I certainly feel like they're doing their best to stretch 6 episodes worth of plot into 12. It's very, er, noticeable.
It's Major League! The ball is going to be a huge success and she has no choice but to accept what he's done. Although she seems to hedge her bets by saying she doesn't care if he succeeds anyway.cinderella girls 16
So when is Producer going to get the shit fired out of him for going over the new boss lady's head? Because I know that fucking episode is coming and the girls are going the fuck off when it does?
Sounds like the unholy fusion of Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence and Blood: the Last Vampire.Psycho-Pass the Movie
What's worse than Urobuchi's cringe worthy dialogue compromised of characters quoting from literature and philosophy? Try listening to that shit in awkward English voiced by Japanese actors. The "English" dialogue in the film is seriously awful, and there's quite a lot of it. Really puzzling choice, but I guess they figured the Japanese audience won't know the difference.![]()
I dunno how I forgot about this one. I guess the name doesnt stand out. but it has character designs by Kanzaki Hiro and that alone makes it something I want to see!
What is this show actually about? I still cant tell really.
Gatchaman Crowds Insight Episode 5:
Okay, I am officially tired of the leader of VAPE as his political philosophies are just too simplistic for the actual debates going on in this season.
Isn't that kind of the point? It's all just extremes - Tsubasa and Gel with their extreme of order opposite Hajime/Katze's extreme of chaos; Rui and Vapelord opposing extremes of faith and faithlessness respectively. Obviously Hajime and Joe are far more interesting, but I can't imagine Vapelord's ridiculous dismissal of humanity won't get torn down just like Rui's insane belief did.
Rokka 05
Wow geez, I think I solved it.
Bunny girl is able to move swords, she placed it in the stone obviously.
But the question is, the door was closed, so how it happened? I can only thinkshe can introduce one the swords through a sliver (between the door and the ground maybe?) if we suppose she doesn't need to "see" to handle the movement of the sword.
Yeah this really feels like propaganda for the Japanese defence force. That said its not bad by any means, it's actually quite enjoyable. Now that they got past the whole "can you believe this otaku dream world" thing, the tension and show-feel seem to be getting better.
Is anyone else getting chaika Vibes from this series? Not that that's a bad thing or anything, I actually enjoyed chaika.
How do we even know that Cat-Kun is telling the truth? He's the most ambiguous and untrustworthy person there, no one has ever heard of his ass but his word is law? At least send someone to verify his statements
The author is a former member of the JSDF which is why there's a more neutral to positive outlook on them when compared to other things. I ended up reading the manga and it's definitely a lot less propogandaish and a bitmore neutral as the series goes on. I feel like it gets a bit more plainly into who and what they are (and what they can/can't do). There's a few minor moments of chest thumping but it's pretty brief.
The author is a former member of the JSDF which is why there's a more neutral to positive outlook on them when compared to other things. I ended up reading the manga and it's definitely a lot less propogandaish and a bitmore neutral as the series goes on. I feel like it gets a bit more plainly into who and what they are (and what they can/can't do). There's a few minor moments of chest thumping but it's pretty brief.