Dear god...
Watch the rest play out, the set-up and conclusion were good too, lol.
Trash is one thing, but funny trash is much better!
I can't stop laughing! When he tries so hard to get it away and her bra snaps and he just yells out in english "Dangerous!" I couldn't anymore lmao.
i have bad news for you
It did peak my interest of the show if the show is always this extreme. Will put the uncensored subs on my list of stuff to watch.
But will Otoo be able to finally going to find his wife ?
i have bad news for you
like you'll even tell from the wikipedia entry.
I will always have my waifu with me at work now. Secret Waifu.
I will always have my waifu with me at work now. Secret Waifu.
Akame ga Kil! 01
This show's got tonal whiplash out the wazoo. Wacky shounen hijinks one moment, super-bloody violence and characters so ludicrously evil they could be in Berserk the next. Good thing tonal consistency is overrated, 'cause I'm able to enjoy the constituent parts just fine.
Working!!! Ep6
I'll watch a magical girl poplar spinoff.
Berserk comparisons aren't inaccurate with the hyper violence and morally ambiguous protagonists but Berserk bothers to have some legit theming and spent 9 volumes building up the characters to be horrifically slaughtered and not 2 minutes.
All those moans
Be still my throbbing friend.
We have only yet reached the half way mark of the show overtaken by a goddess.
I wonder if I should watch this anime...
Looks like I would have a lot of laughs.
I wonder if I should watch this anime...
Looks like I would have a lot of laughs.
Shimoneta ep 6
Well that educational for the first few minutes....
Working!!! 6
Yamada still GOAT.
Charlotte 6
WTF... I knew shit was about to go down, but whyyyy :'(
If you don't care about tonal whiplash you will probably enjoy it way more.
Berserk comparisons aren't inaccurate with the hyper violence and morally ambiguous protagonists but Berserk bothers to have some legit theming and spent 9 volumes building up the characters to be horrifically slaughtered and not 2 minutes.
Oops maybe no Kancolle TV season 2.
Kancolle movie coming 2016.
I will always have my waifu with me at work now. Secret Waifu.
They should make one for that Naga from Monster Musume.
Uhhh it's a Lamia? Geez
Uhhh it's a Lamia? Geez
You'd think gamers would know their monsters.
Not really, but I recommend if you've seen Clannad, Angel Beats, or other KEY anime.So should i be watching charlotte? Is it anything like from the new world?
Okay so, as I said last week, I've been trying to get into the Monogatari series, and after reading some of your opinions on the matter I finally started watching it, starting with Bakemonogatari.
So first of all, I like it. I just watched 8 episodes and only stopped because I realized how late it was. Though, it actually took until episode 2 for it to completely get me into it.
Now for a more detailed opinion. The show differs a lot from other anime I've watched before, yet it still uses familiar elements. First of all and one of the most noticeable elements is the art. The backgrounds can be really odd at times, but not bad, just different. The animation is really special. The spontaneous transitions that don't follow a coherent line of actions really appeal to me. It charges this scenes with more meaning than just the represantation of the characters dialogue in a given context. It's a really interesting contrast. The story is interesting, and really funny at times, and the twists and surprises here and there keep you hooked. The characters also are interesting, each in their own way, though it might be too soon to give a complete opinion on that subject just yet.Like Mayoi being a ghost, that really blew my mind.
As for some of the things I had a hard time dealing with so far, I would primarly say that the constant flashing of words is the only thing I've had a problem with so far. At first I was trying to keep up with all of it, but I eventually gave up. Also, the fact that there is a "before" story that explains many of the things currently going on and that they don't bother too much on addressing, though I decided to just play along, as I know that this stories take place in further adaptations.
As for the closing statement I just have to say, some of the reaction faces are the best I've seen and they always give me a good laugh.