Quick question, are mermaids exclusively female? I'm trying to be as accurate as possible.

Merman! MERMAN!
Quick question, are mermaids exclusively female? I'm trying to be as accurate as possible.
I dunno, maybeIt's a telephone tower, what did you expect?
Fishes and asses, that's what's going on.Yo. You guys missed my drunken shopping spree.
What's going on?
Fishes and asses, that's what's going on.
Damn that's alot of booty.
Nah he'll be back in less than a week
What? What're you talkin about? There's nothing creepy here! Nothing at all.Good thing that "We're not creepy anymore pt 2" thread title didnt win. Because it would be LIES
Good thing that "We're not creepy anymore pt 2" thread title didnt win. Because it would be LIES
Good thing that "We're not creepy anymore pt 2" thread title didnt win. Because it would be LIES
What? What're you talkin about? There's nothing creepy here! Nothing at all.
Come on man, that's just too bizarre.I dunno, maybeit coulda turned into a giant fighting robot or somethin. That'd be sick.
Good thing that "We're not creepy anymore pt 2" thread title didnt win. Because it would be LIES
You're totally right, I dont know what I was thinking.
Nuh uh, don't you try to tell me that. I know for a fact that's not true.Come on man, that's just too bizarre.
My friends girlfriend thinks it's racist if I say, "Yare Yare". She doesn't really give a reason why, but she thinks anytime I say a Japanese word (as a joke, I swear I'm not a weeb) it's highly offensive.
Honestly though, there's way better shit than a Stand that transforms into a mecha in JoJo's. I'm kind of glad Araki never goes that route. It'd be a little too stereotypical and wouldn't really fit in, especially with how unstereotypical later parts are.Nuh uh, don't you try to tell me that. I know for a fact that's not true.
Don't listen to him, he's just throwing you off!Honestly though, there's way better shit than a Stand that transforms into a mecha in JoJo's. I'm kind of glad Araki never goes that route. It'd be a little too stereotypical and wouldn't really fit in.
My friends girlfriend thinks it's racist if I say, "Yare Yare". She doesn't really give a reason why, but she thinks anytime I say a Japanese word (as a joke, I swear I'm not a weeb) it's highly offensive.
Actual footage of MrfraudwilYou're not running around saying kawaii desuuuuuuu or really dumb broken japanese weeb shit. It's whatever, especially if you say it with Jotaro's tone of voice
But...you're fraudwil. How can i trust you?Don't listen to him, he's just throwing you off!
W-where did you find this.
BestGAF always catches up with you...W-where did you find this.
I thought I had severed ties with my past...
I only say it in a deep voice and I've got the pronunciation pretty down.You're not running around saying kawaii desuuuuuuu or really dumb broken japanese weeb shit. It's whatever, especially if you say it with Jotaro's tone of voice
Closed it before it could do me any harm
Oh shit, did I? Welp. Get another mod to unlock it?how dare you lock the instasync playlist, fraudwil
how dare you lock the instasync playlist, fraudwil
how dare you lock the instasync playlist, fraudwil
See above K-On threatthere, i unlocked it. fraudwils gonna fraudwil amirite?
i wanted to add something and fraudwil is a fraud so he locked the playlistoooh you're hanging in the Instasynch?
Alright, my first thread is going pretty well. I'm curious what you all think, even though I think you talked about it before and I missed it, so why don't you all pop on over to off topic and give your stance on the mermaid vs reverse mermaid debate.
i wanted to add something and fraudwil is a fraud so he locked the playlist