Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies, episode 2a
My continuing playthrough of lawyer not anime anime.
Yeah sure game, it all totally takes place in the US. Not in Japan at all. That's just a town of Japanese immigrants. Sure game. Sure. Funnily enough, this Japanifornia thing makes Simon Blackquill, the prosecutor, look like a British weeabo, since he is a samurai lawyer or something.
Speaking of the prosecutor, the previous prosecutors may have gotten away with a lot of stuff like outright cheating, being smug assholes, whipping, throwing mugs of coffee at the defense, and playing an electric air guitar that somehow actually makes sound, but this one takes the cake. He is the most illegal prosecutor in the series yet, a convicted prisoner that every so often dishes out death threats, attempt to slice them with his sword, assault people with his pet bird, and hypnotizes everyone's mind.