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Summer Anime 2015 |OT| SharingMana

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Basically the increase in funds is coming from streaming and not physical releases as much. Titles haven't moved as much as previously or have slowed down, yet companies are licensing more and getting more revenue from streaming on sites like Hulu and Crunchy in addition to Funi focusing heavily on their own site.

Instead of learning their lessons from previous company failures where they licensed everything under the sun ASAP, we see them licensing earlier and earlier in competitions for streaming, which may not recoup their funds. This is looking like another bubble.

To be fair, the business is a bit better now.
fansubs are less relevant in favor of pretty adequate date-of streaming. They used to rely on people blind buying series by the first volume.

fwi lwa2 upload is missing the last 20~ mins. lmao

trigger just informed that its fixed.

It's an arms race between the two big companies, with Sentai somehow existing as a shell company to launder money via weebs. lol

For me the biggest casualty in all of this is the death of licensed Japanese special features. There's literally no reason to get them anymore.

Yeah they are playing a dangerous game.
Your lie in April Series Review


Kousei Arima is a piano prodigy who can no longer hear his own playing. Two years prior his mother, who was also his instructor, passed away and left Kousei only with the means of being able to "play the score exactly as the composer intended it". He lives a quiet, easy-going life with his best friend Ryota Watari and childhood friend Tsubaki Sawabe. That is until a girl comes into his life that changes how he views his monotone world and even the very music he plays.

Simple enough synopsis. Some would maybe say cliche. But it's from this simple foundation that the show grows from. It is a deliberately paced show that was clearly given a lot of thought while being made.

Kousei is an awkward kid but plays well off of the many characters in the show that makes everything so genuine and heartfelt. He's not an infallible character and has many flaws. Which makes his transformation during the show that much more enjoyable to watch. He does the best in the situations that are thrown his way but sometimes his best doesn't cut it. And that's okay. This is not a series about how people can overcome everything. It's a show about someone who has lost important things and finds peace in that situation. Someone who learns to take the good with the bad and turns it into music. Someone who can uplift others and move them even when the can't uplift and move themselves. That's the type of show this is.

There are quite a few important characters in this show but I am going to focus on the main four since this is very much "their" story:
Kousei Arima - Our piano prodigy with a little bit of baggage. He lost his mother at a young age. Despite everyone saying otherwise, he understands his best quality is his piano playing and understands people care more about him being a pianist than about Kousei the fourteen-year-old kid. He learns throughout the show that he can convey his powerful emotions through his performances.

Kaori Miyazono - Kaori is Tsubaki's classmate, who asks her to set up a date with her and Watari. She asks Tsubaki to join and invite another friend to watch her in a music competition. She is a free-spirited violinist who draws much criticism from judges due to her unwillingness to follow the score and making it her own, but is loved by the audience. Kaori eventually convinces Kousei to play the piano again, first as her accompanist and later in a piano competition.

Tsubaki Sawabe - Kousei's childhood friend and next-door neighbor. She is athletic and is part of the softball club at school. She is one of the driving factors to help Kousei back on track and helps him in times of need. She wishes early on to get Kousei to start playing the piano again but also makes it known how she "hates" music for causing Kousei so much pain.

Ryota Watari - Watari is Kousei's best friend who is also the captain of the school's soccer team. He is stupid popular with the girls, often adopting a frivolous attitude. He does, however, give good advice to Kousei throughout the show and has some keen insight. More then a few times throughout the show I found myself saying "he's a really great friend" or "wow, this guy is a real bro".

Come now. Did you expect a show about music to not have great music and terrific music placement? This show plays certain music at the right moments when it is needed most and helps set the mood and atmosphere, enhancing the show to higher levels then it would've been without it.

Of course with this show being about piano and music the regulars Mozart and Beethoven are used but thankfully are used along with other great pieces. Most notably Chopin pieces, whose music is honestly used the most throughout the show and in competitions.

The OPs and EDs are fantastically with the first OP and second ED being my favorite OP and ED respectfully. All of them are well done but I had to post my favorites. :)

It's really hard to convey the animation of this show with just a few pictures and gifs but hopefully what I have posted so far gives you a general idea of the show. The last episode has some of the best art direction I have seen in an anime. Every frame is so thoughtfully done.

