The posts about Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei are making me listen to the OP songs again.
Especially this one
and this one
...ok, all of them.
One of SHAFT's best series. Wish they would adapt the manga's ending, just for added clusterfuckery.
The posts about Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei are making me listen to the OP songs again.
Especially this one
and this one
...ok, all of them.
Aoharu x Machinegun
What is this show?
How does somebody hide their gender for so long?
Overlord 05
As I watch this I cannot shake the vibe that I'm watching an evil overlord in the beginning stages of his conquest, but he is significantly smarter about than your average villain would be.
Selling more than 400K is pretty good. Though there were some people expecting Soma to sell more than 700K due to the anime. I guess some people forget cooking manga don't have that sort of appeal or audience.
Still good though especially for a cooking manga.
...Why is there not a Symphogear OT? With the sheer amount of cliffhangers it has discussion potential for DAYS.
Symphogear has :
-a cool setting
-good vilains
-magical girl/mecha girls fighting
-yuri shipping but the good kind , the kind you can't help but ship 2 people together.
-cliffangers ( the higest rate of cliffangers i've EVER seen in an anime)
-Good side characters, goodlooking side characters
-it's freaking awesome.
Charlotte 6
Holy crap!!
This show isn't messing around anymore. That was a great episode. And that cliff hanger has me eagerly awaiting the next episode. The scene after the credits has me asking some new questions too. This episode really delivered and actually had me scared for quite a few minutes there. I wonder if any ofAyumi's "friends" were in on this series of events in some way.
Prison School 05
Dem production values.
Chiyo proved herself here to be as cray cray as the rest of her family.
Not very excited about the next segment but what comes after it is great.
Yeah those friends were a bunch of wierdo's, I think the boy isn't evil though since he wanted to acommpany her, The Class rep is pretty supiscious since she stopped that boy.
girl is obviously crazy.Box cutter
DTL and you with your spoilers.
I agree. I mean all of it could've been a coincidence and it just happened to play out like that but I don't think that is the case here. Something is up.
yesSo shit just got real in Charlotte just like promised? I'm at work all day and can't watch until tonight.
Also does anyone know if we are getting a God Eater episode tomorrow?
Simulcast Sunday!
Be ready for new episodes of DURARARA!!x2, WORKING!!3, Charlotte and GOD EATER
The promised magical girl Popura episode
Actual Kyouko screentime + Ottoo
Lots of Yamada's whistling +MORE STORY PROGRESSION
Hello yes i'm not Sdburton but i'll be filling in for him today. Why should he (I) watch this anime?
Prison School 05
Dem production values.
It's the best action magical girl franchise ever.
Shimoneta 06
About half the dialogue in this episode was bleeped out and at some point it stops being a joke and is just annoying.
And is Anna a superhuman or something? No wonder Okuma doesn't want any snoo-snoo.
You know, considering what this show is about, I would be surprised if that was intentional
Not really since there's also an uncensored version. It tries to de something with it though, that's at least better than some other shows this season.
I'm actually pretty upset that this show didn't get an uncensored dub, if they gave it the Panty and Stocking treatment it could've been something awesome.
There are a lot of action filled Mahou Shoujos. Those are big words.
Dub? You mean simucast right?
Charlotte ep.6
FUCK, NO, FUCK, dammit, WTF. .. I knew it was coming, but still, I wasn't ready for THAT! My goodness the creator wasn't fuckin' around with what he said. That whole sequence was insane.. I can't even right now.
Iirc they redub for bluray releases, and since they aren't given the uncensored version until then,I wouldn't ever expect the simul-dub to be uncensoredNot really since there's also an uncensored version. It tries to de something with it though, that's at least better than some other shows this season.
I'm actually pretty upset that this show didn't get an uncensored dub, if they gave it the Panty and Stocking treatment it could've been something awesome.
He's this ripped and still doesn't have a girlfriend.
Iirc they redub for bluray releases, and since they aren't given the uncensored version until then,I wouldn't ever expect the simul-dub to be uncensored
Dude, your avatar is awesome!![]()