I would think of Rosario to Vampire first, only actually good.
Monogatari is the best, so I dunno!
Yamato notes
So I was a bit bored and decided to scrub through the end of Yamato again, and as the montage at the beginning of the movie kind of showed, Berger really did have a pointless Red Shirt "death" in the series at episode 20:
That's literally the last time you see him... and the way he unceremoniously disappears makes me wonder if they had the movie written all along and basically planted the seed there for his return in a post-Dessler/pre-finale context.
Heck, they even had a way to close out of the Mutineer storyline by having the one surviving dude just pop up on the Gamilas submarine near the end of the show:
I also forgot about the sanctimony with Starsha regarding the Wave Motion gun. She really comes off as fucking Marie Antoinette in this second viewing, because all this happens as a result of her enabling the piece of crap known as Dessler:
I know at the end they try their best to make him the tragic anti-hero who did the wrong things for the right reasons, but fuuuuuuuck you. That's like saying Hitler actually saved Europe by creating the conditions that would lead to the creation of the European Union decades later.
I suppose I understand the thematic resonance. If the Wave Motion energy is symbolic of man's fear of atomic power, then obviously we know that it has the capacity to kill millions but also the capacity to generate power that's clean and cheap. So turning the Yamato's gun into the one device that can save Earth makes perfect sense. But Starsha's reluctance over helping them is absurd, even if she does acquiesce in the end.
But man, fuck Dessler. I know he comes back based on the fact that he didn't die in 2199 and on what happens in the sequels to the originals, but man, what a dick. He tried to blow up his own god damn planet and none of his own men question that decision? If there's a science fiction version of Nuremberg in the Yamato universe, he should be the first to hang.