I am sure one of our animation experts here on GAF could probably find issues if they look hard enough, but the overall series is quite impeccable with how it is drawn and animated.

The show also has a distinct character art style that I quite liked with very defined facial features that most shows tend to quickly go over (like the lips for example). When I first watched the show it took me a few episodes to get used to it and by the end I was actively enjoying the art I was seeing.

Overall Thoughts:
When I look back on my time with Your lie in April I think about what I felt as I took this journey with these characters. When they lost I felt for them. When they won or did a good job I was as happy as the other characters in the show. Any time a character would experience a loss of heart I understood why and sympathized. Despite what it may seem like, it's rare for me to connect with a show's characters like this. Maybe it's because of my own life experiences. Whatever it may be this show did connect with me.

The characters really did grow as the show goes on. They grow as people and musicians/athletes. I think this is important to have in a character driven story like this. It can't win you over with flashy battles or overly cute moe girls. It has to sell you on it's characters and their story and the journey they take.

The show does have other things in the story to balance itself out so that way your always curious what happens next. It's almost a sports anime in regards to your always rooting for Kousei to do his best. That doesn't mean he will always turn in a good performance unlike most shows where the main character can always come out on top in some manner.

This show is love letter to music and the struggles of being an artist. I know that sounds cheesy as hell but hey I really wanted to say it! It is a lovingly crafted show that on the second watch made me appreciate it even more and even solidified my opinion and reinforced my opinion of the show. I hope I was able to convey why the show is as good as it is.

So, yeah, this anime is pretty amazing and I recommend it to anyone who even remotely likes slice-of-life, drama, character driven or music anime in general. This is a must watch. It's a show where it's ending will stick with me for years to come. 10/10


Your lie in April Trailer 2



Well, restraint as ultimate suggests. Hell, Funi is starting to get into the anime production game (although I guess they did that with the Bioware movies), and honestly this will probably end in disaster. Except now that people have gotten paid to do subs, I wonder if any of these people would even consider going back to doing subbing for free as "fans". lol

Yeah, be more careful with what you license isn't a bad idea. Of course that follows, however, that at some point, one or many of your favorite shows straight up won't get picked up since popularity and quality aren't always correlated.

Well, beyond the fact that I think the acting is generally bad or at least bland, I just think it's better to watch anything in their native language. I wouldn't want to see a dubbed version of Borgen, for example.

On a case to case basis, sure. As a general trend, no I don't think that's true at in the modern day. Strong dubs have infact improved my opinion of some shows or at least made them watchable/rewatchable in a way they wouldn't be subbed. I'm going to assume Borgen is a live action series/movie/whatever? If so, I don't think live action and animation are comparable in terms of dubbing and the difficulties/issues that can arise.

This is likely to just be a "agree to disagree" issue though and and I'm with that if it is.


Nope. Hence the 'wish I could give it another chance'. Regardless the melodrama was 99% of the reason I couldn't enjoy it.

Well I lie. The batman protagonist was too. His parents died, nobody could ever love him. HE IS THE NIGHT.

And yet you watched Batman and his crushing sister in Onii-sama: the series.


Unless they give us another Parasyte with mediocre animation especially in fight scenes. :(

Man Bones or Mappa should of been the ones to adapt OnePunch Man because they actually can do sakuga scenes properly.
What we know of the staff for One Punch Man bodes well so far, I'd say. Director had nothing to do with Parasyte, so.
And yet you watched Batman and his crushing sister in Onii-sama: the series.

There's a very fine line of 'entertaining Batman' and 'Shut up already Batman'.

Good Batman:
Fate Zero
maybe that show that just finished airing I'll have to watch it

Bad Batman:
everything else

Plus you're missing the fact that onii-sama was Batman, but he failed to recognize that he was also superman. He kept going "nobody would ever love me" and then ignores his thirst ass sister, destroys like the whole universe, and like hops to the moon to become a king. That's so bad it's good territory.


Magician's Academy ep 10-END:

Holy crap, this show is faithful to its crazy nonsense until the very last minute. There is absolutely no plot to this one and nothing really makes sense, but then again, it didn't need to. It was just plain ecchi fun and craziness throughout. I can't rate it extremely high because it does nothing great other than just being crazy and fun to watch, lol.


