Angel's Egg
Angel's Egg is very atypical, and probably not a movie for everyone. It features very little dialogue, from the opening scene and about 23 minutes more not a single word is spoken, for example. I actually think it would have been more effective with no dialogue outside of that first word and the girl's cry near the ending. Long, long scenes with little to no sound or music. Sometimes a scene will have music and no sound, or sound and no music. If it does, most of the music is angelic humming. The shots commonly dwell on one thing for long periods, in fact, pretty much every shot is like that. You know that scene in Evangelion episode 24? The famous one with Kaworu in 01's grip as Ode to Joy plays? Like that, a lot of that. One scene in particular around the 51 minute mark has the man leaning against the bed with the girl on it. The scene lasts nearly two and a half minutes and the only change is the girl moves once and at the end the fire goes and the girl moves again. The movie is dark in color, making good use of blues and silhouettes, and looks somewhat Giger inspired at times. The main character, an unnamed girl with white hair, often appears out of the darkness and shadows. Nothing is really clear about what it is actually about. No one is named. It's unclear where this is. It's unclear when it is. What is clear is the influence from Christian mythos, obvious in the name of the film alone. I can make my guesses about the men throwing harpoons at the shadows of fish, the ark-like object that is shown in some shots and the nature of the eggs but that's all secondary to this, I feel. With all these things said, Angel's Egg is probably known the most for one thing - it is exceptionally beautiful and masterfully crafted. And I mean beautiful, there is not a single frame in the movie that looks anything less then stellar. It's hard to pick distinct images because like I said - the entire thing looks good. This is like, 1/6th the screencaps I took.
I should probably watch Patlabor at some point, and Oshii's other works. I watched the first two Ghost in the Shell movies, but that was years ago. I love Jin-Roh, but he didn't direct that, only wrote and scripted it.