Unless they give us another Parasyte with mediocre animation especially in fight scenes. :(

Man Bones or Mappa should of been the ones to adapt OnePunch Man because they actually can do sakuga scenes properly.

You do realize that animators are generally not chained to one studio right? It would not be surprising if there are a bunch of animators who regularly work with BONES in OPM, because the core creative staff on it just came off Space Dandy.


You do realize that animators are generally not chained to one studio right? It would not be surprising if there are a bunch of animators who regularly work with BONES in OPM, because the the core creative staff on it just came off Space Dandy.

The way it's shaping up, OPM could really be something special.
There's a very fine line of 'entertaining Batman' and 'Shut up already Batman'.

Good Batman:
Fate Zero
maybe that show that just finished airing I'll have to watch it

Bad Batman:
everything else

Plus you're missing the fact that onii-sama was Batman, but he failed to recognize that he was also superman. He kept going "nobody would ever love me" and then ignores his thirst ass sister, destroys like the whole universe, and like hops to the moon to become a king. That's so bad it's good territory.
If there's one thing that I can agree with you on is the Mahouka being so bad it was good. Every week I would wonder "What kind of shit is he going to pull out of his ass next", and Onii-sama always delivered. Still can't believe he did what he did on the last few episodes. Almighty God on Earth material. You thought he was Batman? I think he had it in him to be all superheroes combined.


Internationally, she'd (or her agency would) like to have more control over the translation of her stuff, so that's probably why they're not willing to do rights as easily. Shows are a bit easier to do since that's worked out beforehand.

This might be a completely stupid question, but what would be the problem in giving her (or her agency) more control in how they translate her stuff? Unless there are additional costs involved, it wouldn't be a problem so long as the translation is correct/satisfactory.

So at this point, Gundam Age is the only currently without an NA release past, present or future. That's quite fitting actually.


Maybe AGE will have success if Tokyopop manages to license some of the manga spin offs

But seriously, I think that AGE might get some form of release in NA (maybe even as the OVA only) at a later time.

That's an odd decision. Usually Toei couldn't be arsed to do anything nice for non-Japanese fans.

Gauging interest? I mean the World Trigger anime started badly with the production issues and the awkward direction, but ever since it hit the 20 episode mark it had a 15 episode run of decent to actually good episodes.

That and at least on the English side, the manga has a following ( from listening to the podcast and how well it's doing, reading the comments by the editor about people sending letters to the author and reading around etc.) so maybe they are trying to see if there are enough people who care for them to take the blunge.


I wish I could give the show another chance but the melodrama was horrible, and the girl had horrible taste in men.

0/10 Woofs
Same here. I feel guilty seeing how people think it's one of the best anime shows in a while but the bad comedic bits and cringe-inducing melodrama stopped me from watching early on.


Nope. Hence the 'wish I could give it another chance'. Regardless the melodrama was 99% of the reason I couldn't enjoy it.

Well I lie. The batman protagonist was too. His parents died, nobody could ever love him. HE IS THE NIGHT.

I was just referring to the "she has bad taste in men" comment, lol. There are some crazy plot happenings in the series, but yeah, drama is a big part of it as they go through the MC'S personal struggle and growth. The small victories make you want to cheer, the feels during other moments and that ending, just wow..

But, like everything, it's not for everyone. .


Maybe AGE will have success if Tokyopop manages to license some of the manga spin offs

But seriously, I think that AGE might get some form of release in NA (maybe even as the OVA only) at a later time.
Consuming the OVA adaptation of the only good part of AGE is possibly the only good way to watch it.
I was just referring to the "she has bad taste in men" comment, lol. There are some crazy plot happenings in the series, but yeah, drama is a big part of it as they go through the MC'S personal struggle and growth. The small victories make you want to cheer, the feels during other moments and that ending, just wow..

But, like everything, it's not for everyone. .

to be completely fair, if this wasn't set in high school but instead was like a crime/cop show I would have finished it. I have a softspot for melodrama in cop shows.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
There's a very fine line of 'entertaining Batman' and 'Shut up already Batman'.

Good Batman:
Fate Zero
maybe that show that just finished airing I'll have to watch it

Bad Batman:
everything else

Plus you're missing the fact that onii-sama was Batman, but he failed to recognize that he was also superman. He kept going "nobody would ever love me" and then ignores his thirst ass sister, destroys like the whole universe, and like hops to the moon to become a king. That's so bad it's good territory.

Im just sitting here reading this post and wondering what the fuck you guys are even talking about.


There's a very fine line of 'entertaining Batman' and 'Shut up already Batman'.

Good Batman:
Fate Zero
maybe that show that just finished airing I'll have to watch it

Bad Batman:
everything else

Plus you're missing the fact that onii-sama was Batman, but he failed to recognize that he was also superman. He kept going "nobody would ever love me" and then ignores his thirst ass sister, destroys like the whole universe, and like hops to the moon to become a king. That's so bad it's good territory.
Hachiman is the true anime Batman.
Thanks for the replies everyone. Welp I guess I'll end up buying the BD for Non Non Biyori.

You do realize that animators are generally not chained to one studio right? It would not be surprising if there are a bunch of animators who regularly work with BONES in OPM, because the the core creative staff on it just came off Space Dandy.

Yeah I realize that but I'm just being a bit cautious because of how amazing the art for OnePunch Man is by Murata. It could either turn out something really special or something terrible. But since the Space Dandy team is on it I'll give it the benefit of the doubt. Hopefully it turns out amazing.
Same here. I feel guilty seeing how people think it's one of the best anime shows in a while but the bad comedic bits and cringe-inducing melodrama stopped me from watching early on.

I acknowledge late in the post that it isn't for everyone as it is with most anime shows. I say in the post who would like this type of show.

Although it is unfortunate that you and Woof don't like the show. But I know the show isn't your guys type of show either. I still think, for the people that like these types of shows, this is definitely one of the better ones.

to be completely fair, if this wasn't set in high school but instead was like a crime/cop show I would have finished it. I have a softspot for melodrama in cop shows.

Most of the show doesn't take place or is even at the school though... That isn't really the focus of the show.


Consuming the OVA adaptation of the only good part of AGE is possibly the only good way to watch it.

Honestly, the only good part of the Gundam AGE TV series was the first arc with Flit. What the OVA did was elevate the bi-polar second arc's writing to be on par with the 1st. Everything after that ended up being a complete and utter mess.

And even then, it was at best decent.

I'm really sad AGE never managed to rise and be an actual, worthwhile show beyond its first arc, but I guess there just was no hope with it.


Yeah I realize that but I'm just being a bit cautious because of how amazing the art for OnePunch Man is by Murata. It could either turn out something really special or something terrible. But since the Space Dandy team is on it I'll give it the benefit of the doubt. Hopefully it turns out amazing.

Yeah it could totally be a fuck up, but it could be a fuck up at MAPPA too!
I refuse to admit that BONES could fuck anything up, no one can make me!


Gate 01

Wow that was really interesting, I am surprise they actually used a 33 years old defense force instead of a 16 years old military prodigy. Really anxious to see where the story will be heading.

Most likely ended up being a harem with a different theme.

edit: oh just check, the novel is finished, so may be this time we will have a real ending on a LN adaption for once.
:/ 8man is my hero so I hope he gets the justice he deserves.
Justice would be him ending up with
Iroha aka best girl, breaking the triangle and therefore leaving the club as is, neither Yui or Yukino win
but that won't happen. After that infirmary scene, we all know who he's going to marry and leach off of as a stay-home dad.


Justice would be him ending up with
Iroha aka best girl, breaking the triangle and therefore leaving the club as is, neither Yui or Yukino win
but that won't happen. After that infirmary scene, we all know who he's going to marry and leach off of as a stay-home dad.
Iroha would be the best choice since both Yui and Yukinon won't have to see either of them be a third wheel. Iroha can remove herself from the circle that the three of them have established. I see Yuki winning and Yui accepting it since she's nice enough to let hachi and Yuki be happy together. It'll be a sad end either way. The show is mature enough to hopefully not get too petty with the romance triangle crap as it's been smart in dealing with relationships so far.
Yeah it could totally be a fuck up, but it could be a fuck up at MAPPA too!
I refuse to admit that BONES could fuck anything up, no one can make me!

I like Bones they are one of my favorite Studios but they did fuck up on Captain Earth, Chaika second season, AO, and DTB second season.
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